Men’s Hairloss Before And After Treatment
Great Regrowth Only 5 Months!

These are actual unedited Medical Wellness Center patient testimonials after 6 months to 19 years on Avodart:
I’ve noticed positive results right away from Avodart. At first, just a reduction in the do have shedding once a year but it is replaced with new hair in a few months. (2012-2017)ammount of hair I lose each day. Then over a few months my hair thickened and improved it’s “health” and appearance. I also seem to have new hair growth on the temples and crown.
No previous use of propecia or minoxidil.
Within months of the starting treatment with Avodart my hair completely stopped falling out and I had some new regrowth in the front.. The new hairs coming in are thin but much more plentiful
I am currently maintaining my hair with no loss since taking Avodart. I
Avodart has slowed rate of hair loss (2006-2015)
My hair has been stable with very little hair loss since I’ve been on Avodart (2002-2015)
Initially I experienced shedding and have lost some hair during the periods when I wasn’t on the medication. However while on it I noticed a great deal of hair regrowth. (2009-2016)
good results
Seems to be maintaining current hair, hairline, and thickness
keeps the hair you have
hair loss has significantly slowed
stopped hair loss
Helps me to keep the hair I have. Slows down new loss.
My hair has gotten visibly thicker
I have been seeing very good progress while using the drug. Thinning hair has stopped
No shedding, new hair growth, thicker existing hair
Has stopped all hair loss and resulted in restoration of hairline.
Hair has stabilized with some regrowth
I’ve been taking it for 10 years and it has worked well for me, able to keep the m ajority of my hair.
I didn’t notice anything for the first three months however now in the fourth month I’m starting to see some improvement. My hair is feeling and looking thicker now. I’m very pleased so far, I hope this trend continues. Sincerely, Ron ______
I have had great results with avodart thus far. I do have shedding, but it is always followed with a regrowth phase, which leaves my hair looking thicker and stronger each time. Overall it is the best treatment I have used to treat my MPB and has regrown my hair to nearly the same thickness as when I was in my late teens.
Hair loss has stopped almost completely. There has been moderate growth in the crown, a smaller percentage of growth on top, and very little growth in the frontal regions (mainly just around the hair line.) Have noticed shedding once or twice.
It was great. Been on it for 2 years and hair has mostly stopped balding. Still VERY slow recession, but no doubt the Avodart is helping. Started out quick–caught it pretty early and have been maintaining pretty well ever since. Still have slow recession occurring, but Avodart has worked SO much better than propecia at slowing the loss.
I have experienced shedding after 18 months followed by regrowth. The shed was heavy and lasted about 2 1/2 weeks. After this period of shedding I experienced good regrowth. The only strange part is the sheds seem to effect the frontal part of my hairline hardest. However, I have experienced shedding with every hair loss treatment I have tried. Rogain, Propecia, and Avodart have all prouduced sheds for me. I am guessing this means I am a good responder to these treatments as my hair has always come back thicker and stronger. Overall Avodart has worked better for me then anything else I have tired and I am very happy with my results.
Dear Medicall Wellness Center,
Here is my experience, I am Dutch, so there maybe some grammar mistakes!
I have used finasteride for about three years with good success,
the fourth year it looked like fin has lost his strength, because every month my hair got worse
and had more loss. I felt really bad that fin was not working anymore!
Five months ago, I started taking avodart.
First week little bit of headache , but this went away after two weeks.
Also in the very beginning I noticed more oily skin?? but this also went away!
week three and four shedding, and shedding that I never noticed in the beginning of propecia
The shedding lasted for about three weeks in total.
After that , it went better every month, No more side effects whatsoever, except a little bit of gain wait, but maybe I have to do more exercise !!
Month three and four , noticeable thick hair and regrowth in the crown, the thickening of hair is very noticeable, Inever had this thick hair while on fin. Also my hair feels less oily , which feels a lot better.
Regrowth in the crown, also very noticeable , not only me, but also other people saw the progress.
Unfortunately no regrowth in the front, but its only my fith month!
Month three and four were very good, and looked very promising.
This month, my fifth, my hair does not feel very thick anymore, but maybe its a face,
I think I really can give a good experience after a year, and I hope I will see the same results the up coming months which I had in month three and four.
There is one thing that is also noticeable. When I was young I used to have really blond hair.
When I got older my hair got more dark blond, only on summer holiday it got blonder due to the sun.
Well, its so strange but my hair gets blonder on avodart!! People think I am blonding my hair!!!
I never had this while on propecia. I like it, but I never knew that dht, has something to do with the colour of the hair??
Anyway, Its ups and downs, but it looks promising, because the last year on fin, it only was going downwards, and with avodart, I have good hair days again!!
Thanks for your interest, and your service, I will soon fillng in for another prescription, and if you like I will give you the results after a year of using avodart
greetings erik
I am having outstanding results and they started about 45 days after beginning. I had an extremely stagnant result with propecia so I was not holding out much hope. Propecia helped me not lose as much but I still lost hair. I have not ever been bald but I was about a 2.5 on the norwood scale. Now after about 4 months I am at a 1.5 to 2. My hair shaft is thicker. I am filling in areas around the front that haven’t grown hair in probably 3 to 5 years. If I was reading this I probably wouldn’t believe it but BELIEVE ME. I have no reason or vested intrest in avodart to not tell the truth. For the first time since I was in college I have my hair grown out (about 5 inches long on top) and just comb it straight back everyday. My recession would have been embarassingly noticeable with the hairline I had last year. Simply, it would have looked AWFUL. I am 34 years old and was about to give up hope but am so glad I didn’t. I do use minoxidil based products still and other topicals so I’m sure that has something to do with it as well but it wasn’t until dutasteride that it really started happening for me. I hope others are having the same results and I hope you can email me back and tell me the response you are getting from others. Thank you for the fantastic service.
M. Dxxxxxxx Dallas, TX
Dear Medical Wellness Center,
Concerning my experience thus far with Avodart/Dutasteride, I would have to say it is by far the best hairloss treatment I have used to date (including minoxidil, thymuskin, saw palwetto/nettle/pygeum, etc…). I started using 1/4 tab Proscar about six months prior to Avo/Dut and had some positive results, but my hair has really improved since taking Avo/Dut. I am currently going through a seasonal “shed” but my hair is far better than it was at this time last year. (I am currenlty using no other regrowth tx).
I had some dry skin/dry eye symptoms early on which have since stabilized. The dry eye is gone, and my skin feels “normal” again although much less oily than previous (it looks better as well). The only negative side effect I’ve really experienced is some weight gain, probably from increased testosterone -> estrogen conversion, but I’m making progress on that end with more exercise.
I would definately be interested in ordering from MedsDirect when my current supply is gone.
Thank you.
Dan V————-
The drug is phenomenal. In the 6 months I have used it, I definitely have noticed regrowth with absolutely no side effects. Thank you so much for making this available to me–it has greatly improved my life. JP — Wellnessmd@aol.com wrote: Membership #6139xxxxxAV
slight shed , thicker hair overall
no shedding,extreme thickening of hair, excellent results no side effects whatsoever. i am very!! pleased with the results Hair has stabilized and stopped falling out. Regrowth has been gradual
noticed very little hairloss shortly after start and have added considerable density. I have not had any shedding periods.
notices a slowing of loss
Things seemed to get thinner weeks 4 -8 then, considerable thickening on entire scalp from week 16 until now. Not sure if I am continuing to improve but very happy with the results so far. Much better than when I was on Proscar from Aug 1988 to Dec 2002.
had initial shedding, hairloss slowed/stopped after ~4 months
Hair is thicker, crown filling in, lots of work needed though
There was an inital significant shed (particularly about the crown) about one month into the medication, which lasted for several weeks. Subsequently, there was substantial regrowth to the point that the hair is markedly more dense than when I began treatment. Frontal hairline has remained largely unchanged, but some marginal new hairgrowth (approximately 1/2 inches in length or less)is visible just at, or below, the existing hairline.
Notable loss by High School age, increased in college. Improved greatly with Avodart .5mg/day as only treatment.
No shedding. Regrowth at 3 months.
I had minimal shedding, no side effects. My hair is much thicker and healthier looking. Still not sure if any growth is occurring. But results were much more better than propecia or minoxidil. Thickening about month 5 and has been getting better ever since. Random hairs around temple area where hairline used to be. Very excited to continue using avodart.
Notice changes right away my hair loss stopped
Noticed changes within second month. Thickening of existing hair. Some vellous regrowth at temples.
Yes had initial shedding at the 3 month but it resided
It took about 3 months and I started to see a thickening on the crown and along the sides and front. I had no shedding or any side effects other than more hair.
Stopped hairloss at the most after 5 to 6 months, no initial shedding, no regrowth.
Thickening in Mid Anterior and crown, slight shedding at the frontal Hair line
My hair loss is stopped, and some thickening started 1 month ago.
stopped hairloss witjin first 2weeks. regrowing in temple and crown areas
Noticed overall improvement within 3 months. My crown, which was quite thin, has almost completely filled in. New hair continuing to grow in around hairline and on top.
I took Propecia with good results starting in 1999 and then switched to Avodart in 2002 with even better results.
My response to Avodart has been good. I can tell the hair directly on top of my head is a little denser. The most noticeable change has been on my temples and perhaps a mild shed at around the one month mark…regrowth to this point (five months) has been minimal, if any
Seems like hair loss has diminished. Hair seems to grow longer and stay fuller (before falling out). Was previously on Propecia so can’t there was a huge change, but again, losses seem to have diminished.
just maintaining after 6 months
frontal hairline. At 3-4 months, I noticed small hairs were becoming visible where my hairline used to be. Now approaching the end of 6 months, these hairs are much more visible and actually have a little length to them. I am eager to see how it will look at 9-12 months! I do not recall a period of initial shedding. If it did occur, it was not apparent to me when viewing my hair in the mirror.
Some thickening in frontal area.
Started losing my hair at age 19 by age 32 I was a NW class 5-6. I started using finesteride 6/02 and then switched to Avodart 12/02. I have regrown 2.5 inches of my original frontal hair (only have .5″ to reach my original hairline). My crown area is a NW 3-4. I have not experienced any side effects from Avodart (.5 mg/day).
After 4 months a thickening of hair,no shedding.
maintained existing hair
moderate regrowth
skin cleared up immediately and regrowth beginning after about 4 months. thickening of existing hair can be seen.
My hair loss seems to have halted. It is difficult to say if there has been any regrowth after 6 months use
Noticed new hair growing all over my scalp at 3 months and continues to improve weekly
hairloss slowed down greatly after first month,no regrowth yet
Some regrowth visable after 4 months.
hair seems fine…there were some shedding in the 5th month. overall there is no slick bald spot.
I observed thickening and a reduction in daily hairloss after six weeks on Avodart. Hair loss accelerated during months 3 and 4, but stabilizied, and thickening resumed beginning in month 6.
:: Initial shedding, which seemed to have all but stopped.
I observed thickening and a reduction in daily hairloss after six weeks on Avodart. Hair loss accelerated during months 3 and 4, but stabilizied, and thickening resumed beginning in month 6.
: hairloss has stopped
after 5 and one half months there are many short new hairs coming in. they are of natural color. i have had a little shedding that occurred around month 3.
Some thickening of temples, which was my goal; definite increased growth on scalp and even in hairline area, however, nothing close to complete “filling in;” however, that was not my expectation, and my modest expectations were exceeded
: Some initial shedding that stopped at 4months – now at 5 months some slight thickening
hair loss seems to be slowing
slowing of hair loss
: Had some slight initial shedding which lasted 3 months. Shedding has stopped completely. Have not noticed any cosmetic improvement yet, however it may take some time I realize.
During the first 6 weeks I experience large amounts of shedding. Over the past few months it has decreased to the point of no shedding. My exisiting hair appears to be thickening but no regrowth to date
I have been on Avodart 5 months as of today, 6/15/03. My overall remaining hair is thicker, have seen some moderate regrowth at the crown, no regrowth at hairline or temples yet, but, no further loss anywhere.
4-6 weeks shed; 3-4 months regrowth
I noticed some intial shedding which led to less shedding than before. I think I have some hair regrowth but also I think it may be too soon to tell.
After about 3 weeks – I noticed that my hair was starting to stabilize andthe fallout was reduced. After about 3 months – I felt my fallout had severly reduced and my hair was close to stabilization
Hair still shedding but thicker
I noticed healthier feeling hair within a couple of weeks. After six months my hair looks fuller. I don’t know if this is regrowth or thickening shafts, but there is a difference for the better.
Visible hair loss decreased to a very stable level approximately 3-4 weeks after first administration. There were no instances of noticable shedding throughout the 6 months. Hair has not thickened up but, rather, has maintained its appearance and fullness. Skin has become less oilier and acne free. It is working very well, I believe, in maintaining my hair and preventing further loss.
Started to notice a difference after first month less fallout and overall my scalp felt better. Three months into treatment started to notice a few new hairs growing below my hairline and a slight thickening up all over. Now after six months I can see lots of new hairs growing in front the new growth looks like my hairline when I was twentyfive years old. Very exciting and I know this medication works. I am confident that it just takes more time I had my best results from Propecia after two years and think the same thing will happen with avodart only much better. My hairloss was slow and I think my regrowth will also take time.
Response to Avodart treatment described:: Initially it seemed to completely hault the loss. At about 3.5 to 4.5 months I seemed to shed more than ever. 4.5 to present hairloss has seemed to hault again. I definatly have some new hair at the temples and the crown.
:: After initial shedding for the first four months, hair is beginning to thicken slowly but noticeably.
Hairloss has stopped and hair is regrowing over scalp.
I have not experienced any kinds of shedding whats so ever and i noticed that avodart was working withing the first two months. I believe that avodart has stopped my hairloss and has thickened my existing hair.
:: Noticed vellous hairs on hairline thickening within 3 months. They are thicker and darker but not terminal, normal hairs at 6 months. No shedding.
:: some initial shedding which has stopped with definite thickening of hair and halting of further loss. Shedding about one month to three months and thickening after just a few weeks
No shedding and about a 20% increase in crown density after 4 months. About a 5-10 % increase in hairline density. Overall improved hair shaft quality over propecia.
after about 4 months my improvement seemed nothing short of miraculous, but recently i had a period of major fallout and things are now looking bad again. I have increased my dose to two .5 pills per day and am starting to see the beginnings of regrowth.
My response has been good. Regrowth has been slow but steady. I have thousands of tiny slightly pigmented hair that continue to grow. Could take a year for good results. People have commented that my hair is looking thicker. I have a buzz cut.
I had some initial shedding but as time went by the shedding slowed down and I began to notice the overal quality of my hair improved.
My hair loss seemed to stop within the first week or two, however, I did not experience any noticeable regrowth until recently. After about six months on Avodart, I noticed that my hair had thickened a great deal on the top and a little on the sides. It seems to me that there has been a little regrowth at the frontal hairline, however, this could be all in my mind. I may have experience a little shedding early on, however it was not noticeable. Otherwise I have not experience any side effects as a result of using Avodart.
noticed some regrowth around hairline. experienced some shedding for first month. have had no side effects. hairloss is almost completely stopped.
:: Great results after the first 3-4 months. Noticed increase loss after 5 1/2 months. Currently loss has slowed, and hair is filling in nicely. Very positive results
:: 0-2 months slight regrowth 2-4 months shedding 4-6 months continued regrowth
My progress have been so far thicking of the hair and alot of new hair grow. Result have been much better than with it any other drug ( propecia). The results are always improving ever month. That part is very exciting
started seeing a definite improvement in my crown area…this area is almost completely filled in after 6 mos. of treatment
I have used it for 6 months and it seems to be maintaining my hair much better than the Propecia did. The regrowth that I have had has been mostly in the back but my frontal area continues to lose a little but not at the rate as before.
Responding moderately well. Noticed vellous blond hairs after a few weeks, but they haven’t become terminal. Hair has felt thicker and healthier. Very light shedding after about 3 months, but hair returned. Possibly slight regrowth at this point.
4 months to stop loss, regrowth stage now
Slight regrowth, vastly improved density, far less shedding. GReat drug!
During month one and two, skin got noticably dry aroung forehead and eyebrows, beard hair growth has been reduced about 50% and non-thinning side and back of head hair got even thicker and noticable shed occurred at month 2.5 that lasted a month but was not severe. During month three and four, crown hair got alot thicker and longer. During months five and six, mid-scalp hair has gotten noticably thicker and longer. Front hair is still short and thin and no real improvement on recessed temples as of yet but i am very encouraged.
Thickening in crown area after 3-4 months. Stabilization of existing hair. No shedding or any other hair-related problems.
My progress has been excellent. I honestly have to say that I’m very pleased with Avodart. I’ve been taking the .5 mg softgel dosage everyday and it’s been wonderful. My hair has gotten thicker and the tiny spot in the crown has filled in very nicely. My receeding temples have come in just a bit. Remind you I am 25 yrs old and was not that bad to begin with. With the treatment going on to the 6th month mark, I’d have to say I’m very happy to have decided to use avodart. Great product by GSK. Hope my input helps.
initial shedding was minimal. The amount of hair that was falling out before avodart has decreased. I have not seen any new hair starting to grow but the hair i have appears to have started to thicken.
initial shedding was minimal. The amount of hair that was falling out before avodart has decreased. I have not seen any new hair starting to grow but the hair i have appears to have started to thicken.
I did have intial shedding at week 4. My crown is thicker at this point.
Slight regrowth with thickening of existing hair within the last 30 to 45 days.
some regrowth at the crown, some shedding at the beginning, thickening
Within several months I could tell my hair was getting thicker. Now, seven months later, my hair is thicker than it has been in at least 4 years. My hairline has not completely filled in, but it has moved down at least a quarter inch thus fair. This new growth in the front is not a thick as the rest of my hair, but it is beginning to fill in more each month.
I had some shedding which had started about one month into the prescription. The shedding stopped after a few weeks and then I noticed my frontal hairs to grow slightly longer. After six months of taking Avodart I feel that my hairloss has haulted and hopefully I will be noticing new hair grow within the coming months.
no significant initial shedding shedding reduced over the six-month period of taking Avodart improved maintenance of existing hair, although little regrowth of hair lost previously
Intial shedding the first few months that then was reduced to almost no shedding. No noticeable regrowth.
Regrowth and thickening of hair occurred within three months. Currently no hairloss while on medication
slight shedding after month 1. regrowth during months 2&3. less progress/some shedding last 3 months.
very good results starting at month 3
4 months thickening…shaft and density
light shedding after 2 months, thicker hair by month 5-6.
Noticed considerable hair growth about 3 weeks into treatment. The crown of my head was completely bald and now covered in fine, light colored (have dark brown hair) hairs about 1/2 to 1 cm long. Also growth of the same type in the frontal scalp within existing (remaining) dark hair and in the upper temples area. No shedding as of yet nor thickening.
avadart has been working good for me. its been a slow process but it seems to be working. i did have a lot of shedding the 1st couple of months. but i havent had any shedding in a while and its starting to fill in around my temples. my hair is unusual though. before avadart the hair that was ravaged by dht would get really curly and wirey so thats how i noticed that was the 1st stage of my hair falling out. after being on avadart for about 9 months ive noticed that its starting to eliminate the wirey hairs and my whole head of hair is starting to straighten out. im assuming that in due time it will fill back in. so im still gonna stick with it for a full year at least. and then evaluate my situation.
Noticed within 2 weeks that fallout dramatically reduced, and the crown area has shown noticable regrowth.
hair thickening, less hair shedding, some hairline grew back
I saw shedding at month 3 for about 2 1/2 weeks, followed by hair regrowth at months 4-5. I am in month 6 and my hairloss has stopped and my hair feels much thicker.
think it took 3-4 months to see noticable positive improvement in hair thickness. I’m still waiting and hoping for some fill-in in my frontal hairline.
I have noticed a definate, though gradual, thickening of my hair at the hairline and at the crown. I began to notice reults after about 3 months. I did not have any noticible initial shed.
Had thickening at first for a month, then shed all the way through. Now hair seems to be thickening again (had similar results with shedding on propecia).
Hair is slightly thicker.. hairloss apparently stopped
I haven’t noticed any regrowth, but there does seem to be less shedding than with the propecia.
Definite thickening of hair..looks very promising
Hair generally healthier after 6 weeks. Still have mild shedding. No initial shed. Hair generally thicker.
I had shedding for the first 3-4 months, now I have no shedding at all and lose very little hair in the shower, combing, etc.
hair loss slowed considerably after a few months, started noticing slight regrowth after about 6 months
I believe I have responded well to Avodart, noticing some regrowth after about 3 months use, and considerable regrowth in the next 3 months. I did have some initial shedding, but it is unclear as to whether this was due to the drug, or if it was naturally shedding quickly.
After three months I started noticing some regrowth, however just recently I was having a great deal of shedding that lasted for about 2 weeks but it stopped and I’m hoping to go through another round of regrowth in the second six months
initial shedding, noticed regrowth after 3 months
I just completed my first six months of Avodart treatment for male pattern baldness. Prior to taking Avodart, I had been using finasteride for over three years with acceptable results. My hair loss continued, but at a much slower rate.
Overall, the results I’ve experienced since I began using Avodart have not been very dramatic. Initially, during the first six to eight weeks of treatment, I noticed that my hairloss appeared to stop entirely. Then it returned with a vengance. I’m aware that many people report shedding during the first several months of treatment with finasteride, minoxodil, and Avodart. However, since I had never experienced shedding with finasteride or minoxodil, I was somewhat concerned.
Finally, around the six-month mark, my shedding has stopped and I’ve even noticed a small amount of regrowth – surprisingly even in the frontal area. Since it appears that I may have *turned the corner* with my Avodart treatment, I’m going to renew my prescription for an additional twelve months.
I’ll let you know what happens.
I am looking to get another prescription for Avodart because I am extremely pleased with the results. I have noticed no side effects and I am starting to grow hair back where I have been bald for 15+ years.
Response over the last 6 months has been good, better than propecia on the crown, and at least as good in the front.
Initial shedding big time…hair loss minimal…waiting for new hair growth
I would say about 5 months before I saw any noticable thickening of hair. I would like to continue taking Avodart.
seem to have a few thin hairs of about 1″
Like expected, the rate of hair fall-out has dropped. There has been some shedding, but nothing too unusual. By the third or fourth month on Avodart I noticed a large decrease in the number of hairs I was losing in a given day. This treatment seems to be gradually slowing down my hair loss. In fact, most of the remaing hairs seem thicker and darker than they did just a few months ago. I’m more than satisfied with this treatment after just five months of use. I expect the condition of my hair to continue to improve over the next year or so.
So far some regrowth and slowing of loss, although loss continues to take place, seasonally (Spring and Fall)
i saw results soon after starting avodart. All is well and i am retaing my hair better then when i was on propecia.
I noticed regrowth after 5 months
I started noticing a change after 2 months. I did have shedding initially but that has almost gone away. My thinning is at the vertex and it appears to be beginning to fill in.
No shedding, continual slow improvement in vertex hair
no initial shedding. Hair loss stopped after about 3 months. Started noticing thickening of remaining hair after 5 months. Also started to grow new hair in crown area after 5 months
Some sparse regrowth at the temples beginning at about 3 months. Not a lot of hair but definitely more than there was before. No initial shedding.
hair loss seems to have stopped and it is slowly coming back. Not usre exactly on the time frames.
months into using Avodart I noticed vellous hairs along hairline and temple areas.
Hair is thicker and don’t see any more hair falling out.
Not much noticable effect after first 2 months. By five months bald spot mostly filled in. Just started using Minoxidil 2% once every evening in six month. Seems like it is helping.
Growing new hair and thickening especially in crown.
no shedding. 3 months – less fallout, 5 months – thicker hair
after 4 months of using Avodart I notice regrowth throughout the entire scalp as well as an overall thinkening of existing hair
Shedding slowed right away and regrowth stated in the 3-6 month period.
hair thickining . no more hair loss within 4 mos
My hair has thickened all over and filled in a bit in the back. It is still thin in the front.
I had noticed small hairs within 7 days. I did have some shedding in the first 6 weeks however I also had new growth at the same time. My 2 inch bald spot in the back is the size of a nickel and my front hair line has lowered at least one full inch in just 6 months
slight hair growth…noticed after 3 mos. no shedding.
some shedding at month 4 and 5. some regrowth at month 6
Hair loss in front has stopped…less effective in back around crown area…overall, very good at halting my hair loss and returning noticeable hair in the front…now I look like a 39 year old man with a receding hair line instead of a balding man with a potential horse shoe haircut basically, my hair started gradually thinning in my early 20s. Minoxodil slowed the thinning, and then Propecia reversed my hair loss in the medium term…Avodart has similar effects to Propecia but does a better job of regrowing noticeable cosmetic hair in the front area
Gradual thickening, especially in the crown. Hairloss ceased as of the 3 month mark
Progress is good. Used propecia for 2 years. Started on avodart for 6 months and have noticed increased density in crown region. No obviously sexual side effects either.
Thinkening of hair after 3 months. Moderate regrowth. Minimal shedding @ month 5-6. Overall, very happy with results, no side effects noted.
I have noticed some slight increase in thickness after an approximate 6 month period of use.
My general experience with Avodart has been positive. I did not notice any initial shedding but have noticed a slight thichening at the top of my scalp and a general holding pattern elsewhere. Overall very pleased.
First couple or months,similar to propecia, excessive shedding. After four months slowed down. Hair became thicker and darker and areas in front and back slowly growing back in.
Hair loss has slowed or stopped. No significant regrowth yet. No shedding. Hair looks and feels thicker.
Initial shedding, still some continued shedding, no regrowth as yet. Previously taking Proscar so will continue with treatment for full year.
I have had good results after the first 3-4 months of treatment. Initially, my hair started shedding at a faster rate, but I eventually noticed some growth. Most of the growth has been at the top of the head, and I have seen my bald spot at the back shrink somewhat, although I still have a bald area there. I have continued to use minoxidil in combination with Avodart. I was a former Proscar user and I think Avodart is more effective.
I’m now almost 10 months on Avodart (I’m using now cheap Avodart from Europe) and everything is OK. No shedding, no thinning and my hairline is not going backwards, this is the most important for me. I know the hairline is a big problem area for the most of men, even Propecia was not strong enough to protect the hairline of some men. I can see now that Avodart is more effective then Propecia
Initial thickening, slight shedding after 5 months
Just a spot of hairloss,then a thickening in the back.At the 7 month
Immediate decrease in hair loss. Started seeing regrowth by month three.
I have noticed a general thickening of my hair, which began about two months after starting avodart
I’m keeping the hair I have with Avodart. I’d like to get the 12 month script.
Hair texture improved within a week. Hair began to thicken within 2 months of treatment. Hair growth has continued with a few incidences of shedding. The crown is entirely filled in at this point, but the front remains a little thin.
So far it seems to be similar to Propecia, no dramatic changes yet. Shedding comes and goes. I am willing to try it for another year.
Hair thickening throughout; better manageability of hair and a very noticeable decrease in the amount of hair I lose on any given day.
Initial thinning was noticed of smaller hairs. Biggest change was in the overall health of hairs that were falling out. The smaller hairs seemed to stop after the first 3-4 months and the overall size of the hairs falling out seemed to increase. Need to continue avodart therepy to further see if hair growth appears
Shed at first, now hair is thickening and new growth
I have noticed regrowth that continues to take place to date. Started noticing regrowth at about month four of use no noticeable shedding took place for me.
about 4 or 5 months I started to regrow hair
I had been taking propecia since the late 90’s, so there was already regrowth taking place. There seems to be slightly more regrowth with Avodart.
Results for me are really good; no side effects and I have considerably more regrowth than I expected and a much better hairline than when I was 30 (5 years ago)!!!
Good response. Thickening in one month.
I had some shedding but now it’s filling in.
I have been using for about 6 months and I felt that I had some addition thickness after about 4 months of use, but it has remained stable with no additional loss.
Back seems somewhat thicker. Some thinning of the frontal area of my scalp has occurred since switching from Propecia to Avodart. Hopefully it will grow back with time while continuing to take Avodart.
I never noticed any shedding. I started to notice some new growth in the crown area after about 3 months
My response to Avodart has been good. I have maintained my current amount of hair. I had taken Propecia for almost 4 years before I switched to Avodart six months ago. I have noticed that my scalp itches much less with Avodart than Propecia and the results are at least as good.
Hair looking much thicker – other people have commented. Hairline at front has started to fill in. Was about 2 months before noticed anything and recently so after 6 months, its really started to have an effect. Generally, thickening of hair after 3 months
Dear Medical Wellness Center,
My progress with Avodart has been excellent. I have had a cessation of hair fallout and substantial regrowth in both the temple and crown areas. Also, I have experienced no side effects, sexual or otherwise. I am very pleased with Avodart and thank you for your help. I shall renew my prescription via your web site shortly.
Thank you,
John T xxxxxxxx
I believe the dutasteride has worked better than did Propecia for me.
I noticed Avodart has been maintaining hair, while decreasing my hair loss.
at 3 months noticed thickening in crown continued progess to date
I have experienced thickening in the crown area and a noticable lessening of fallout.
used for six months, no real initial sheding, no thichening either, maybe hair loss rate slowed a little
:: Regrowth began at around 6 weeks and has maintained or possibly continued
Finasteride started to lose some of its effectiveness after about 3 years. At 1mg/day it was starting to lose out to aging I suppose. Avodart at .5 mg/day seems as good as finasteride at 5 mg. Avodart can alter the dryness or oilness of your hair. It seems that when you go on or off Avodart you experience a change in scalp oiliness. Initial shedding was light and I never got worried by the amounts that initially fall out. I believe that both propecia and avodart have negative effect on sex drive. While it doesnt cause impotence it maybe causes a 20% decrease.
Results… it seems to be helping the front better than the back crown area. This is almost the opposite of what propecia was doing. I believe that both of these drugs are good at keeping the hair you have, but they dont bring back hair that you lost more than 2 years ago. My theory is that hair that goes dormant more than 2-3 years is gone forever.
In conclusion I would say that Avodart works better for me then 5 mg finasteride. It can effect the oiliness of your scalp. Scalp itch goes away totally on Avodart. Trying to stretch your supply of .5 mg Avodart by taking one pill every other day seems to cause giant fluctuations in scalp oil and itching. One thing I noticed is that if you ever go off finasteride/avodart for say 6 months you will lose alot of hair. You pretty much become dependent on it.
I started a maintenance program of finasteride about 4 years ago. Then switched to Avodart about 6 months ago. I am fairly sure this has allowed me to slow the rate of hairloss to about 10% of what it would be otherwise. I am also fairly positive that all topical treatments are snake oil. Mainly because they are always mixed with alcohol or propylene glycol and other skin irritants that cause more harm than good.
Some things that help hair more than topicals include swimming. My sister commented that the frontal hair seemed alot thicker after 6 months of lap swimming. I dont know if its the combination of better overal health, increased blood flow during excercise, the washing away from excess oil, or the increased circulation due to the coldness of the water. But strangely lap swimming in a cold pool does seem to prevent hair loss. This was in my late 20’s.
-dave, age 35
I have strictly maintained my .5MG daily dose, and it has worked wonders. Some hair started growing in anterior scalp area and crown within a month, and has since filled in quite a bit. I am extremely pleased with the treatment so far. Avodart is an excellent product, with great results and little or no side effects
My hair is thicker… works better than propecia.
less shedding, hair regrowth, noticed changes after 2 months.
Less shedding, and some thickening in back
Into the sixth month I notice no further hair loss and generalized thickening everywhere except the frontal hair line. The crown is very slowly filling in, and at the least has stopped balding. Nothing significant until month 5, where it was noticeably thicker
Minor shedding for first three months. Some noticible small hairs or front scalp. No loss after 6 months.
I started losing my hair when I turned 19 and have slowed the progress with Rogaine and Propecia. Now avodart is continuing too help slow the process and I have started too grow hair in areas that were very thin.
Update: I’ve started using Avodart in May 2003. During the first few weeks I did suffer from libido problems but that disappeared, and I had a bout of shedding around the 4th to 6th week. As of now, my hair loss has slowed but not stopped, and I don’t see signs of regrowth. I’ve been balding for 25 years now, so I’m not optimistic about regrowth. The condition of my hair seems to have improved since taking Avodart.
Kind regards,
I have begun to notice hair regrowth in my balding areas. Although it is not thick yet it is showing improvement.
Initial shedding in first month, growth after 3 months, plateau with no additional hair growth by 5th month
I have had am am still having regrowth.
During the first 3 months significant shedding occured. From that point on I noticed a slight thickening over my entire head.
avodart has allowed me to keep the hair that I have and my temples have filled in somewhat.
Hair ceased thinning shortly after starting dosages and has continued to improve with each passing week.
Hair loss started slowing down after about 6 months. Not much regrowth.
No shedding. Hair is beginning to thicken and there does appear to be some regrowth.
My head of hair seems much fuller.
Some shedding, apparent thickening of hair, no regrowth yet.
Within 3 months noticed thickening of hair in forward and top area of scalp. 6 months – could tell a reduction in balding area radius.
After roughly a month there was a noticeable decrease in shedding and a slight increase in regrowth. Since then there has been a noticeable thickening in the hair and virtual cease of shedding.
I was a good responder to Propecia with no side effects and the same has occured on Avodart. I have experience no serious sheds, maintained all hair that was kept from propecia, and thickened most to all of the velous hairs in the thin areas. Uncertain if any actual regrowth has occured but subjectively I would evaluate myself as gaining cosmetic improvement from Avodart over Propecia.
My response to the medication has been excellent. I had used propecia before but Avodart has promoted even thicker regrowth which was noticable with a few months. I combine the treatment with Rogain.
My response to Avodart treatment had been excellent. I had absolutely no side effects. I have had no shedding while on Avodart. Avodart began working for me about a month and a half into treatment, first reducing hair fall out in the shower from about 30 hairs a day to about 10 hairs a day. My hair also began to feel and look thicker. At about the 3 month mark hair fall out in the shower was reduced to about 5 hairs a day. I also began to see some regrowth in the crown area where I had previously been thinning.
Response has been positive, no shedding (less even), thicker hair overall, regrowth in vertex and denser in many areas, frontline still recedes albeit slowly…I can provide baseline hormone tests and picture proof when I hit the 6 month mark
I have been on Avodart for about 9 months now, after about 3 months I noticed my hair was thicker, less shedding and the crown area had filled in some more too.
I noticed change at about 3 months, my hairloss seemed to slow down. By six months i could tell that I have some hair regrowth.
I did not notice any shedding in the beginning becuase i was already shedding. I have noticed thickening in the back and over the top. I have not noticed any thickening or regrowth in the frontal temple regions, but I have also not noticed any additional loss in the front hairline area.
RE: Avodart experience
Well have been on Avodart for just over 4 months now. And have only noticed two things up to this point. The first is that the hair shedding has dropped significantly. Maybe by about 75% roughly speaking. The second is that new hair has sprouted and grown about a quarter inch outward, in the temples and crown, from the hairline as compared to when I started taking the pills. Other than that, haven’t really noticed any physiological or behavioral side-effects to date. Will be interesting to see the progress after a year on the medication. Sincerely, James
As with propecia, I did not notice any regrowth and my hair line continued to recede. However, it has been a little over a month since I stopped using Avodart and my hair loss is progressing rapidly. I believe that Avodart was slowing down the progression of my hair loss. This is why I want to continue taking Avodart to treat my hair loss.
Initially after starting Avodart my scalp felt less greasy and dryer. My front hair line responded strong. In fact, my hairline was completely restored. My change was within 60 days – Many of the hairs that were still in place thickened up – meaning shaft size. I haven’t experienced any side effects at this point.
I started to notice a change after 3 months and now have a very full head of hair. I wasn’t that bad to begin with, and am making sure that I catch the thinning early. Did not have any shedding problems.
I grew back MUCH hairwith NO side effects. This drug should be marketed to the public for male pattern baldness. Its expensive, but worth it.
In the beginning, I stopped losing hair and gained back quite a bit. 3 months later, after much regrowth, I went through a series of major sheds. Since then, I’ve regained what I lost. Overall, no complaints.
I noticed thickening within 3 months, then INCREDIBLE regrowth within the 6 months. Everyone noticed. It was amazing. I am so pleased. Why doesn’t Glaxo approve this drug for hair loss? No shedding, or side effects. No more Receding.
the beginning, I stopped losing hair and gained back quite a bit. 3 months later, after much regrowth, I went through a series of major sheds. Since then, I’ve regained what I lost. Overall, no complaints.
Stopped hair loss ; Noticing some slight regrowth
Had a minor shed 6 weeks into taking Avodart. hair condition has improved and hair loss has slowed significantly. However, hair that is being lost is being replaced; therefore, the loss continues but at a slower rate. I’ve been taking Avodart for 9 months, so I’m hoping that after taking for a year I will begin noticing regrowth, particularly of those hairs lost most recently.
I seen some improvement after six months mainly thickening of hair.
I first started noticeing that my hair was getting better right after 3 months. And my hair has continued to get a little better to this day, which is 6 months on avodart. My hair is a lot thicker and fuller and ive gotten regrowth in the frontal hairline. Im very pleased with my results thus far.
I was already taking Propecia, so there was hair regrowth underway. There seems to be denser growth with Avodart.
It’s been about 14 months. There has been a slow but steady regrowth of hair.
I noticed changes after 2 months. There is some regrowth and thickening in certain areas.
I feel I am a good responder to Avodart. After about 4 months on Avodart I noticed a stop to my hair loss and began to see moderate regrowth.
after 3-4 months I started to notice some regrowth. there was no initial shedding.
I began Avodart on November 2, 2003. My response to Avodart treatment has been excellent. I have had absolutely no side effectsI have had no shedding while on Avodart. Avodart began working for me about a month and a half into treatment, first reducing hair fall out in the shower from about 30 hairs a day to about 10 hairs a day. My hair also began to feel and look thicker. At about the 3-month mark (early February) hair fall out in the shower was reduced to about 5 hairs a day. I also began to see some regrowth in the crown area where I had previously been thinning. I notice no side effects, whatsoever and Avodart is working fantastic. Now right up to the end of March/beginning of April I continue to see regrowth in the crown area. Also scalp itching has completely gone away. I am very pleased with my positive response from Avodart. I take and always took Avodart “exactly” as Medical Wellness prescribed – 1, 0.5 mg capsule per day. I would definitely recommend Medical Wellness Center to anyone who would be interested in improving e! ither appearance/and or quality of life. I want to continue treatment. I am requesting 12 refills of Avodart (0.5 mg), for up to 1 year. Thank you
I began noticing hair in my ball cap. The more I ignored it the more hair I began to notice. I didn’t know what to do, and in January 2003 I got some Avodart. I was a little unsure, and a little uneasy; but to my surprise I actually did start regrowing hair on the back of my head. I was ecstatic. After about four months of treatment I didn’t find hair in my hat anymore, and at the end of six months there was noticable improvement in the size of the the thinning area. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the money in July to get another prescription, but now I’m back and ready to take this thing head on. I began treatment January 29, 2003. Everyday after work I had a ritual. I would look inside my hat and dispose of each hair I had lost during the day. My hair was thinning in the back at what seemed a horrendous rate. I wanted so badly to get excited about this new drug, but would not allow myself. I sat, each day, pulling hair from my hat. Then in March, I began noticing a decrease in the amount of hair I was finding each day. I began taking “Super Hair Energizer” vitamins and minerals along with the Avodart in March, and by April I was pulling 1-2 hairs from my hat daily. Hair regrowth began late June/early July. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The thinning area was actually filling in. My hair was noticeably thicker and fuller. By the end of my sixth month treatment you could hardly see any signs of hair loss. Unfortunately I had no money at the end of July and was unable to refill my prescription. I took this time to document my hair! loss since I went off Avodart July 30th 2003. I maintained all my regrowth until December 2003. Since then I have gradually started losing again, but even now (8 months after being off Avodart) my hair is still fuller and thicker than when I initially went on the drug. I’m very excited about going back on and ending my hairloss once and for all.
Some initial shedding but good results afterwards. changes occured in about 3 months
I have been using Dutasteride for approximately one year and it appears to be more effective than Propecia.
I noticed thickening around the crown area of the scalp.
Some regrowth after 3 months. Regrowth peaked at six months. Hair is thicker up front, less so on crown.
some shedding, but also new growth eventually
I have had excellent results from using Avodart, and I have NOT experienced the shedding that many others have reported. I began to see results after two months.
I stated noticing less hair fall out in about 2 months.
Shedding stopped, no apparent regrowth
Experience so far has been positive. Areas that were thinning appearing to be filling in and thickening.
No noticeable shedding. Minimal regrowth noticed after approximately six months.
maintenance of hair, was previously on finasteride
Noticed a reduction in the amount of hair lost, an increase in thickness, and new hairs only the hair line
after one month shedding stopped, growth after three months
No shedding; hair is thickened after 3 months
I am starting to see the regrowth of hair across the top of my head in the form of tiny blond hairs. Will see if they thicken and darken in color over time.
Response has been very positive. Hair thickening, some regrowth and no shedding
Since beginning treatment with Avodart I have noticed that I have significantly cut down the amount of hair shedding on a regular basis. I did go through an initial shedding phase for about 2 months but have not had a shedding episode since. No regrowth to speak of but I have noticed some thickening.
I’ve had slight thickening of my hair, and scalp is lessy oily.
Satisfactory maintenence no new growth
little regrowth after use. No more hair loss.
Definitely added hair.
i have noticed less hair in my brush after the 3rd month. im very very pleased with results
Hair loss stopped maybe some regrowth
3 months mild regrowth started
had no inital shedding, but have seen a drastic decrease in the amount of shedding over the past few months and have also seen regrowth along the hairline in the front so much that I actually pluck some out from time to time. I have also seen a increase in the thickness of my hair and have been very happy so far with the avodart. I have not experienced ANY side effects at all.
Noticed slowing of receding hairline. Some thickening.
Thicker hair in 3 months, no shedding
Initial shedding lasted about 2 months – then significant thickening and after 1 year all new growth has been maintained
noticed hair regrowth after about 3.5 months…i couldnt believe it!!!!!
some thickening, and no further loss
Response after 3 months. Thickening, no shedding HairLossHx: Gradual loss form age 19 to 30. Improvement using Propecia, more improvement using Dutasteride
no shedding. some thickening.
hair loss slowed down hair in crowm thickened after about eight months
no real response, just maintaining thus far
I have notice limited regrowth in the crown but none yet around the front. I have had some shedding but it varies.
After 1.5 months I began to see new hair. I have been on it for 9 mos now and have had comments from my wife and barber that there has been a noticable improvement. I went from a Norwood 5B to a Norwood 4. I have been loosing hair since I was 17 so didn’t expect a total regrowth, but there definitely have been positive results. I have no side effects at all as far as libdo goes. Hair loss seems to have slowed down. Hair seems fuller.
Loss slowed/stopped
Had some initial shedding after a couple months…but hair loss has stopped and slow but continued regrowth has occured.
Noticable results in 3 months. Almost complete regrowth of all my hair at 6 months. Amazing!
experienced some filling in after 3 months, gradual continuance this second three month period.
It took about 14 months before I noticed significant improvement on Avodart. It has filled in the top of my head very well. I had no shedding phase
My response to Avodart went well. Baby hairs I had for years using Propecia finally matured and grew..
maintain hair, small regrowth after 3 months
Some regrowth at crown fairly quickly
Hair loss stopped in about 4 months ; Some hair regrowth on fron in 8 months ; Regrowth on top of head in 6 months
hair loss slowed
No initial shedding. Definite thickening & minmal regrowth within 3 – 4 mos. No change after that.
Initial shedding and then fine growth
Hair regrowth, less thinning
I think it stabilizes hair loss for me.
I have been taking Avodart for approximately 18 months. During that time, Ihave noticed a decrease in the amount of shedding and have maintained my hairline. My crown has not noticeably gotten worse and it seems to be maintaining or at least slowing down the progression of hair loss. It is a genuine comfort, as well, to be on the most advanced treatment of hair loss.
Initially took 6 months to notice changes. Experienced regrowth all around and hair density increased
Approximately around the 4th month I noticed regrow around the temples but then had a period of shedding in the 5th month.
after about three months the hair became thicvker, stronger, less breakage,
I had no problems at all and my hair loss has completely stopped. I also experienced regrowth at the front near my hairline.
I was using propecia prior to avodart and it seems like it has worked even better
hair is thickening all over notice major change about six months into treatment. this stuff is much better than finasteride
Good responder. No shedding of hair, and only experierenced slow and steady regrowth.
39 and receding hair line with mildly diffuse thinning. Switched from proscar to avodart with moderately better results. It is maintaining my current hair line
I had shedding at first for the the first couple of months. Hare fall out seemed to slow and re-thickening started at about 10 months into usage.
Loss stopped, some regrowth.
:: Some regrowth, mostly stable
Great. Regrowth, thickening
My hairloss has stabilized and pretty much stopped. It’s difficult to estimate when this happened. The regrowth has been minimal. I don’t recall any shedding.
stopped hair loss, some thickening of hair, and possible regrowth on the vertex and top of head. no regrowth in the temporal region as of yet
Basically no more loss, it has been stabilized. Little if no regrowth to date. Been on 1 pill a day since January 2003.
Scalp feels much better still; however, hair growth has been minimal at best. Loss has been minimized, though, and that’s good.
Modest regrowth after 6 months
not much change until 1 year mark that’s when hair thinning stopped and hair was thick and full
Thinning has been retarded, some thickening occuring.
Slowing of hiar loss, thicker looking hair….seems to be working well
current hair count has maintained
6 months – thicker frontal region – no noticeable shedding
I have had a slow, continuous thickening of my hair over the entire period I’ve taken dutasteride. The crown, in particular, has thickened significantly
The first month there was a small amount of shedding. After which hair loss seemed to be noticeably reduced. The following few months, the existing thinning hair started to thicken slowly for the next few months. And finally the hair line has appeared to move forward about a quarter inch.
Started losing hair at hairline and crown at 20. Slow progression but very noticable by age 28. At age 28 started on 1.25 mg daily of proscar. Proscar halted additional loss. Switched to avodart Dec 2002, and additional thickening occured. Added minoxidil and hair thickend even more. This will be a second refill perscription – maintaining very thick hair, no regrowth below existing hairline but thinckening from hairline back.
no more shedding. no reversal but hl has stopped
It took about six months to notice changes in density, after shedding for the first few months.
after 3-5 months cessation of loss littl regrowth
Began in October, experienced great results, But have been shedding slowly since May.
I am regroing hair! It took about 6 months to start, no initial shedding was noticed.
After over a year of use I am happy with the maintenance and moderate regrowth No shedding.
Healthier hair, fuller look
thickening and regrowth at about 3 to 4 months
Hair is regrowing
Much less shedding, hair won’t fall out nearly as much when you run your hand through it, hair seems to be coming in more thick
Avodart seems to have slowed the hair loss. There has been no shedding due to to Avodart. Some hair loss does continue.
During the first month hair completely stopped falling – 2nd month I noticed some shedding -days when in the shower there would be tons of hair and some days nothing. At about the 3rd month I noticed that the hair was much thicker and darker. At 6 month now I have noticed a lot of new growth in the front, they are vellous and thin but I believe are growing. My hair is also darker in color and is definitely thicker.
Thickening of hair after 1 month
Slowly thickening around the crown and top of head.
Seems to be working, have received comments from my friends, probably took two to three months
began noticing regrowth immediately
3 mos for gains to begin, initial shedding 1-3 months. Hair seemed to become thicker and healthier, regre substantial regrowth.
I noticed new hair growing in my hairline and the consistancy of my hair has gotten thicker
Hair loss has been stopped, some hairline regrowth
ive been pleasantly pleased. but patience is the answer
3 months before seeing growth
loss has stopped,little regrowth
All good, hair much thicker
some thickening and crown hair growth
Hairloss has effectively stopped. Not sure if any regrowth yet.
No initial shedding to my knowledge, a general thickness and strength–notice only normal hair off shower/etc
‘it’s been 2 years since i have bene on it- have not noticed any growth but it has slowed the losing process somewhat
Had initial shedding. Slight thickening of hair. No noticeable regrowth. Slower rate of hair loss.
no notisable changes yet
Have stabilized hair loss but no regrowth.
maintain hair only
Maintained current hair volume
Months 1-3 exhibited little change in hair loss, with small degree of shedding apparent in month 4. Months 5 to 6 included some regrowth of hair at the temples and crown, with minimal shedding.
Seems to be slowly working
Not much regrowth, basically just maintenance
I dont have much regrowth but it seems to have stopped falling
I dont have much regrowth but it seems to have stopped falling
Hair loss has been very slow before taking Avadart, so after one and a half years on the drug, it’s hard to say whether it has actually stopped the hair loss
Around 2 months after starting the treatment I noticed a thickening
My hair condition felt thicker within a couple of weeks and then an increase in shedding after about a month. My hair did not get any thinner after taking avodart and I’m sure that my hair overall has become thicker. Definite regrowth in some areas also where the thinning was most noticeable.
had already been taking Propecia for a number of years. I have seen great benefit in the regrowth of my hair with Propecia. I have maintained this improvement after switching to Avodart.
Significant improvement, hair regrowth, do not lose hair anymore
In the last year there has not been much thickening but there has been no increased shedding. The back has filled in a bit as well.
Seems to have been arrested / greatly slowed by Avodart, which I have been taking for six months. Prior to Avodart was taking Propecia for the past six years. Before Propecia I used minoxidol (which did not seem to have much effect). I switched to Avodart six months ago because Propecia, which had worked well for a number of years, seemed to be losing effectiveness during the last year and half that I was taking it.
When I first started Avodart I noticed an initial thickening of my hair, and what appeared to be a little regrowth on the sides. However, I have not noticed much change since those initial improvements. I am overall very pleased with my results because I have not noticed any further hair loss since I started Avodart.
Hair diameter seems thicker. Can’t tell if any regrowth has ocurred.
My hair seems to be thicker although I still seem to be receding in the front It has slowed/stop the gradual loss of hair I though there was progress in the first year and now I don’t see much change. If anything it might be gettting worse.
6 months after taking avodart, I noticed thickness & less shedding
thickening and some regrowth
initial shedding at 3 months, then continue regrowth thruout
no regrowth, shedding slowed slightly perhaps
As soon as noticeable thinning/ shedding became a concern, I tried Rogaine for a brief period, then decided Propecia was a better treatment option for me. After two years on Propecia, its effectiveness seemed to wane, so I have graduated to Avodart and am very pleased with the results.
“some initial shedding, then some noticable thickening”
maintenance of hair.
Initial shedding in the front temple area. It did stablaize
Avodart has help reverse the hair loss quite a bit.
Hair thickened 3 months after treatment, no shedding.
slowing growing, about 50 percent growth
Hair loss slowed down
I’ve noticed a decrease in the rate of hair loss since beginning use of Avodart approximately two years ago. Shedding stages normally don’t last for more than a week and for the most part, I’m satisfied with my results. I believe continued use of Avodart will allow the hair loss process to continue at a much slower rate that it otherwise would.
No initial shedding, cessation of loss
Apparent stabilization of hair loss
Shedding started to decrease after about 5 Months
Seems to have curtailed hair loss, no notice of excessive shedding, but had been using propecia before. I cannot tell if it is working, but I do not notice a loss in hair overall, so I assume it is maintaining at least.
It seemed like I had some shedding at first, but then that stopped and it seemed to maintain my hair, havent noticed a lot of regrowth yet.
Thickening of hair everywhere, intermittent shed phases.
slowed hairloss
People saying my hair looks thick
My hair has been growing back a lot, even in front
I had thinkening of hair. Improvement
After about 3 mos., I started noticing some new hair growth in the frontal areas. Also, overall hear on top of head is thicker since using Avodart.
moderate regrowth first 6months. Have maintained ever since.
Some initial shedding. Hairloss has stabilized, but no regrowth yet.
I have noticed my hairloss when I was 22 years of age. I have taken propecia with good results but results have diminished after some time. I know have been taking avodart for over a year with good results so far.
Definite slowing of hair loss. Slight regrowth, thickening.
Side effects – none shedding – none results were neutral, nothing noticeable so I stopped.:
Hairlin began to recede at age 25. Began Propecia at age 26, recession continued. Taking avodart for the past 18 months has halted recession completely. No regrowth, however.
Shed started 8 weeks in for 2 weeks, then good steady growth since.
Slow regrowth
Hair has stopped falling out
Began noticing thinning at 26, began using Rogaine. At age 30, began taking Propecia. At age 34, began taking Avodart instead of Propecia. The thinning does not appear to have become worse since I began with Propecia, but I also haven’t seen new hair growth. However, I am only interested in not losing more hair. I have not noticed any shedding or thickening. However, I have also not noticed any further loss since taking the medication.
I noticed regrowth after 5 months
no changes…good or bad
regrowth since first year. I have continued progress.
I have had a positive experience with avodart. Slowly but surely, my hair has started to fill out again. I would say about 6 months after i started using Avodart, I sarted to notice a change.
Yes, every couple of months I do find that some shedding occurs. After the first year i did notice some regrowth, but now after two years on avodart, i notice my hair begining to thin again, and I do notice some receeding in the front, and hope that that does not continue, but i have no choice but to remain on avodart. Do you think my body has become immune to the drug.
have a thickening of hair. no shedding.had regrowth of hair. noticed changes in about three months
Appeared to be less shedding of hair after 3/4 months.
good response, regrowth, after several months
good regrowth, using combined with minoxidil
slow thickening
initial shedding immediately, thickening after 1 month
Noticed thickening after several months. I noticed a gradual thinning/receding above my temples. Propecia helped but then I switched to dutasteride and that has been batter.
I have notice some regrowth. Less shedding of hair. I am very pleased with this product.
:: Experienced sigficant regrouth and thickening of hair
General tighness of scalp has disappeared. Condition of hair has improved and loss has stopped. Minor re-growth
No more hair loss
:: shed and regrowth
Progession has been very good. Vellous hairs are more noticeable than ever. Hair seems to appear thicker than before. Have been taking avodart for more than a year and usually shed every 3-4 months. Overall, I think if I have not have taken avodart, my hair would be a lot thinner and further recede in the temple area.
No shedding, thickening and regrowth on top
Been using Avodart for nearly 2 years, prior to that used Propecia for over 3 years. Since switching to Avodart, I saw a noticeable density improvement at months 3-6, and have maintained those gains to present.
Thanks to Propecia and (now) Avodart, I have held on to “Class 2” for the most part for 7 years now.
When I was about 18 or 19 I started noticing that my hair seemed to be thinning in a couple places. I wasnt sure if I was just over analyzing at first, but after another year and a half or so, I realized that my hair had definitely thinned out in some areas. I first tried Propecia, which I don’t know that I expericenced any progress from, and then switched to Avodart this year and have already noticed a difference
Initial shed lasting approx 2-3 months. No improvement over the next few months. Things appear to slowly be progressing as I near month 6.
decrease in shedding/ 6 months
Noticed growth within a month. The hair still continues to grow and the product is working.
Initial shedding, slight thickening and regrowth.
Hair thickened after approximately one month.
I noticed that my shedding severly stopped within 3 months. I don’t think I have noticed any hair regrowth yet but putting a stop to my hairloss is has been great for my self esteem.
:: further hairloss limited
Up to 3 months: initial shedding 3-6 months: shedding abated and hair loss slowed 6-12 months: hair thickened and new regrowth
experiencing noticeable general re-growth and new small hairs at temples as well as slow or stop of noticeable new loss. Results were noticeable after 6-8 months of use.
I have not lost additional hair while on Avodart. I did not experience initial shedding. I have had slight regrowth near the center of my head (but not the front).
no fallout thicker crown
Noticed growth after 3 months
I am now growing hair. The hair is coming in all over my head. The hair I have is also becoming thicker.
ongoing shedding- but constant regrowth. I’ve been on for about 1 year- and is maintaining well- concerned about the loss of libido
was previously using propecia, and experiencing greater hair growth using avodart
Avodart treatment has gone well. I have noticed a decrease in hair loss. No side effects Slowing of loss. General thickening. Slow regrowth.
2 months hair got thicker
:moderate hair regrowth in temple region
: can’t really tell
Seems ot help stop hairloss and regrow some new hair
At about the six month mark I noticed thicker hair. It has gotten better over time
:Positive response. Hair has regrown somewhat, no thinning.
Excellent maintenance with some regrowth all over the scalp. On dutasteride 0.5mg twice weekly for 2 yrs. No side effects of note.
seems to have stayed the same for the last year, perhaps a little loss, using rogain too.
After about 3-4 months of initial shedding, the hair on the top of my head and on the crown has filled back in (I have had grafts placed on the front). Overall, my hair is still pretty thin on the top and crown, however, I am no longer slick bald in these places, as was formerly the case. The current state appears to be the equilibrium condition, which is acceptable to me.
Noticed hair somewhat stronger bt no new regrowth as of yet, and yes, shedding at initial dosing
I didn’t experiencec initial shedding, however, I did experience a tremendous shed after a few months on my crown area. I do have to admit that there were periods of time (1 week) occasionally where I ran out or forgot to take my medication. I want to give this 1 year total without skipping any doses.
I am seeing continued improvement in thickness. And I also see a decrease in hair shedding.
Incredibly positive results. I have been on AvoDart for one year.
Afer 6 months, my hair started to get thick, and the shedding stoped.
lots of shedding on the left hairline and overall thinning.
: My hair loss began suddenly when I was twenty. I began treatment with Rogaine almost immediately, but the drug only slowed the hair loss. In 1998, I began using Propecia. Propecia further slowed the hair loss but failed to halt its progression. I switched to Avodart this year and have been impressed with the results.
Avodart has essentially stopped my hair loss.
I have taken Avodart for approximately the last 1.5 years as prescribed by Medical Wellness Center. My last prescription was filled at the Medical Wellness Center in late November 2003. Prior to Avodart, I took propecia for approximately 3 years. Over the last almost 5 years I have not experienced any additional hair loss. I also have experienced no side effects from my usage of Avodart.
My hair around my temples has regrown 50-60%, and it is almost as thick as the rest of my hair. I started noticing hairloss by my temples when I was 22, and several months later, it was very noticable no matter how I combed my hair. I started taking avodart approx. 1 year ago, and my hairloss has all but stopped, and most of my hair has grown back.
hair has thickened to the point there is just diffuse thinning in front
Hair loss appears to have stopped. Moderate regrowth in crown area. Overall I’m pleased with the results and wish to continue treatment. Thinning in frontal area and crown. Gradually becoming more pronounced. Began using minoxidil in early 30’s, switched to finasteride in late 30’s. For the past year have been using dutasteride. I decided it would be beneficial to switch to dutasteride when I noticed that the amount of shedding was beginning to increase again, after a number of years of good results on finasteride. Dutastride appears to have stopped additional hair loss, and there has been moderate regrowth in the crown area.
Hair thickened after couple of months, particularly in the crown.
initial shedding folloed by slight thickening
I began to notice a reduction in hair loss after four weeks of use. Within 6 weeks I began to notice some regrowth. No significant shedding at any timeduring treatment.
Thickening, regrowth after few months
thickening of hair after one year
Initial shed, then moderate regrowth
I noticed a general thickening of my hair and improvement of its appearance after about three months
noticed regrowth in about 3 Months. No Shedding and the thickness of new hair was noticable
minor shedding, thickening of hair
I have experienced some thickening, reduced loss of hair
short initial shed followed by a complete filling in of my crown and a slight forward progression of the hairline
my hair started to thicken within 6 months or so
small regrowth
Less fall-out in first three months. Hair loss is now at a “normal” rate.
Some regrowth, no more noticeable loss
Regrowth of fine blond hars at first and starting to darken and thicken with time.
Hair loss slowed/stopped.
I have notice no further shedding and a little regrowth.
Thickening of hair after one month, slight to moderate regrowth since.
Shedding seemed to significantly slow down after about 4 months
Thickening of hair after one month, slight to moderate regrowth since.
I have notice no further shedding and a little regrowth.
couple of mild sheds, thickening of hair in the crown and mid scalp.
Very successful. Hair loss has virtually stopped.
Initial shedding, some regrowth, hair thickened, now quite a bit of peach fuzz in bald areas with sparse hairs popping up below the receeded hairline
Seems to have slowed the hair loss
I stopped my hair loss. But my regrowth is limited.
What I speculate to be shedding at about 3 months of use, began seeing some modest regrowth at 5 months
I was on propecia for 3 years before starting Avodart. But after 6 months, I noticed an increase in overall thickness, and many of the vellus hairs that had started with propecia went terminal. After 2 years, even more terminal hairs have sprouted. I have not noticed any sheds, but also did not on Propecia
some thickening and stopped loss
Just slowing of thinning. Many some growth at the crown.
Normal shedding seems to be continuing, but some slight thickening of existing hair after 3 months. Possibly some slight regrowth in crown after about three months.
Male pattern hair loss has stopped from any further loss. I think with more time hair will begin to thicken in the back and front.
I seem to be losing less hair not finding it in the shower
Been taking Avodart since Dec. 2002. My hair loss (diffuse thinning) seems to have significantly slowed since.
3 months I notice some hair growth
After about four months shedding stopped and I experienced some regrowth
intial shedding for 1st 3 months, general thickening and stability over last 12mos
Changes were noticed within the first 2 months of treatment. Hair has thickened and area of concern is about 80% of what it used to be.
decrease in hair loss, occasional shedding
some regrowth after 6-7 months.
my response to avodart got better as time went on.At the beginning results were minimal but as months passed by I began to notice that the hair i had was beginning to get thicker.The hair i have now is still continuing to get thicker as well. Began to notice my hairloss when I was in college.It was too severe but i started to notice alot of hair on my pillow that I slept on.After graduating from college my hair continued to get thinner and fall out.Since I started taking avodart I have been able to slow down the hair loss and it appears that the hair i have now is actually getting thicker
i have been using avodart for 1 1/2 years i have had moderate success with the treatment
slight thickening
Noticed changes in 3-4 months. Initial shedding, followed by thickening of hair and more new hair.
Using only ADVART for treatment. After about five months, I have noticed some regrowth. I had no initial shedding. I also feel the hair on the sides and back look healthier. For the first month I did experience a slight upset stomach but have not experienced any since. As far as sexual effects, I did experience a loss of desire for sex duing the first 3 weeks but went back to normal.
:: Response was good- experienced initial shed and then follow up shed around 3 months- hair has thickened significantly following
I was using Propecia before with positive results. Avodart thickened and broadened the regrowth.
I had initial shedding then regrowth. I am now maintainig the new hair I have. I only take one pill of .5mg a day and it seems to work just great. I have had no side effects. I love this product! I still shed about every three months or so then I get new hair and continued regrowth.
some thikening and darkening in upper back
My response to Avodart treatment has been excellent. I have had absolutely no side effects. I have had no shedding while on Avodart. Avodart began working for me about a month and a half into treatment, first reducing hair fall out in the shower from about 30 hairs a day to about 10 hairs a day. My hair also began to feel and look thicker. At about the 3 month mark hair fall out in the shower was reduced to about 5 hairs a day. I also began to see some regrowth in the crown area where I had previously been thinning. Now right up to the 6 month mark I continue to see regrowth in the crown area. Also scalp itching has completely gone away.
From month 7 onward my crown had completely filled. My hair looks thick and full. Avodart really does work. I am very pleased with my positive response from Avodart. I want to continue treatment. Thank you.
Overall thickening, density and amount of hair t/o scalp.
initial shedding, now regrowth occurring
Had shedding for months. now stopped & see small hairs starting. Hair looks thicker
Hair is maintaining
notice of thickening in abt 4 months
I’ve been on it about a year and a half. Had initial shedding at first, then thickening of hair. Have had regrowth on the vertx, but it has only maintained on the front.
I have taken pictures at the beginning of treatment and at the end of month three, and there appears to be some regrowth/thickening.
after about 6 months my hair is thicker
Three months until initial growth was noticed. A general thickening of hair along with hairline regrowth.
Have had substantial regrowth. Receeding hair line is gone.
I have not noticed any changes or side effects
hair looks thicker over the year , less fall out – very little but in the front and top, very happy currently as the 85-90% is staying from the 60-70% once down to
hair fall out stoped and some thicking
I am using to retard hair loss. I am maintaining most of my hair but I continue to lose hair in my temporal regions.
No further hairloss and seems to have somewhat rethikened
Hair loss has stopped
thickening of hair
stopped seeing hair loss after about a month. then slight regrowth, and in a holding pattern since.
Thickening of hair and regrowth
Hair regrowth has been steady. I had previously been taking Propecia since 1999, and the regrowth with Avodart is much more noticable
full hair restoration
Response was good- experienced initial shed and then follow up shed around 3 months- hair has thickened significantly following
stopped hairloss completely. Filled in the crown area. Have not noticed any regrowth in frontal area. Experienced no inititial shedding but noticed thickening of existing hair. I statered noticing results afer 6 months. Have been using avodart now for 18 months
6 months after taking it, i noticed that it was thicker, however I have not noticed a difference in taking the .05 mg and the 0.125 mg. capsule
gradual thickening and reduction in shedding noticable after about 6 months
experienced some thickening
Shedding, some regrowth so far
slow progess, but i think i see new hair growth
initial shedding, after 6 months thickening began and has continued
Avodart has totally stopped my hair loss within 1 month of taking avodart. I had no initial shedding. There has been just a little hair growth. Has maintained perfectly. Started thinnig out on top in ’99. Started using minoxidol and propecia in ’00 which helped a little. Ever since I started avodart, my condition has been much better.
Shedding stopped, hair thickened
I have noticed hair loss has slowed down and practically ceased
worked well but stopped taking for 2 months and noticed shedding
Noticed that hair stopped shedding immediately. Began to notice some growth at 4 months. I want to continue treatment because this is the only thing that has worked for me
hair regrowth in 3 months
Thickening of existing hair all over.
I haven’t seen any changes, maybe slight improvement, but it is really hard to tell. As long as I maintain my current status, I will be basically satisfied.
Shedding slowed down dramatically after about 3 months. Hair has started to thicken in the problem areas.
Within 2 weeks the shedding of the hair stopped completely. I don’t have falling hair anymore. Maybe a couple when I run my fingers through my hair but that’s it. Within 2 months I had increased my hair density, even my wife was amazed. My hair is definitely thicker. — before taking avodart, i lose a lot of hair just by running my fingers through my hair, and combing, but now, it’s not an issue, even if i pull my hair.
Hair is not falling out. I have noticed slight regrowth at the crown of my head.
bgan 6-03. saw results by 9-03. gradual thickening continues
I haven’t personally noticed any changs, but other people (who do not know I have switched to Avodart) have mentioned that my hair looks thicker.
Saw good regrowth and thickening in only 30 days. After 90 days I have 40% more coverage on the edges and even good regrowth in the middle
after about two months started to notice general thickeneing as well as some sparse hairs sprouting on my forehead where my widow’s peak used to be
Avodart has worked well for me. I noticed significant regrowth within a few months.
I have noticed some new hair growing after about 5-6 month of use of the medication (Avodart),no side effects has accured so far.
3 months in, I saw my hair stop falling out as much. It thickened over time
4 months to see effects, great through first year, now a month of heavy shedding followed by a few months of regrowth seem to be the pattern
Noticed thickening of hair in frontal/parietal region
It has maintained my hair.
After 2 plus years on Avodart, I have not had hair regrowth, but have maintained the hair I have.
There has been no apparent re-growth, but the hairloss has slowed considerably.
good, thickening on temples
No change in hair density.
Have not notice any major changes
I notice some regrowth
Has kept hair loss in check. May have had a minor amount of additional hair loss, but very minimal.
initial pause in fall, then some shedding. now fairly stable with consistent small daily loss. about 20-30 in the shower, not much more throughout day.
May have been slight initial shedding. No noticable thickening. Pretty good regrowth
No real regrowth, but falling out has ceased. No initial shedding
Works well have been using it for 2 years.
excellent response
The loss has slowed
believe that I have had a great response. I have noticed almost no shedding at all since using the product and thickening of my existing hair. Although no regrowth I am very happy with the product
THicker fuller hair. Some regrowth on frontal lobe.
Kept a log for several months early on. In 2-3 months hair seemed sustained and many new hairs started growing in. Changes sustained within 6 months. Thickened greatly. Now, not much of the usual loss; however, some can naturally be expected. No side effects.
good response since 6 months using treatment. still have good response
Hair regrowth and thickening
Cessation of hair loss on crown of head and some regrowth after 3 months
moderate regrowth
It took several months and hairloss slowed with some new growth
6 months, slowed loss of hair, darker vellus hairs came in on temples.
Hair loss slowing to stopped
Response has been good. Noticed changes almost immediatley. I have had significant regrowth.
My hairline has thickened.
Started Avodart in 2002 due thinning of hair. After one year, noticed considerable thickness and thinning reversed.
thickening, less and less loss
Reduced loss,back of the scalp filled in
1 year thickening in the crown
I noticed thicker hair and new hair growth. It has been working well.
Haven’t noticed any new growth but no new hair loss
Initial shedding for first month, had some regrowth in the front, but eventually this hair fell out. Have not experienced any significant hair loss (or growth) currently.
It seems like hair loss has been slowed considerably. Thinning seems to have stopped.
Hair loss decreased and hair began to thicken.
3 months to stop hair loss ; 1 year for + results
Thickening, no more loss
Product is working well.
It is helping to slow my hair loss. Several months.
Noticed stopped hair loss and some thickening in first year.
no side effects so far,been using avodart for seven months.shedding has slowed down alot the last two months. have not seen any regrowth of hair yet.
3 months before I noticed changes
Been taking Avodart since Dec. 2002. My hair loss (diffuse thinning) seems to have significantly slowed since.
It took many months (I don’t remember how many exactly) before I noticed any changes in my hair loss. When Avodart kicked in my hair loss stabilized. I’ve had no shedding.
i noticed thickening almost immediately, hairloss stopped and the crown is shrinking.
i noticed after the first month that my hair was thicker and looked healthier. i noticed small “baby hairs” at the hairline but they never really got any bigger than that. it has kept my hairline from regressing any and thats mainly what i figured it would do. no shedding at all no side effects that i have noticed.
It has slowed the progression of my hair loss but has not stopped it completely.
Overall, has slowed down rate of hair loss but has not stopped it.
Prior to use, scalp would feel itchy at times. After use, no itchiness, plus some regrowth.
Was on propecia for several years and switched to avodart two years ago with great results. has stopped hairloss and no side effects
I have had great results. No sheading and only gradual continued thickness of my hair. Much better than Propecia and I am pleased with the results. I took Propecia for 4 yrs and then experienced sheading. I then took Avodart for the past 6 months and I think it is very effective.
I believe that it has remained the same.
It kept my current amount…that’s all I want.
It grew some hair back, now mostly maintaining.
:: More of a continuation of what I had been experiencing with Proscar, although speed of regrowth improved.
Hair growth and thickening of hair. Increased strength
at about 2 months, I noticed little hairs growing in areas that were previously balding. at the 6th month, the bald areas had filled considerably. Now that I’ve been off avodart for almost 6 months, the bald areas are quite visible again.
Shedding has seemed to slow down or stop. Regrowth in crown area
Hair grew thicker and fuller
Great response! No shedding. Regrowth very satisfactgory. Thank you
Hair has thickened a little bit, more than anything I have maintained better than I did on years of Propecia
little gain, but seems to have slowed hair loss
My hair seems to be stable with periods of shedding and the re-thickening. I have been using this medication for about 18 months
hair loss has slowed down
Initial shedding, after a couple months hair loss stopped and have had very slow regrowth and thickening
I started taking Avodart in Febuary, did not notice any improvement, in fact my hair has increased its loss at a faster pace. I have read that there is a sheading phase, even though I did not see massive amounts of hair in my sink, pillow or shower my hair seems much thinner. I am not seeing any fine hairs either and the hairline has moved approximately .5 inch on my right temple since starting Avodart. I am still positive that Avodart might be assisting in some way and will start with a Rogaine regimine in hopes of aiding any new growth coming up within the year.
no response to Avodart yet
It has basically halted any hair loss and possible some thickening
no shedding growth in front and temple area
thickening of hair and regrowth
I have tried it for four months and it is difficult to say if it has made a difference yet.
Initial shedding at 2 months, maintaining hair, some thickening.
thickening of hair after 2 months, continued sustained thickness to this day (started December 2002)
hair seems stable
:: it slowed down hairloss. it took about 6 months for the result.
My prgress has been well. My only side effect has been less ejaculate
maintaining hair count.
it works!!!
I have been on Avodart for several years with positive results, meaning slowed hair loss. It took about 3 months to start working.
Hair stopped thinning, with some possible regrowth
My hair loss has continued, but at a much slower rate. I haven’t really had any regrowth or shedding.
I have been able to halt any further hair loss and grew some back. It took about a year to really notice good effects. I am pleased with the results.
seems to work at reducing further loss
Very good stop of shedding …. some regrowth in temples and crown
I’d say I had some regrowth ….. no shedding though
good regrowth
Steady maintaining of hairline. Solid overall maintenance. No shedding incidences. Minimal regrowth.
Stopped losing hair almost immediately
I began to notice thickening at about 3 months. Thickening was moderate
shedding, then improvments after 5 months
After three months I noticed a general thickening of my hair and my hairline began to thicken in places it was thinning. My friends would often comment on the progress.
Changes within 3 months and no more hair symptoms to date
Cessation in hairline recession. Shedding, however, continues.
Hair line seems to have stabilized. Started seeing results during the first 3 months
Good response and no shedding
Very responsive to the medication. I have seen regrowth and thickening over 2 years. I have not experienced shedding.
I have had a positive experience with Avodart. Before taking Avodart my hair had started slowly thinning, but since taking Avodart my hair has slowly started to thicken. I cant actually pick out hairs and say “those are new” but my hair does look fuller in general.
I almost quit after my one yr. prescription ran out but noticed a changed and it was worked very well for me now for 3 yrs.
My hair has been gradually thinning over 12 years. Avodart has helped me slow down the process.
Had initial shedding. Gradual regrowth at hairline.
Changes within 3 months and no more hair loss symptoms to date
I’ve used Avodart for 2 years and have had absolutely no side effects and have had regrowth (at least in the beginning). Since the initial regrowth my hairline has stabilized.
results are not clear yet. my main symptoms are frontal thinning. I plan to use the next six months to determine whether this therapy is effective for me.
No changes yet. Everything remaining the same.
:: Working well, maintained same amount of hair since inception and probably 15% regrowth, abs. no side effects..Some minor shedding, replaced by growth periods
Excellent results far better than Propecia hair quality better good regrowth
no more loss
noticed changes in six months. hair thicker. maintaining hair and regrowth
My hair loss began the fall semester of my junior year in college. I began taking Rogaine the following January (1994). Rogaine slowed my hair loss but did not stop it. In 1997, I added Propecia to my regimen. The combination of Propecia and Rogaine further slowed, but did not stop, my recession. I switched from Propecia to Avodart about two years ago and have had good results. With Avodart, I experienced little, if any, shedding. My hair loss stopped almost immediately. Although I have not experienced noticeable regrowth, my existing hair looks healthier. Avodart is the only drug that I have tried that stopped the hair loss.
i have had substancial thickening and regrowth in front and crown areas.
Stabilized hair loss
responded fairly well
slow shedding
Shedding slowed within one month, some regrowth after several months
No real initial shedding. Maybe some thickening within first 2 months. Began moderate shedding around 5th, currently still shedding on 6th month
Hairloss has stopped, hair has thickened, no shedding, saw improvement ~ 8 months
At the 2 month mark it began to seem as though my hair started to feel a bit thicker when I ran my fingers through it especially on the crown. The thickening became quite noticable at the 4-5 month mark, with a considerable difference.
After first 3 months of shedding, have experienced sustained maintanence and general thickening. Still experience some periods of shedding, but not severe.
Initially slowed hair loss. Then experienced some shedding. Thereafter, hair loss has once again slowed. I was only taking the medication once every other day. Results may be better if taken once daily.
Some growth on sides. Hairs longer too
Have noticed no further hair loss
I LOVE the Avodart treatment. I just wish my wallet could keep up. This will be my third prescription in three years through MWC and each time I experience noticeable hair regrowth. Some slight initial shedding for the first three weeks, but that is all. Now I can finally afford to stay on Avodart long term. In the past I would purchase a 3-month supply, use it regularly, notice incredible impovements; and go off Avodart for 6-8 months until I could afford to get another supply. The product works great when coupled with Super Hair Energizer Vitamins & Minerals. -My hair started thinning at the crown when I was around 23 years old. I obtained an Avodart prescription from MWC and had incredible results, with no thinning areas on the crown after 6 months. It just seems to cycle. By the time I use up my Avodart you wouldn’t have thought I needed it at all. Then it’s a year before I can afford more, and in that time thinning takes place. In 3 years I’ve been on Avodart two times for a total of 9 months and off of it for 27 months combined. I am just excited to be financially stable enough to now go on Avodart for as long as I need
Some initial shedding, followed by some regrowth in temple areas.
I never had any shedding and i feel that my hairloss has stopped or slowed down significantly. it has kept my hair at a steady nw3.
At about 4 months, I noticed a slight thickening of the hair. Also, I don’t seem to be losing as much anymore.
after 4-6 months, less shedding, thicker, been taking it for about 3 years now
No regrowth, but shedding has slowed
slow regrowth after a few months
After six months of taking Avodart, I noticed thickening in the crown and a little in the temple regions, after a brief period of shedding 2-3 months in. Hair loss seems to have stabilized over thelast year, with minimal sheds.
I noticed regrowth approximately four months after
Hard to tell if there was regrowth, no initial shedding, stopped hair loss
Ongoing maintenance, not sure of shedding. Hasn’t gotten that much better, hasn’t gotten much worse
I have been on Avodart for over 2 years now and the continued progress is good. In the first year I saw a real stabilization and thickening of my hair in the very front and crown. In the last year I have maintained the current thickness with no noticable loss. Started thinning at around 17 or 18 and continued until I started Propecia at 19… stabilized for a while but started thinning again until I started Avodart.
there has been no change in my medical history and when I used avodart it took about 6 months to notice a difference but since then my hair is almost back to a full head of hair … I almost can’t even notice a difference…it’s a miracle drug in my book! Thinning in front in late teens …. continued through 20s and now has pretty much regrown with the use of avodart … the stuff is awesome
began showing signs of hair loss at age 18. began Propecia at age 21 with good results. then switched to Avodart with even better results — hair loss almost completely halted. showed good signs of regrowth combined with Rogaine.
I have had thickening of hair and some regrowth.
within a month, scalp filled in nicely
Hair shafts seemed to feel thicker, but hairloss was unabated. It may have slowed down, but it is impossible to know.
stopped hairloss, gained new growth on crown
It started working after a couple of weeks and is continuing to do so. Hair loss started about 3 and half years ago. After noticing it I started taking Propecia. It didn’t work too well. I then tried Avodart which is working a lot better. I now don’t have any problems anymore
no regrowth no loss
maintaining hair count
Hair thickened at about 3 month…i stopped using the avodart and am starting to shed a lot.
hair is a bit worse than when i first started. however i attibute that to genetics, not the medication. i didn’t notice any initial shedding. no thickening of my hair. i’m hoping either to maintain what i have, or to slow the process as much as possible.
I think my existing hair thickened. No noticeable regrowth although my overall hair seems better
noticed slowing of thinning and shedding
thickening and regrowth after about 3 months, been using for about 2 years
reduces hair loss. no side effects.
Some shedding at 3.5 months. Regrowth at the 5 month
No shedding, basically holding on to what I have with possible 10-15% regrowth
Was on it for 6 months, didn’t notice any regrowth but may have helped halt loss.
I didn’t have any initial shedding and notice results after 6 months of use. My vertex became slightly thicker and the rate of hairloss decreased dramatically. My hairline was the least receptive to dutasteride, but even hairs along my hairline seemed to fall out at a decreased rate.
The past year I’ve had moderate regrowth, but very little additional loss
Very good response on crown and vertex, continues to this day.
I have been using Avodart for several years now and it has made a quite noticeable difference in my hair regrowth.
6 months shedding slowed 12 months some regrowth
My hair is getting slightly thicker.
I have had a good response to Avodart, with growth evident within the first two months. I have had regrowth across the scalp, some is fine hair but in other places it is thicker. Had no initial shedding whatsoever.
saw regrowth after first month Have been losing since mid-20’s but now regrowing with Avodart.
I have no further loss of hair. After approximately 5 months hair appeared to be beginning to regrow at the vertex.
initial shedding, slight regrowth
Short hairs seem to be growing long again
Excellent results right away
Strong hair regrowth, especially on the sides
I’ve noticed a lot of new hair growing on both sides and top of my head. All my hair appears thicker and darker as well.
Had been using Propecia. Upon switch to Avodart, noticed increased growth and thickening within 2-3 weeks. Progress has continued
I have maintained my hair over the last several years with Avodart and regrown quite a bit of hair at crown, temples and frontal area.
scalp itch gone within 3 hours of first dose and never returned; overall hairloss seems to have slowed, but recession at temples slowly continues.
Very good response and regrowth starting within the first year of use and continuing through to the present
Didn’t really have any side-effect reaction to Avodart, nor any significant shedding. Definite increase in hair thickness and look. Definitely working
overall pretty good. only take 2 .5mg per week. some shedding in the first few months.
No initial shedding, reduced shedding over time
Gradual receding hairline over the and eventually advancing to somewhere between Class 3 and 4. Formerly used Propecia but have been happy with the results of Avodart, precsribed by the Wellness Center
halted hairloss after 6 months
slight shedding, significant regrowth after approximately 9 months
Basic maintenance of existing hair, and slight regrowth at the front
Started thinning when i was 22, a few months later, it was between a class 2 and class 3. After taking avodart and using rogaine, it is now between a normal hair line and a class 2. Had great success, look forward to continuing.
Helps stop hair loss but no regrowth
Hard to tell if any benefits but definitely not losing hair which is good
some hair regrowth. Definite halt of additional hairloss
Still having a good response to the treatment. The new hairs are responding well.
shedding has ceased
some thickening
receding of hair line has slowed considerably
Hair getting stronger, Not losing any hair.
Stopped hair loss
Had been on propecia; switched to avodart; after 3-4 weeks, noticed additional fullness and thickness; no side affects
Began thinning when I was in graduate school (mid-late 20’s). Used Minoxidil for a while. When Propecia became available I switched to it. Propecia worked well for most of a decade, however as I passed 40 I found that my hair loss, was increasing. I switched to Avodart about 2 years ago and hair loss has once again stopped. Have been taking Avodart for approximately two years. Modest regrowth after first 6 to 9 months on Avodart. Additional hair loss has been close to, if not, zero. I’m pleased with these results and wish to continue treatment.
started about three years ago. after about six months of treatment, my vertev and anterier mid-scalp areas became more dense. this thickening continued for about another six monthes. i dont think i have gained anymore density in last 2 years, but it appears i’m retaining what i gained in the first year of treatment
hair loss -> 1 or 2 hair per day down from 10-15 hairs Regrowth – 30 % No itchy scalp
Steady hair growth with Avodart.
thickening, stopped shedding
Slight regrowth, hairloss has been haulted
great response! it only took about a month before I noticed halting of hair loss, and 1-2 months before regrowth occurred. since then, I have had phenomenal results… my hair has totally grown back. I had gradual hair loss until age 26-27 when my hair began to fall out very quickly. It was very thin when I first started taking Avodart. Since then it has grown back fully.
No initial shedding occurred. My hairloss had just recently started and so far it appears that Avodart has at the very least stopped me from losing any more of my hair. Hair regrowth was noticed after 6 to 9 months of taking the drug. The hair growth was minimal, but enough to be noticed. Most of the thickening occurred in the frontal region. The crown of my head has almost no hairloss so the only thing I can confirm in this area is that Avodart at least prevented my hairloss from spreading further.
Some initial shedding, maintaining current hair thickness
No initial shedding. Thickening hair Started losing hair at 20. Underwent several successful transplants. Started on Propecia as soon as it was available. Switched to Avodart 2 years ago. Better results. No side effects whatsoever.
Lots of fine new hairs starting to grow after about 3-4 months.
Working Great
thinning on temples continued, maintained everything else
Slowed hair loss after several months – Loss continues to slow
The amount of hair increased after 3 months, good results, no problems.
Significant regrowth after 5 months
inital shedding, 3 to 4 months, then steady gradual changes in the apex and crown with thickening
In 4-5- months I noticed slight thickening
loss of hair has slowed
I have experienced some regrowth and less shedding
I started thinning out by 21 years old. I tried everything from minoxidil to proprecia. They worked but only in the short term. I have taken Avodart for at least two years and I must say that my hairloss has been stabilized. Without it, I would have been a Norwood Class 5 by now. Avodart has definately halted the progression of male pattern baldness. I noticed changes within 6 months.
Hair loss stabilized early on, seems very slow or nonexistant
My response to Avodart has been good.When I first began taking Avodart the thickness was not as good as it is now.I am finding that the longer I take avodart the thicker my hair is becoming.I began to notice a difference in the thickness of my hair probablly after about 6 months. Since I have been taking avodart my hair has definately gottin thicker and it has worked much better that propecia.The hairloss that I was having seems to have slowed down and it appears that my hair is getting thicker.
I started losing my hair when I was 19. I had gradual, but sustained loss for several years until I began taking Propecia in 1998. From 1998 until 2003 I took Propecia and since 2003 I have been taking Advodart. Since I began taking Propecia in 1998 my hair loss has stopped or been dramatically reduced.
maintaining current hair
Works great. Bald spot is almost gone
Avodart has completely stopped my hairloss and I have seen some regrowth.
There was some initial shedding, but that resolved after about 3 or 4 months and hair loss has definately stopped and new hair has started to grow. I am very pleased with the results so far and just hope to maintain from here on out.
I started to use Avodart 2 years ago and have regrwon much of my hair. I noticed a difference within the first couple of months. No hair loss since beginning treatment with Avodart.
been on it for 1.5 years. it seems to maybe slow my hair loss. no regrowth that i notice. it’s just a slower burn at this point.
started about three years ago. after about six months of treatment, my vertev and anterier mid-scalp areas became more dense. this thickening continued for about another six monthes. i dont think i have gained anymore density in last 2 years, but it appears i’m retaining what i gained in the first year of treatment
Progress is good. No shedding, noticed changes 2 months. Hair was a little thicker, not much regrowth, but balding has stopped.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxModest hair regrowth started after 2-3 months of usage. I did not see any substantial initial shedding, although I did see some slight hair loss after a few months. The regrowth area seems to be getting thicker. It really seems to be working for me, the loss area is improving.
My hair has been holding steady since I started my Avodart treament. I am very impressed with how well this drug has worked and continues to work for me.
Treatment helped me right away and continues to help me
no shedding that i noticed, first noticed baby hair around temples then two or three hair growing out of folicles where there were only one. started noticing around three to four months still growing in thicker every month.
Noticed slight filling in on top and crown, some new growth at hairline, started to see results after 4 months
Excellent results for two years now. No hair loss whatsoever for the last 1.5 years. Excellent thickening of frontal portion of scalp. Started losing hair in college. Propecia/Proscar slowed the loss but caused a lot of scalp issues. AvoDart has worked wonders.
Hair seemed to maintain very well
Hairloss little or none since Avodart. HairLossHx: Some thinning in my late teens Hair transplants in my late twenties to early 30’s Minoxidal (now Rogaine) topical since 1984 Propecia from 1998-2002 Avodart since 2003
No big response. Seems to have stopped hair loss. No regrowth yet.
No response thus far, but no further loss of hair
No thickening of hair, however, hairloss pretty much stopped.
general thickening of all areas where there was preexisting hair
Great response, changes quick, no shedding, it’s a miracle drug as far as I’m concerned.
I have noticed some thickening of the existing hair and some slight regrowth thus far — hairloss has ceased
Modest hair regrowth, with slow but continud progress beyond the frist year. Now stable.
Steady but slow now
Initial shed, slight regrowth, thickening of hair
Slight regrowth
Response to Avodart treatment described:: My response to Avodart treatment has been excellent. I have had absolutely no side effects. I have had no shedding while on Avodart. Avodart began working for me about a month and a half into treatment, first reducing hair fall out in the shower from about 30 hairs a day to about 10 hairs a day. My hair also began to feel and look thicker. At about the 3 month mark hair fall out in the shower was reduced to about 5 hairs a day. I also began to see some regrowth in the crown area where I had previously been thinning. Now right up to the 6 month mark I continue to see regrowth in the crown area. Also scalp itching has completely gone away.
From month 7 onward my crown had completely filled. My hair looks thick and full. Avodart really does work. I am very pleased with my positive response from Avodart. I want to continue treatment. Thank you
Darkening of light hairs after one month, overall thickening since.
Had initial shedding, happy with the regrowth.
Initial shedding years ago. Slow filling in and maintenance of new hair.
About 4 years ago I noticed my hairline receding. About 3 years ago I started taking avodart and my hairloss came to a halt and my hairline has remained the same ever since.
Approx. 3 months. Hair has stopped falling out. Some signs of re-growth
Noticed a slight difference within a month and a more pronouced difference in about 2 months. Best to describe it as a slow but sure process.
I have been on avodart for @ 3 years. For the 1st year hair grew back, from @ N5B to a N3. I have appeared to stabilize now. I would still like to continue. I have never had any negative side effects. Started at 18 steady loss until I started with avodart. it arrested the process, and grew some back (now age 38)
Has stopped hair loss, minimal regrowth
gradual all-over thinning that has lessened since i started using avodart.
Stopped shedding hair. I’m actually keeping what I had since I started taking this.
No initial shedding that I recall, it took about six months to notice change. Front seems about the same, but the crown has definately increased in density and thickness.
hair grew back
fair- no shedding
becoming a little more dense
Hair has ceased thinning and receding
fall out stopped and have had some regrowth
Thickening of hair after 1 year of use.
Overall thickening, some small progress at hairline
After the first three months, I have noticed the crown and anterior vertex have started to become more dense. The hair is of mixed color and texture with some darker terminal hair and hair that has not reached maturity but is still visible. The frontal hairs which compose the hairline are improving, but I have not noticed the progression of my hairline as other have, although I have only been on this product for three months. I believe the these areas will fill in as well. Overall, I am quite happy with the product.
No initial shedding and things have been maintaining at the same level, which is all I really want to happen. Balding was rapid prior to Avodart but has ceased.
hair loss has slowed
Avodart has facilitated regrowth and reduced the progression of losing hair. The changes started taking place about 60 days after taking the medication.
I noticed an increase in regrowth in about 4 months. No shedding was noticed. I first noticed my hair loss just right after graduateing High School. I have used various products to slow the progress (Rogaine, Propecia, Proscar). Avodart has shown the greatest results so far.
So far I have been able to maintain the status quo since taking avodart. Given that it has been very difficult for me to detect any further hair loss since taking avodart I am pleased with the results to date.
Results have been excellent ot date – had some initial shedding but overall has stopped progression of hair loss
better quality hair, stopped fallout after 3 months
Hair stopped falling out very quickly, and has since thickened up nicely. I’m very satisfied. Started thinning on top when I was 27. I then started rogaine and propecia that stopped it and helped for a while. Then when I was almost 30 the propecia lost its affect and I started thinning again. Then in the beginning of 2003 I started using avodart with very good results. My hair has thickened up, and I am happy with the results.
Currently, steady state – no new hair growth, but no new hair loss either. Use in combination with 5% minoxidil.
has maintained growth
I noticed hair loss in my mid to late 20’s and saw a doctor that prescribed Propecia for me. After about 6 months on Propecia my hair thickness returned to almost normal and stayed that way for many years. About 1 year ago it seems Propecia stopped working for me and I noticed a large increase in hair loss. I consulted with you about 6 months ago and started Avodart; within about 2 weeks my hair loss slowed and actually began to grow back after about 2 to 3 months. My hair is now thicker and almost back to the fullness it was before I started the treatment. I noticed a decrease in the number of hairs shed when combing my hair after a shower within about 2 weeks. After 2 to 3 months my hair was somewhat thicker and I no longr had the “balding” appearance. Now my hair is almost back to the thickness it was before starting the treatment.
I have been using avodart for 2 1/2 years. No noticible hairloss since I’ve been using it after and initial shedding period. No noticible side effects.
Have experienced regrowth of hair
so far not a whole lot of change. but i have not been on it that long. seems like the shedding is slowing down
minor sheddding, minor regrowth on hairline
I’ve been on avodart for about a year. I don’t think I have seen new growith, but I don’t believe I’ve lost much if any hair either.
hair loss has stopeed since first staring treatment
My hair loss stopped after 2 weeks of treatment
Hair has always been fine. At age 30 slow gradual hair losses began to occur at vertex. Since taken Advart hair on sides seems thicker and vertex loss stopped or slowed. Been taking Avodart for almost 1 ½ years. After the first 8 months, I noticed an overall slight improvement. Hair on side of head seems thicker and looked as if it crept up more toward the middle. It seems lately my hair in the frontal area is receding. I haven t noticed much of any type of improvement lately in the vertex area.
approx 3- 4 months thickening of hair
shedding initially, now loss has decreased
thin regrowth
Reduction in hair loss
My father is completely bald, brother with thin hair. I have been using rogaine, propecia, and now avodart since I was 23-24 with very good success Been on it for several years and has done an excellent job maintaining my hair and decent new growth too
Thickening of hair after 6 months
I’ve noticed just after a couple of months that my hair wasn’t shedding out like it used to, it feels better and is looking better.
no real change yet
Gradual Hair loss which has slowed very much with use of Avodart.
I started noticing less thinning and partial regrowth after ~4 months. After ~2 years, I have seen significant regrowth.
I noticed less shedding from the scalp after 3 months of use. Regrowth has been slow if any, but the important part is the scalp is holding on to what it has
after continued use, my hair appears to be thicker
Great maintenance. Initial shed, no more shedding
The hariloss has slowed since I started taking Avodart a couple years ago
I noticed sheding right away, then it tapers off after a few months, have not noticed any regrowth
I noticed changes within the first 4 months. No shedding or side effects. After 4 months my hair was noticeably thicker and stable.
Have maintained most due to minoxidil and procedia and now avodart. I am continuing the treatment I have for years to keep what I have. Whenever I stopped any of the above treatments mentioned I noticed thinning, so I definitely want to continue with my treatments. I started taking Avodart I think about 2.5 years ago. It worked really well at first but now I use it just to hopefully maintain what I have gained back.
I’ve been on Avodart for close to two years now and have had great success! About every three months I shed quite a bit and then my hair comes back thicker and and softer. This process has been going on since I started the product. Also after the shedding occurs and my hair begins to return my scalp feels excellent!
seems to have slowed hair loss
at first shedding was very evident for about three weeks. eyes were a little dry. then all shedding stopped and i soon noticed regrowth at the top of the head and since then has been starting to fill in. I’m very excited about the results!!
overall thickening
Progress after month 3 and continued progress thereafter.
I did not notice any changes or shedding. I am assuming that the medication is working because I have not noticed any hair loss. Noticed at about 16-17. Has been going on gradually for the past 12 years. I think the avodart has been successful in maintaining existing hair.
:: Initial shedding after first month that lasted 3 to 4 month. Shedding has now stopped.
Shedding on and off. no regrowth noticed yet
significant regrowth on top of head and overall thickening of the existing hair
after 2-3 months i noticed some slight regrowth of hair. overall i feel avodart has helped maintain the amount and fullness of my hair and prevented further loss.
Hair loss has decelerated. NO regrowth of lost hair.
Cessation of hair loss On Propecia or Avodart for last 7 years without significant further receding. Current Norwood 3. Have had several hair transplants to restore hairline.
There was a thickening of hair after a few months. No shedding.
thickening on crown and stopped hair loss
Hair loss seems ot have slowed down and stabilized
I started noticing positive change after 2 months of use
No shedding, much regrowth
Regrowth at the crown; slowing of hair loss overall
Great results within one month … ceased shedding, hair grew thicker and regrowth in all areas. Thanks!
Been taking Avodart for approximately 2 years now. (Was Previously taking propecia/proscar.) Haven’t experienced any shedding. Regrowth has been steady, if slow. Still though, hairline has continued to return.
My response to use of Avodart has been very good. Initially I experienced some slight shedding in the first couple of months but since then I have not had any shedding and have seen my hair thicken. Although hair has not returned to my temple area it has stopped the recession. I have not had any sexual or any other side effects.
crown filled in well. Overall thickening of hair. Frontal area needs improvement
Response has been generally very good. No clumps of hair falling out or big noticeable changes. Changes noticed were the stoppage of hair loss after about 6 months. It appears as if there is slight regrowing of hair.
Short thin hair/ at about 5 months
less shedding and some thickening
Steady, slowed shedding
I have maintained amount of hair for the last 3 years.
initial shed 2 mo then strong regrowth and now maintaining new hair – it works
ood- responses, including thickening of hair started within a few months
Over time I have noticed continually thicker hair
Initially regrew some hair now maintaining current thickness. Most success with crown area.
It has slowed hair loss significantly at the crown. It hasn’t done a whole lot at the temples.
Response seems to be good. Less shedding with gradual thickening.
thickening hair
Shedding and thickening over time
I have not had any continued loss and, it seems, to have thickened a bit.
Significant reduction in rate of hair loss on crown. Little hair loss in this area in 2 years of use. Was already using Propecia so it is difficult to determine when benefits commenced
Hair loss seems to have greatly stabilized since first starting treatment. It took a few months after an initial shed. No shedding has occured since then
I have taken Avodart for approximately four years now, and it has proven effective for me in dramatically slowing hair loss.
Hair has grown back extensively
not much shedding, great thickness, especially in front
Hair loss has declined, possibly even stopped. Strands in some areas may be thicker.
Hair thinning progressed very gradual with must of the hair shedding coming from the top of the scalp. tried propecia for 18 months wiht no improvement. HAVE NOTICED Less Hair Shedding in the last five months and a thickening of the hair on the crown and scalp area. Have been taking Avodart for 18 months with no health side effects.
:: HAVE NOTICED Less Hair Shedding in the last five months and a thickening of the hair on the crown and scalp area. Have been taking Avodart for 18 months with no health side effects
Initial shedding, not alot of regrowth but hair loss has stopped
no shedding, some regrowth starting at 5 months
Regrowth in 4 – 6 months
My hair loss history is a gradual one starting about ten years ago, and is some where between a Norwood class 3 and 4 but has been really improving with the use of Avodart.
I have not noticed any changes yet.
Reduced hair loss, thickening of hair, some regrowth
Noticed initial frontal regrowth at 4-5 months. At about 10 months I stopped growing new hair. Very satisfied overall.
Some initial shedding (very little), Mild regrowth, nothing compared to when I first started with Propecia years ago, but still, a little bit.
I stopped Avodart and used Propecia with bad results, worse hair loss
good, slowed balding
hair remains intact
Initial heavy shedding; Regrowth after about 6 months
thickening of hair
gradual regrowth and thickening after 4 months
Hair thicker a bit more thickness
Great. Just hair growing in thicker, not going bald. I started noticing it at 19 years old. It came on pretty quickly, but after taking Propecia years ago, it slowed down. After stopping Propecia and taking Avodart, it has stabilized and perhaps even grown thicker.
: I started to use it in March-06.I see immediate results starting from my 3rd week.My existing hair thickened and I had a significant amount of regrowth. My regrowth was very noticeable during weeks 3-8 but after that it slowed down. Currently my density is till increasing but at a slower pace.I didn’t notice any shedding but my hair is extremely short (#1 cut)
Hair is thicker
Dear Medical Wellness Center,
I’m getting great results from Avodart again, with no side effects! I look forward to renewing my prescription for 1 year in June 2007.
Thanks again!
It stopped balding process
Good Response. Continue Regrowth and thickening of hair. No longer and hairloss.
Lots of small thin hairs, but limited thickening
The results have mostly been to stop further hair loss. Some minor regrowth has occurred but my main concern was to stop any further loss.
Had some initial shedding with some thickening and hair regrowth
general thickening of all hair that was still present
no strong initial shedding..just trying to maintain hair on my crown
I noticed when I was 28 that my hair thinned slightly at the crown. When I got into my early 30s I noticed it progressed a little more and enough that I wanted to try propecia to catch it early. Propecia was incredible but it seemed to taper off over the past few years. I noticed a definite thickening after about 3 months. Some sheading did occur which I expected. I’ve noticed some regrowth at the temporal areas as well as at the crown. The overall texture of my hair has improved dramatically.
I noticed thicker stable hair after one year.
hair is thickening
i have been on avodart for at least 3 years. i have experienced ups and downs. overal ive had stable slow hair loss and for the most part maintained a good amount of hair. i feel however that in the past 6 months i have experience a higher amount of loss and more rapid thinning. i am not sure if this means that i have become resistant to the treatment or perhaps its just another phase in the shedding/regrowth cycle.
Maintained hair thickness, some regrowth
hair loss has slowed down after taking avodart
I have used avodart for about 3 months. No shedding whatsoever. Hair loss reduced after 1 month. I had not seen too much change after that. Hair seemed to have thickened a little.
no initial shedding, maintaining so far.
At this point it is maintaining all the hair it regrew in prior years.
Good progress; maintained my hair since I began in 03
: thickening of hair within the first year, continued no loss for the second year and on
Had some thickening after about three months. Thinning stopped completely.
I’ve maintained my hair with Avodart.
3 months regrowth
Hair has not gotten worse
Avodart has worked very well and better than Propecia
A few years ago before I had started taking Avodart, I had started to notice my hair seeming thinner and my scalp becoming more visible. I started becoming very self conscious. But now after taking Avodart for a few years I honestly rarely even think about my hairline or losing my hair, and am very pleased with the appearance of my hair. I dont know if anyone responds to these, but I did notice a little bit of shedding a little over a year ago. It seemed to last for about a few weeks or so and then I gradually didnt notice it anymore and havent noticed it since. But I would be curious to know if that is normal and if that is something I should expect to happen again?
I’m not growing new hair, but I have stopped losing hair. This began immediately after beginning Avodart.
About three months in, I noticed less loss.
slowed hairloss
6 months, slight regrowth, but stopped the loss
Hair growth has been good
hairloss has remained stable
Maintaining so far….
Start to notice thickening after 3 mo. no regrowth
Haven’t noticed any change
So far haven’t noticed much change but want to continue.
I have shown some regrowth. mostly has just stopped the hair loss.
Hair loss has been gradual and confined pretty nuch to top central region. Loss accelerated in late 40s. I think Avodart has slowed the loss significantly, but some loss is still evident. Some regrowth in frontal region but more towards back. I think some more loss has occurred by it is slower than before I started Avodart.
I started first losing hair when I was 19 and gradually lost more hair over time until I started taking Avodart at which point my hair loss stopped I started noticing significant changes about a year after starting Avodart. Avodart has completely halted any further hair loss since I started taking it. I have also regrown some hair back. It works great for me.
Noticed changes after 3 weeks, hair grew thicker and hair regrew along the hairline.
hair loss has been much slower, and hairs on top of head are thicker
No real initial shedding, slow thickening, but noticable.
thickening and some regrowth
I’ve had thickening in the front, but overall it has ceased. Everything is pretty much being maintained. I’m starting to wonder if the back is thinning though.
Effects noticed after approx 1.5 to 2 weeks of first dose. No initial shedding, but pronounced decrease in hair loss. Regrowth of new, small hairs after approx 1-2months.
I started to notice thick regrowth within 5 months, and have maintained all that I have grown. No sides. Im very satisfied with the product.
It appears that the medication has dramatically slowed down the hair loss. I still experience some hair loss, but I believe that is still normal for everybody. As for regrowth, there are some smaller hairs new the front hairline. I don’t expect major regrowth from the medication, but I do expect, and have noticed, a reduction in hairloss. Therefore, I am pleased with the results thus far.
After about 3 months my hair stopped receding and thinning and has grown back in previously bald areas and filled in in thinner areas. And has seen steady but slow progress since. Very happy with it.
I noticed changes within a few months. I no longer have shedding
Took propecia for a couple years which retarded recession. Switched to avodart and have had good results . Hairline has not receded.
I have not noticed significant regrowth, but I’ve also noticed very little progression over the 2.5 years that I have been using Avodart.
Dramatic regrowth of hair
initial shedding for about 3 weeks than regrouth
A few shedding phases, but over all has maintained my hair (no new growth apparent yet).
works great
noticed a small improvement in hair thickness
I noticed a reduction in hair loss in about a week. I had no initial shedding, and I have experienced a thickening of hair and some regrowth as of Month 5.
Started in college, has been slow but steady ever since. Using Avodart has helped slow hair loss significantly. hair has stopped falling out, but I have not noticed any significant regrowth
Slowed down hair loss and complete retention of crown and top
noticed hair loss at a class 2 stage and have been able to hold it like this by first taking propecia and now advodart –
3 months noticed changes, hair thicker at crown and at temple areas. New hair growth with less shedding on top of head. All balding areas are filling in with hair, and is thicker at 6 months hair loss gradual since 19 years old became noticable about 23 years old (class 2, at 32 years of age (class 3) age 41 border line class 4, and now about class 3 or borderline class 4 since on avodart. Hair is getting much thicker with areas of baldness filling in with new hair growth. hair is becoming thicker
maintaining hair
Shedding seems to have stopped for the past 3 years, hair seems thicker, maybe some regrowth in the crown area. Shedding noticable at about 25yo, receding hairline and crown. Rogaine/minox slowed down the process. Followed by Propecia and then Avodart some years ago. Hair status seems stable since use of Avodart.
no shedding, thickening of hair
I am at the 6 month mark. I have noticed a gradual thickening or healther look to the hair that I already have. I have not notice much growth on the side-frontal area other than an increae in very short fuzz of several mm in length. In the area of the top front, I have noticed and increase in some very fine short hairs of approximately 1/4 to 1/3 inches in length. However, they do not seem to get any longer than this. At no time during my 6 months of use did I notice any shedding.
Continued maintenance this year, no significant growth, but more importantly – no noticable degradation in either hairline or vertex.
Seems to slow the shedding down.
Hair has thickened in general, new growth in front.
minimal regrowth and thickening
I’m not sure I’ve seen improvement, really. In fact, my hair continues to thin at the temples. Other places seem to be stable though.
Thickening of hair in 6 mo
No shedding. Increased growth and thickness
I didn’t notice any shedding, and new hairs have sprouted up along my hair line.
Hair loss has stopped.
Using Avodart topically with aloe vera gel. No real shedding of note. Subjective thickening of hair noted.
After 6 months, it was apparent that I was no loner losing my hair. After one year, slight regrowth in the crown area was noticeable. Changes were very subtle, but it works better than finasteride.
I have been taking for about 30 months results are moderate but noticable
Hair is thicker at shaft and has filled in somewhat. The product is working, I noticed its effects after about 2 months.
Condition of hair is excellent and much thicker.
Big shedding at the beginning…slowing down now…
There was some initial shedding but regrowth has generally been significant. Except for some persistent bald areas in the temple are I am very pleased with the regrowth.
Good response. Thicker hair on top and in frontal area.
took between 6 mos to a year for results.
I’ve had an excellent response to avodart. I’m been using the medication for 2 years and have not seen anymore hairloss during this time. Intitally I had shedding, but over time my hair has thickened and maintained.
Seem to be no shedding or continued loss. POssible that there is regrowth, especially around frontal vertex, but too early to make definitive conclusions. Looks optimistic
maintaining current hair. some slow recession at hairline persists, but hairloss is less than that experienced by male relatives.
Hair growth has thickened above the temple, and loss has stopped. very little shedding
a lot less shedding
hiar loss rate has slowed
Noticed chnger w/ in 6 wks. hair stoped falling out bur remined thin on crown een after over 1 year of use. Results were better with use of minoxidil in connjunction wi Avodart.
Some initial shedding; no regrowth at this point
Have been taking for about 18 months. Hair regrowth has been impressive. No hair loss has been noted.
I have had very good results using Avodart over the past 3 years. Recession has stopped in the front hairline, and the crown has filled in.
I’ve been using Avodart for over five years with no side effects and no further loss of hair since beginning treatment. Before that I used Propecia. Initially I actually got a little regrowth (even on front hair line), but not having any further hair loss is enough for me.
Great response, no noticeable loss
: 6 months to see much changes, since changes have been dramatic.
After a few months use, hair thickened.
I have had improvment in my hair
Initial shedding – no noticable regrowth so far
seems to be working with no noticable side effects
Hair loss is slow. Not sure Avodart is actually slowing loss, but want to continue to use it.
Modest regrowth
moderate growth including temporal area
slow recovery but noticable
Some thickening of hair.
No initial shedding, has maintained current hairline and thickness
Great results /3 months
I have noticed some shedding starting about 3 months in and to this point regrowth seems minimal.
: It took 3-6 months to notice changes. The regrowth has been strong, especially on the sides.
: Loss rate slowed greatly and noticed some regrowth
Avodart appears to be slowing my hair loss
I had gradual hairloss at 20 then started taking propecia. Propecia stopped when I turned 23 so then I started Avodart. Seems to have stopped hair loss. Have not noticed increase in hair growth. Initial shedding lasted only in the first 2 months.
Great success. results right away. no shedding
I’ve been taking Avodart for male pattern baldness for several years now. Continued treatment with Avodart has halted the progression of the condition.
It took me about a year and a half to notice a difference. After this time passed I have noticed a significant decrease in shedding. Avodart has been more effective than Propecia for me.
response was well; did experience initial shedding, new growth appearance after approximately 4 months. Hope to see more in the coming 12 months.
There seemed to be an initial shedding period after switching from propecia to avodart. Since then, the results seem about the same, it is hard to tell (no noticable difference from propecia).
Overall maintaining of hair line and crown for past 3 or 4 years. No shedding of any kind. Hair seems to have maintained thickness.
The initial response was slow, however,I am now in a maintence mode trying to keep the growth of 1yr.
It took about 3 months, with some shedding.
Stopped losing hair
very good regrowth
definite regrowth, thickening of hair after 6 months
no gain but stop losing
i have noticed result after four months, my hair started to get thicker, and I started to lose less hair.
I have noticed a gradual thickening of hair around the crown after about 4 months.
Slows the progression of my hairloss, and more hair at back of head in 1 year
I have been using Avodart, Minoxidil and Nizoral for about 1.5 yrs now. It is working well. It has stopped my hair loss and is maintaining my hair level. I am starting to see new small fine hairs that are lighter in color. I hope that the new hairs will start darkening and thickening soon.
maintaining har count
I have been on Avodart for just over 3 years. I have seen a dramatic increase in hair density and only have observed normal shedding as a result of the medication. I am very pleased with the product and will continue using the medication as a form of treatment to combat hair loss.
After a period of significant shedding I am thrilled to report that Avodart has resulting in a full return of normal density on my crown. I had been using Proscar for about 10 years with good results but the effects were starting to diminish as I was beginning to shed in the crown. I started Proscar early on and really enjoyed cosmetically “full” hair all along, but I was always concerned about the thin appearance when wet and it was quite troubling. I also always used 5% minox with Retin A form my dermatologist. I am Thrilled with Avodart.
Been wonderful for maintaining anterior and vertex hair.
Stopped shedding, experienced some regrowth
It’s been great. Has stopped any hair loss I was experiencing.
I can’t tell if I’ve continued to see much regrowth, but at least hair is stable.
thickening in 3- 5 months
Very good hair regrowth around the crown of the scalp
No adverse reaction. No noticeable regrowth, but no loss
Hairloss slowed down rather quickly after starting treatment with good thickening and growth overall. Seems like after the 5th month, shedding increased but I know this is a ” normal” reaction to taking the medication.
Appears to have stopped/slowed hair loss; took months to notice.
I had significnat shedding for about 3 months followed by complete regrowth of lost hair. I use in conjunction with Retin A Minoxodil. Started noticing hair loss at age 21. Went on 1/4 tab of Proscar at age 24 with minoxidil, had very good results. Started seeing those results fade after 11 years or so. Went on Avodart and have had excelent results. I am not really on the Norwood chart, I am typically complimented on my thick hair.
Hairloss stopped – slight regrowth
Hair became thicker. I stopped taking it for 6 months and hair is becoming thinner again.
Results have been great, hair is continually getting thicker
Going great . has shedding around 9 months and now it’s good.
hair5)$5 growth was noticable within 3 to 4 months; bald spot on crown filled in quite nicely
Has slowed down hair loss. Some thickening.
No additional hair loss noticed; condition seems to have completely stabilized
response is good approx 6 months, no shedding
A little new growth, but very little additional hair loss since beginning the drug treatment.
3 months and then bald the spot was virtually gone. It did not restore very much hair loss in the front though.
Moderate shedding about a month in, then regrowth by 3 months or so to state of hair before commencement of Avodart, followed by slight regrowth a few months later and a constant state since then (over the next year-and-a-half)
I believe the overall appearance of my hair is better
after two months i noticed my hair thickened a lot. but it tapered off after that.
It seems that I have been shedding for the entire time I have been using Avodart, thinning moreso than receding.
Initial shedding up to 6 months, then regrowth to maintaining current hairline, additional regrowth frontal/crown and maintaining.
holding onto my hair
After two months- slight regrowth; After four months- continued regrowth at the crown area; At six month- continued filling in at the crown
I have been thinning since the age of 18 and immediately began a propecia and rogaine routine. My body seemed to develop a tolerance to propecia after several years of use so I began using Avodart. Initially, Avodart regrew some hair but since has mostly helped decrease the rate of fallout.
Hair fallout has stopped. This occured within weeks after starting treatment. Hair regrowth is occuring however the progress is very slow. It appears to grow back at the same pace I lost it.
I have been using it for two years with very good results. My hair started thickening after a couple months and has gone to a point that I am very happy with. I would like to keep this hair.
No additional hair loss but no hair gain.
first three months- thickening of back of head next two months- thickening of top of head last month- thickening of front of head
Have used it for almost 2 years — maintaining good hair look — thickening, regrowth maintained.
thickness and regrowth started immediately within the first three months
thickening of hair within 3 months
Had initial increase in shedding, but not much now
seems to help keep my hair, no more fallout
hairloss has stopped
Initial improvement, followed by shedding, then regrowth
Initial shedding has stopped and hair is thicke
When I began treatment almost ten years ago with Propecia I was borderline class three, Propecia reversed this…later I switched to Avodart and it reversed it even more. Today I’m happy to say my hair line is normal Everything is the same as I’ve documented for you before, I’m very content with what Avodart has done for me, as of my last phisical I’m perfectly healthy and this medication has given me no side effects.
nothing so far, no noticed regrowth or loss
seems to maintain existing hair
Thickening of hair on crown of head occurred after 6 months. Continued use appears to have continued progress.
:: No real shed to speak of of. Not much re-growth but very (maybe no) additional loss.
good response, noticed improvement after 9-10 months, intitial shedding during 3-7 months, followed by slight regrowth.
I have been very pleased with the results thus far. I noticed results after 3 months or so and it has definitely helped regrow hair where I was balding and slow down my hair loss.
No side effects. No hair growth that I can tell but no hair loss either. People say my hair looks thicker but I honestly can’t tell for sure.
My hair has generally thickened and improved in its appearance.
darkening in one month but thinning past 6 months
My hair has generally thickened and improved in its appearance
slowing of hair loss bebining at about 8 weeks.I have not yet had any noticable regrowth or thickening.
No initial shedding. Hair loss has stopped or has slowed. possibly some regrowth
My response to Avodart treatment has been excellent. I have had absolutely no side effects. I have had no shedding while on Avodart.
Avodart began working for me about a month and a half into treatment, first reducing hair fall out in the shower from about 30 hairs a day to about 10 hairs a day. My hair also began to feel and look thicker.
At about the 3 month mark hair fall out in the shower was reduced to about 5 hairs a day. I also began to see some regrowth in the crown area where I had previously been thinning.
Now right up to the 6 month mark I continue to see regrowth in the crown area. Also scalp itching has completely gone away.
From month 7 onward my crown had completely filled. My hair looks thick and full. Avodart really does work. I am very pleased with my positive response from Avodart.
Afterwards, I found my results declined a little bit when I reduced my dosage to 1 every 5 days. My results are best when I take Avodart daily. I
Initial shedding was extremely heavy first couple months. Shedding subsided and hair loss stopped within 3 months. Hair began to thicken around five months, and no hair is shed.
Hairloss has slowed and overall hair seems relatively healthy. Haven’t experienced any shedding, not much regrowth, but have maintained the status quo.
I’ve experienced substantial, cosmetic regrowth of hair in the three years I’ve used Avodart. The initial growth started within a year.
Avodart has greatly reduced or stopped the loss of hair at the back of my scalp.
good response. have been taking for years and hair loss has slowed dramatically. some regrowth.
No initial shedding, thickening of hair and also regrowth on top and in front.
Experienced light shedding first 3 months. Have not noticed much regrowth but do seem to be maintaning the hair I do have.
:: Right now it is maintaining my hair. I have some periods of shedding, but no noticable loss
Have been using for two years, lessoning of hair loss
Very good overall maintenance of hair growth. Very little hair loss, if any for over three years now. Amazing regrowth around hairline! I couldn’t do without Avodart if I wanted to maintain my hair growth. I first noticed results after around 3-4 months of Avodart usage, which was nearly four years ago and have since been nearly hair loss-free.
I have seen significant regrowth at the crown, some regrowth at the temples. Overall hair is noticibly thicker. Many people have given me unsolicited positive comments.
maintains hair pretty well
Hair seems stable
:: I didn’t have any initial shedding, by the end of the first month I had noticed a decrease in the number of hairs on my pillow in the morning and less in the shower drain. I can’t really say I have had much regrowth but hair loss has definitely decreased and basically stopped. I am very pleased. I would wake up in the AM with a lot of hair on my pillow and after taking a shower the drain would be full of hair. I went to my primary care physician and he started me on Propecia. A few yrs later the FDA approved Avodart and I feel like it is a better medication and prefer to be on Avodart instead of Propecia.
Good progress, growth after 3 months
I have been on Avodart for several years now, and I have no complaints. The hair regrowth has been slow, and it only seems to maintain my front hair, but that’s better than losing it.
Good progress throughout hairline.
I’ve been maintaining.
within 3 months
Possibly some initial shedding, but was minimal. Probably because used to be on Propecia. Hairloss pretty much stopped.
It has slowed the hair loss
significant regrowth after 6 months
4 to 5 months, inital shedding, maitianed and some thickening and regrowth thereafter
I have been taking avodart since it came out. I had only a couple of shedding periods. The results have been amazing. My hair has gotten thicker, healthier, and there has been no further hair loss.
maintained all hair
maintenance of hair and hairline
It started some year ago. I used minoxidil, but later I started to use propecia. afters stoping taking propecia I switched to avodart. basically the hairloss has stopped
I started to notice my hair growing back at 6 months, and have kept my exsisting hair.
I began taking propecia in 1998. I switched to Avodart in approximately 2003. Propecia and Avodart have helped maintain my current amount of hair.
Hair loss has seemed to have slowed down and stabilized
Started difuse thinning at 26. Started propecia and rogaine which helped for a couple of years, but started to lose ground after that. Then started Avodart which has halted my hairloss and has improved my hair. Started December 2002. Stopped fallout right of way. Hair then thickened a little. Hair looks better than when I started.
I have not experienced any regrowth. However, my hair loss has pretty much stopped.
I did not notice any initial shedding, but it was years ago. I had some hair regrowth, but most importantly there has been no further hairloss
i noticed significantly less hair falling out within a week. there are new small hairs coming out of places that were bald.
Had regrowth ata around 6 months
I have been maintaining very nicely. No shedding.
initial shedding, some regrowth, thickening, happy with results
It worked within 6 weeks, I noticed my hairline had moved down.
some regrowth at frontal line
I began to notice a gradual loss of hair which would continue for the next several years until I began treating it with propecia and subsequently with dutasteride. So far my teatment has been succesful in that I have been able to maintain my hair.
after less than two months i started to notice regrowth at the front hair line and a complete stop of hair loss
Helps keep the hair I have.
Good response. I have been using for over 4 years and I can say I have more hair today than when I started.
Hair began to regrow and hairloss slowed
Has significantly diminished hairloss
I started shedding at 2 months, but hair has thicken up quite a bit at the 5 month mark.
I had quite a bit of shedding in the beginning months but now only routine shedding occurs (which means it’s working.).
some shedding. hair loss slowed significantly. some regrowth.:
: hair loss stopped and hair got thicker
I have taken Avodart for 2+ years. The drug has rested further hair loss and has regrown some hair in the crown. I began noticing changes almost immediately upon taking Avodart. My hair loss slowed considerably within a week or two, and after about a month it stopped entirely. After approximately three months I began to notice regrowth in the crown. The crown area has not completely filled in, and probably never will, but I am very happy with the results I see.
I have seen less hair fallout. Did not noticing any initial shedding in the beginning. I believe my hair is starting to look thicker.
slowed hair loss
:: I have had hair regrowth
everything seems to have remained static
continued improvement – regrowth and thickening
Avodart has helped to maintain the hair I have and have strengthened them also.
I feel that my hair has shed less sine taking Avodart
No further loss since inception. Some regrowth.
Started to grow hair back after week 1
Hair has been maintained
No shedding; significant regrowth in front where thinning after about 3-4 months. significant thickening after three.
This has worked very well for several years in conjunction with Rogaine. I used Propecia before and this works even better
I have been using Avodart for more than 3 years. What the medication did was kick me from a Norwood 5 to a 4. My condition is now stable.
Response was positive, halting of shedding within 3 months and moderate regrowth within 12 months
I noticed regrowth after about 1 month, no shedding and my hair was noticable thicker.
No major growth but no loss either
I have maintained my hair in the past two years due to Avodart.
Avodart seems to be working somewhat
Have not noticed any increase as of yet
No changes, hair neither lost nor gained
hair remained stable
Avodart has worked great. Initial shedding was brief, then hair got thicker and fuller.
I have been taking Avodart for over 3 years and have had no noticable side effects. My hair loss seems to have stalled and slowed dramatically.
Some response within two months, regrowth of fine hair at the crown of my head. No shedding noticed.
Avodart has greatly slowed down my hairloss. I have been a patient of Medical Wellness for years now and am completely satisfied with the results.
Initial shedding, hairline is denser
The respones was surprisingly quick. At first it was the general thickening of the existing hair then new “filler hair” in between the existing. Now the “filler hair” is thicken to. I am most pleased with the results. I noticed change after the first month and now its been 180 days and the still showing improvment. It is tapering off as far as new hair growth but what was there is thick and strong.
I have been using the treatment for about two years now and have very good results. Not much in the way of hair coming back by my loss and shedding has ceased. At least at the rate that it once once. I am confident that this product is helping to maintain my hair without side effects.
noticed some initial shedding of hair. Since then I have noticed that it has not been falling out. I have noticed some new fine hairs coming in on the front area of my hairline.
I noticed great results within the first two months and it has sustained my hair growth wonderfully.
I started to see hair growth starting from the first month I have taken avodart. The progress continued until month 3. Since then I maintain those results with no further hair loss.
noticed changes in about 3-4mo, some regrowth in crown at year one, hairloss has stopped completely over since then for the following 2 years
: First 6 months = good growth, especially along the hairline, as well as the crown filling in.
:: I have been using Avodart for 3-4 years now. Has slowed/stopped down any loss. No significant regrowth.
Shedding has stopped, some regrowth has occurred.
Good response. Some hair growth but more noticable stop of hair loss.
Gradual thinning at first … followed by slow regrowth and thinning has slowed.
Avodart has worked awsome. Filled in thinning areas, and my hair is much thicker.
shed yes, regrowth after 4 months
I’ve noticed regrowth
Response ok, basically just didn’t see any further loss.
Hair loss has stopped however no new hair growth
After thinning from the age of about 21 to 26, I began taking propecia. the shedding completely stopped for about five years, and I regrew a lot of hair. Propecia seemed to lose its effectiveness so I switched to avodart with excellent results.: I have had considerable thickening and regrowth of hair throughout the scalp. It too k about three months to see changes. I have seen intermintent periods of short-term shedding, followed by an increase in regrowth and thickening.
Avodart has successfully prevented hair loss and produced some new growth of hair
Seem to be stabilized for now. Hoping to see more regrowth.
Some thickening of hair in all areas that were thinning. Cessation of thinning. Changes noted after 6-9 months of use.
Thickening of hair. Less hair loss
It took about 2 months
It seems that my hairloss has been slowed. Frontal loss is creeping but very slow.
I stopped using Avodart about 18 months ago believing that my hair loss had stabilized. Unfortunately in the last few moths my hair loss has resumed. When I was taking Avodart I did not notice regrowth but my hair loss did stop.
noticed itching in crown after approx 3-4 weeks then new growth within 2 months. also noticed increased growth in frontal area.
I used propecia for years and noticed a decrease in it’s effectiveness. Avodart started to work for me after about 6 months. I noticed a general thickening and the fallout seemed to subside. The biggest change I noticed was regrowth at the temporal areas. I experienced shedding and actually still notice some shedding periodically, but it is usually followed up by good re-growth. I’ve had no side effects at all and am very happy with the product.
basically just slowed things down, no regrowth
no initial shedding, maintained hair and seemed to thicken hair as well
Slowed recession and loss after 6 – 9 months.
It is working great immediately.
a little thickening
The Avodart worked a lot better then the propecia. the hair loss has slowed a lot and it seems to be much better.hair started to fall out pretty suddenly. Got on Propecia and it l worked for a while then stopped working and i started on Avodart…it has worked better.
Started to notice changes very soon (decreased rate of loss), and since then have maintained hair count.
I notice regrowth of hair within about 2 months and more normal looking thickness at about the 6 month mark.
No changes. No additional hair loss but no regrowth.
worked initially very well
I have been taking avodart for almost three years. My hair condition has improved steadily over the last 24 months. The first six months to 12 months showed slight impovement. But the last 24 months my hair has thickened and there is only slight shedding. The frontal hair line and crown area has maintained hair density wiht no further progression of hair loss.
hair loss has visibly decreased after 2 mos.
I have been taking avodart for almost three years. My hair condition has improved steadily over the last 24 months. The first six months to 12 months showed slight impovement. But the last 24 months my hair has thickened and there is only slight shedding. The frontal hair line and crown area has maintained hair density wiht no further progression of hair loss.
Have been using Avodart for 3 years: Within 3 months hairloss stopped (some minor shedding). Noticed regrowth and overall thickening within 12-18 months.
I am using Avodart to retard further hair loss. I have maintained my hair but my temple areas continue to recede.
I continue to take it simply to maintain what I have.
noticable changes after 6 months or so
hair loss has stopped after 3 months of treatment
started to notice thinning in my crown around 19. my hairline is starting to thin a bit…but it’s mostly the top that is thinning. since being on avodart, my hair loss has slowed down substantially.
I started using avodart 6 monthes, I had a shed around month two, since then I have seen increase thickening of hair, and regrowth with no side efforts
I have been using for some time and have maintained growth. There has been some loss but this has been minimal over quite a long period of time.
I have been on Avodart for about 3 years… It’s worked great for me!
Fair Growth..loss slowed
Thickening and some regrowth
When I was 18 I stared noticing my hairline thinning. I tried a few different thins over the next few years that worked semi well. But I really noticed a change after starting to take Avodart. I would say that my hairline definitely looks thicker and healthier than it did before starting to take Avodart. Maybe about once a year I notice a little bit of shedding, but within a couple months everything seems to be back to normal.
some vellus conversion to terminal hairs still occuring in widow’s peak area
have hair regrowth, thickening, no initial shedding. regrowth in 2 months.
some regrowth, good maintenance
Great, took about 6 months
Things are going well
Avodart has worked well, and slowed the shedding of my hair.
Reduced hair loss.
stopped loosing hair, regrew hair at the crown. No regrowth in frontal area after several years using avodart
maintaining existing density
No more loss. Gradually lost hair since 20, but your prescription to Avodart halted the loss…
I had initial shedding that was then followed by thickening and cessation of my hair loss.
Have maintained existing hair the last four years on Avodart
Almost 2 years on Avodart and maintaining hair just fine.
Less fallout, minor regrowth.
still continues to work.. little to no loss
Steady. Mostly maitaining, haven’t noticed thickness or shedding.
I found great effects within 2 to 3 months.
Initial shedding increased for about a month. Afterwards shedding went to almost 10 strands of hair a day and hair thickened noticeably. The last couple months shedding has increased but hair is still thick.
stop losing hair, thickening of hair
about three months b4 regrowth
some regrowth – no shedding
slowed my shedding in the first year, now it has almost totally halted my hairloss
Slowdown in hairloss
Has slowed the loss & has shown some regrowth. Have used for 3 years
It’s been good — for me it was about stemming loss, and it seems to have been effective in that regard.
Hair started to thicken after 1 year. I’m able to maintain what I have.
Avodart seems to have minimized my hair loss, in the middle and back of my scalp. The front has thinned out a bit, but the rest feels good.
I have sustained my current amount of hair for almost two years. There was initial growth in the front, but it has pretty much remained the same.
I’ve been taking Avodart for over 3 years now. Avodart has effectively stopped progression of hair loss. Limited regrowth has been observed compared to treatment with Propecia (which I had been taking for 5 or 6 years before Avodart)
No further hair loss.
Hair thickened on crown after 3 months, retained hair but didn’t notice as much regrowth. Want to try it out for a solid year before making another judgment.
Maintaining hair line
Rate of hair loss has reduced significantly
I had previously been using a generic dutasteride for 3 months and noticed a slowing of the hair loss. Now after using the name brand Avodart for an additional 7 months, I have seen an unbelievable improvement in my thinning hair coming back. It is thicker and even filling back in partially at the receding hairline. I am very excited about the results.
My response to avodart has been very well. The hair loss reduced during the first month. After 6 months I noticed appreciable reduction in hair loss. I still loose a small amount of hair but I think my hair regrowth is balancing my hair loss. I started losing hair at about 23. It was gradual. Initially I did not take any medication, so the hair fall continued at a gradual rate. My hair started thinning in the front and on the vertex. About 2 years later I started taking propecia. The hair fall reduced a little but not enough. After using propecia for about a year I started taking Avodart. Avodart started working immediately. The hair fall reduced significantly and I can notice some hair growth as well.
Loss seems to have slowed, no regrowth
Continued maintenance, thickening came in the first two years but it has maintained very nicely in the last couple years. I am very happy as I am sure I would have continued to thin otherwise
No changes yet, other than less hair on the shower floor.
regrowth w/in a few months
my hair thicken and it fills in
steady improvements
It took at least 6 months to be noticeable. I was on propecia before, and avodart is more effective
thickening of hair, maintained my hair
I believe I have experienced postive results with this medication. There are times when it may appear that I am losing my hair than normal (shedding), however, overall the results have been positive. My hairloss has stabilized since the onset of taking this medication.
Avodart has stopped the progression of hair loss. Hair has thickened
It seems to work in stopping hair loss and showing some regrowth.
hair has thickened and loss has stopped
Noticed results after a few months of use.Now after a couple of years I think it slows my hair loss. I still lose hair but still have some on top of head and the very small and fine hairs are still there.
some regrowth
stopped shedding after about 3-4 weeks of initial use
seems to have stayed the same. on hair loss, but no hair gain
Individual hairs felt thicker, but no regrowth. Hairloss may have slowed, but that’s hard to say for certain.
hickening of hair-shaft and increased hair density. Complete arrest of all hair loss (except normal shedding).
I have been on Avodart for approiatmely 3 to 4 years now, after taking Proscar for a number of years before that. I have had good response to Avodart, my hairloss ahving been halted by Proscar, Avodart has continued the (slow) regrowth
I have noticed a significant slowing of hair loss, less frequent and shorter shedding periods. I have not noticed and major thickening
Health of hair improved from day one and hairloss has stopped
Have been using AVODART for several years now. I continue to retain hair growth and no noticeable hair loss.
There was no shedding. Hair regrowth was not as noticable. But the hair-loss stopped dramatically.
: Hair loss stopped between approximately 6 and 8 months. Have not had any further loss.
I have had a good response. I noticed less hairs falling out in the shower after 1 week. I didn’t notice an initial shed. I don’t think I regrew any hair, but it has significantly slowed my hair loss
I have continued maintenance, with regrowth
Has stopped fallout. Just a little bit on front left is thinning.
My hair has appeared thicker in the back and overall. The thinning has slowed.
hair has maintained increased thickness at crown
Much slower loss. Possible new growth.
Avodart has prevented any further hair loss and there has been significant regrowth. It took a few months for the positive effects to be noticeable.
:: After 3 months started noticing slight thickening in front hairline. After 6 months results very noticeable in front hairline, slight thickening in crown.
I have been using avodart for a while now and I am really seeing the affects of using it.At the beginning i did notice a little shedding but after about 4 months the amount of hair that was falling out when I was brushing it had decreased considerably.
hair loss seems to have stabilized
started noticing changes after the 3rd month. thickening after 5th month. small hairs growing after 3rd
Cycles of regrowth followed by shedding
Improvements in 3 months
I have been on avodart 0.5 for about 5 years. Hair loss has slowed down/stopped in the crown area, hair seem thicker
thickening 4 – 6 months
6months stop loss of hair some regrowth
My hair stayed pretty much the same with some regrowth
Been using for a few years. Initial results show after a few months. There was some initial shedding but not too much. Have noticed definite regrowth and thickening.
i have taken avodart on and off since it came out. the shedding stage is very gradual. and notice increased density of hair around 2 months into treatment.
Hairloss has pretty much stablized since I started taking it several years ago.
Response has been fairly concsistent with most of the anecdotal literature. After inital shedding period, at 16 weeks usage I noted some thickening, regrowth, but most significantly reduction in loss.
Response I believe it has caused some regrowth
Hair has remained nearly constant with only minimal further loss.
:: Didn’t notice any extra shedding but didn’t notice more thickness. Not so much regrowth
Good response
my hair loss has slowed down
7 months, loss slowed/stabilized, no shedding, slight regrowth
I started to notice thicken in my hair and also hair regrowth about the 4 month
Avodart has proven to be an effective medical treatment for me. I have been on Avodart for several years and have maintained the thickness and texture of my hair. Less shedding has occurred
general thickening and some regrowth at vertex noticed changes 5 months
Slowed rate of loss.
No further hair loss
3 months, works great.
less shedding after a few months of use
gradual thickening of hair on crown
Six months to stop sheddding. No noticeable regrowth
some regrowth, been on avodart for 3 years now
Stopped losing hair completely! Had gradual hair loss since 22. Used Rogaine to no avail for many years, but with Avodart…hair loss completely stopped. Used it for 5 years now
Hair thickened and has remained thicker
regrowth at 3 months
It took about a year for Avodart to take full effect. I took it for a while then stopped for a year. I started it again and have been on it for about two years straight. I have no more shedding and am thrilled with the results. I am 26 and started taking this at the first signs of receeding hairline. It seems to have stopped my hair loss all together.
It seems to have stop my hair loss
I have noticed increased thickness and new hairs growing in around my hairline and temples. I started to notice this at about month three.
Some initial shedding, but hair loss seems to have slowed.
Been on it since available, except for some initial shedding, it has done very well for vertex and crown, and stimulated growth on sides as well.
Within a month the rate of hair loss decreased; within 3 – 6 months I started getting new hair. At some point thereafter, the growth stopped and my hair loss has been arrested.
excellent response! No initial shedding, gradual renewal over six months.
I haven’t noticed any changes but it appears I am not losing any hair
I have had success in maintaining the hair I have.
:: shedding at three month mark. thickening all over ever since.
4-5 months; growing of small hairs into longer hairs
Hair loss seems to have halted.
Hair got thicker
Steady, slow regrowth, including temple
Hair loss stopped. Hair became a bit thicker.
Some thickening/regrowth
I’ve had an excellent response to the medication. Not only did my hairloss stop but hair actually regrew in all areas. I haven’t noitced any loss since starting Avodart. My hairloss began at age 20 and the hair began falling out at noticeable rates but subsides when I began the use of propecia. After two years I witnessed the decreasing effects of propecia and the hairloss began again. When starting Avodart the hairloss stopped and I actually regrew hair. I’ve maintained it for several years since.
Avodart has worked well for me. It has halted my hairloss and has given me some regrowth in the crown area and has kept the frontal hairline intact.
There has been a thickening of hair after several months of treatment. Notice new light growth in balding areas. Very little noticeable hair loss.
I have used Avodart for several years. During the first year, the rate of fallout decreased noticeably and there were signs of growth and thickening. After the first year, the rate of fallout has remained low and I am satisfied with my results thus far.
Thickening from the start
Hair stopped shedding almost immediately. Hair continues to show improved regrowth at a very slow but steady rate.
Have used avodart for over 5 years. Had some shedding years ago. Now, just continued regrowth but at a slow pace.
Have regrown significant amounts of hair. Started using it in 2003, noticed improvements within six months.
have not continued to loose hair- some regrowth
Have noticed regrowth on top/back of the head. and hair loss has stopped. Works much better than propecia.
Started in 20,s went on Propecia great. Notice shedding in 30’s went on Avodart and great success.
Decrease in rate of hair loss
Not losing anymore, gaining slowly
I have been taking avodart for some time now and its working great
Helping maintain my hair, but not regrowing
started seeeing some results 4 months into treatment
I have been taking it for about 3 years now. No side effects. I have not regrown any hair but I have not least anymore at all. This product has been amazing for me.
There was some initial shedding, afterwhich hairloss has been largely suspended. There is still some frontal/temple thinning, or lack of regrowth which I’m treating with rogaine and topical nizoral shampoo.
When I do not use Avodart I loose hair quickly. It becomes thinner in the front and crown.
I have maintained hair line
loss of hair has been halted
Slight regrowth and maintaining hair count. Initial shedding for 6 months. This is the 4th year.
Hair loss stabilized.
Maintaining hair thickness.
Use has been spotty this year and noticed increased baldness. Need to get regular again
I started using Avodart in July 2006. During the last year, my existing hair has thickened in the front and the crown. I have had slight regrow in the crown. My hair loss has stablized and appears to have stopped.
going into 3rd year, wonderful results, hair remaining thick Gradually started early 20’s, worsened early 30’s, Propecia & Avodart have slowly stopped and reversed – wonderful results from both.
Lots of initial shedding to the point where I stopped treatment for a while. I’m trying to stick with it this time.
slowing of hair loss
regrowth started at 3 months
I notice within 3 months that hairloss stopped and now after six months appears thicker
response is good, no further hair loss, no regrowth
stopped losing hair but no regrowth to speak of
slowed loss possibly
regrowth after two months no intial shedding
minimal shedding, then regrowth
Not sure if I have had any changes or thickening yet.
hair loss stopped. some regrowth
Very good
seems to be slowing hair loss
Hairloss stopped soon after treatment began. No regrowth of hair. I have been using Avodart for over a year.
Not sure when, but by 1 year, shedding stopped, thin hairs were thicker, and new hairs appeared at the hairline. No other noticeable effects.
I noticed regrowth after 6 months
I noticed results immediately. Within 2 months, noticable thickness. No shedding period
seems to have lessened hairloss
Within the first month I noticed decreased hair loss. Now just a few hairs on my pillow in the AM!!!
Difficult to tell now. Possibly slowing hair loss. Completing first 6 months of use.
Started noticing changes after 3 months or so
Started noticing changes after 3 months or so
general stoppage of thinning, maybe some regrowth
At first the shedding was greatly reduced. Overall it has helped immensely with slowing down the progression of hair loss
working very well, no side effects
When I started avodart it took about 6 months or so before I saw some regrowth/thickening. Never noticed any shedding. Thinning at hairline beginning about 20, started on minoxidil in early 20’s but hairline recession and gradual thinning on crown continued slowly. I started on popecia when it first became avail. and this combination slowed rate of loss and created some regrowth. Over time the minox/popecia combo seemed to be losing effectiveness so I started on Avodart with medicalwellness when it became available and it stabilized hairloss and returned some thickness. This has maintained to this day.
No major initial shedding, Hair fallout reduction within inital 2 weeks.
Hair loss seems to have stopped. Hair thicker
Maintaining, no growth noticed.
I have now been on Avodart about 7 months. I did not notice any shedding but did not count my hair loss either. My hair has continued to thin over this time period but my understanding is that this would not be unusual as the hair can continue to thin as a natural progression of the condition until Avodart has had a chance to take effect during the first 6 months and/or Avodart promotes new hairs to push out the old. There have been periods after the first 3 months where I felt that my hair loss had slowed or stopped and that my hair looked healthier but it is difficult to tell whether that is real or imagined. But my scalp definitely feels better. I am not going to try and draw any conclusions for at least a year.
Great progress, took some time off and now need to resume treatment
Hair is much thicker, noticed no new loss since I’ve started treatment
I have been taking 0.5 mg dutasteride since June 2006, and I have experienced positive results… growth of hair in the crown area. I started to notice changes in approx. 2 months. I had been taking Propecia prior to Avodart.
Avodart works well…significant difference over the years
Minor to nonexistent additional hair loss.
Response has been great. hair slowed in falling out
working very well and i have no side effects
:: Prior to taking Avodart, I was experiencing rapid hair loss. In the two years I’ve been on Avodart, hair loss has stopped and I’ve seen increased hair regrowth
slow gradual improvement in hair
Maintaining existing hair for two years
good response, some regrowth
good response, some regrowth
stopped progression of my hair loss immediately
initial shedding, then regrowth
Started Avodart in 2002 due to thinning of hair. Thinning stopped after a few months and regrew some new hair.
:: I was a little nervous to start the Avodart because I have heard so many stories about an increased shed, and I waited a few months before starting the medication because of this. I was already shedding, and I did not notice an increase in my existing shed after starting the Avodart. At this point, my shed has decreased and the quality of my hair has improved. It definitely feels a bit thicker and looks a little less see through in front. I have not noticed any changes with my temples yet. Overall, I am very happy with the results so far.
Loss has stopped.
No additional loss of hair since
Once I started the thinning stopped and it started to thicken. I have maintained my hair.
within a month of starting avodart i could see results
No hair loss while taking. Hair line again receding after I stopped.
No noticeable changes. Slowing in hair loss
hair regrowth after several months, no noticable hair loss now for several years
6 months – no real hair grwoth – Still trying
Nothing drastic yet, but hair just seems fuller
Noticed changes within first three(3) months
Responded to Avodart within weeks.
Shedding and regrowth. Hair seems to be stable, but maybe not as thick as a year ago. Overall I am still pleased with the appearance of my hair.
Start noticing regrowth in 3 months.
slowed hair loss
began to notice a reduction of hair loss and a small amount or regrowth, especially on the top and crown of the scalp after about 3 months of use. regrowth has been minimal, but hair loss has been greatly reduced.
Experienced thickening of hair and continued maintenance of thickness
I believe Avodart has thickened the existing hair.
within a month of starting avodart I could see results
Noticed thickening after 3 months
Did not notice any shedding, and not sure if there has been regrowth or thickening
Thickending, regrowth
No h
I have noticed thickening of existing hair and less fallout
Initial shedding after 1 month, regrowth and thickening after two months.
It is working well
Slowed hair loss
Good maintenance of existing hair
keeping the hair I have
slowed down hairloss
progressing nicely
some regrowth; halted/ceased MPB
No side effects, Began showing progress after a few weeks.
Hair has stopped receding. Significant regrowth at the crown.. some at the temples.
Shedding of thin, short new hair stopped. with a couple of weeks. Hair is stable and healthier
:: Minor to nonexistent additional hair loss
: I’ve been using this for a few years and it appears to have stopped my hair loss and even grew back a little.
regrowth in about 2 – 3 months
bigger hairs replacing smaller hairs. 4 months
good maintenance
I have been taking Avodart for years. It is helping.
Not really but not losing any more
Hair thicker
Thickening of crown and temple hairs within 1 month
No initial thickening of hair, but a stop in shedding.
There seems to be a cessation of loss
No shedding with great results
slowing loss, not much regrowth
hair loss has slowed
No additional hair loss
hairloss dramatically reduced, although I haven’t noticed regrowth
No shedding. Limited thickening of the hair and visual regrowth which started after 2 to 3 months.
No initial shedding that I noticed. I seem to be loosing less hair than I was previously after 6 months of use. I’m excited about the stability and hope to regrow some new hair over the next 6-12 months
have been using it for well over 5 years, and propecia prior to that for 10 years total, has honestly worked wonders, started balding at 20, still have what most would consider a full head of hair.
Lose much less hair after taking Avodart
Little or no regrowth but my hair loss has been halted
began thinning at age 25. took propecia for a couple of years with little results. hair continued to thin. began taking avodart after that with good results. have been using avodart for several years and have had good response – maintaned hairline and some regrowth on crown
some small growth
I had tried a couple different treatments before Avodart. Avodart was the first thing that really helped. Before I started taking Avodart I would notice a lot of hair on my hands in the shower everyday, but after a month or two of taking Avodart I noticed a big change in the amount of hair I was losing until finally I was not losing an abnormal amount at all. I would definitely say that my hair is thicker now after taking Avodart.
After having initial success with propecia, I experienced heavy shedding after about 6 years. I started on Avodart and the shedding stabilized. I have seen patterns of thickening and regrowth, followed by some thinning and shedding. Overall I have definitely seen positive results with Avodart
seems to stop loss
I have been treating my hair loss successfully with avodart for 7 months (my endocrinologist also gave me one month supply in addition to the one I received from medical wellness center). I think my hair is finally coming back to where it was and it seems to only be getting stronger. I took propecia for a year and a half and though it stopped the hair loss and I did get some regrowth after 8 months it was not satisfactory. I don’t even think I will need surgery now.
My response has been great! It took about 3 months to notice any changes with some initial shedding, but since, I have regrown and maintained my hair
began noticing decrease in shedding at 3 months
Have responded very well to the medication and have begun to see results. There have ben no side effects
I noticed thinning at the temples when I was 20. I started taking Propecia and it worked for a couple years, but it’s effects have stopped. The thinning began again all over my head.
I started noticing positive hair growth about two months after starting Avodart. My hair loss has not progressed for the last three years and is noticeably thicker.I started noticing my hair thin when I was 18 and from that point the hair loss progressed rapidly. Propecia did help slow my hair loss and regrow hair throughout my crown and hairline. Avodart has done a great job stopping the hair loss and making my hair noticeably thicker without any side effects. I am very pleased with Avodart
My response to Avodart has been great. Totaly filled in my thining hair on the back, top, and even some areas in the front.
Avodart appears to have stopped the loss of my hair at the back of my head.
hair loss stopped
Maintained hair for 5 years
maintained existing hair
Had thickening and some regrowth
Hair loss seems to have diminsed
pretty much maintained what I have, and a little bit of thickening
Been taking Avodart for three years. Has worked while for me in regrowing much of my hair and maintaining the rest. I use it in combination with minoxidil. Never had any side-effects.
decreased shedding
I am using this medication 2 years ago. Hairloss stopped. Some regrowth.
hair growth is thick and thinning has certainly stopped – a clear positive change over 2 years
In the first two years I had hair growth on top, since then I have maintained this.
slight improvement in thickness, hair loss has stopped.
works well at preventing hair loss. regrew some hair
Started using Avodart about 2 years ago. Noticed a significant improvement in hair texture and thickness both at the temporal areas and the back. No side effects. Product is fantastic. It took about 6 months to really notice an initial difference.
I seem to have been able to maintain hair growth to roughly time of intial use.
hair stopped falling out
No regrowth, but shedding diminished
a couple months to notice reduced loss, some thickening
It took about 6 months to see results. Top of head had both thickening and regrowth
I started using Avodart about 2-3 years ago.. Initially I experienced heavier than normal shedding which I understood to be normal. Since then however, the rate of shedding and recession has declined to almost none. I have maintained my current hairline and thickness since using Avodart.
I started noticing regrowth within the first 6 months. i’ve had great luck on the medicine with no side effects at all.
Have not experienced regrowth, hair is very slowly thinning, not sure if it would be worse if I was not on Avodart
I’ve been using for a while and it seems to help in hair retention with some regrowth
The crown has thickened, and I don’t shed so much
maintain hair
I saw thickening of hair within a couple months
slowed loss-more regrowth
stoppage of loss some thickening of hair
Shedding the first 3 months, then regrowth
I believe my hair has gotten thicker with this medication.
I have noticed thickening hair and smaller hairs start to come in around the 6 month mark. Hair seems to be holding the thickened state. I started to notice the receding of hairline about 20 years old. I started on minoxidil only. That worked to thicken up my hair but not stop the loss. At 24 I started on propecia. That worked but I wanted something stonger to attempt to stop further loss.
Slowed to stopped progressive hair loss
I noticed a decreases in shedding almost immediately. I have continued to have decreased shedding after 1.5 years on Avodart
slowed shedding, took a few months
Thickening of hair on the crown, hairline still receding slowly.
definite thickeningin crown and stability in other areas
Have been on Avodart for 3 -4 years, and maintenance of hair has been good. No significant regrowth.
Response is positive, little additional loss, with short spans of shedding
No changes since last year’s evaluation: so far good results have been maintained
I have had regrowth in the front of my hairline.
have been usiing Avodart for several years without any side effects. Initially there was some sheddding during the first year of usage but the shedding decreases after the first year. Hair seem to be thicker on previous thinning area. Since start of usage of avodart have had improvment in thickness and strenght of hair. Not all thinning area of scalp regrew hair but large area of thinning area now has hair coverage.
3 months to notice change
since started on avodart, have noticed slow regrowth, any area which was devoid of hair has shown no regrowth
Seems to have thickened up in the crown area after about 5 months of use.
I have not had any regrowth but there has been no more hair loss
I would say it has been very good at maintaining, with a minimal amount of new growth.
There’s not as much hair in the sink anymore and my hair seems to be coming in fuller. The loss definitely seems to have stopped.
have had an excellent response to this treatment have had no loss with this drug
Initial shedding, now maintaining. I only take one pill every 2 -3 days
Halted hairloss in a few months. No shedding.
Notice increased hair growth after around 3 or 4 months.
Have been taking AVODART for many years now. Am quite happy with progress and hair retention. It appears that there is no loss or baldness
Initial 3-4 months of regrowth. Maintaining healthy head of hair ever since commencement
loss of hair has rapidly slow
No measurable hair loss in 3 years
Slo9wing down of hair loss
At the age of 20 I began to notice a gradual loss of hair. I have used propecia in the past to treat my hair loss and had great success initially but over the course of time the treatment was less effective. I am currently using Avodart with much success.
after 3 months maintained and grew some hair, no intial shedding
Starting using Avodart after taking Propecia for years. Propecia seemed to be losing its effect. Avodart has kept all my hair intact with limited regrowth. Did experience some initial shedding nothing to bad.
Hair loss seems to have come to a crawl. I lose hair, but it seems to be under the normal 60-100 hairs we shed every day.
I’ve noticed a lot of hair growth, very satisfactory, no side effects yet!
Hair loss significantly decreased
slow thickening
Noticed thickening, vertex filling in, and regrowth at hairline at about 3 months. Significant thickening and regrowth at both locations now in month 6.
stabalized hair loss at dose of one avodart every other day, but started to lose again. upped dose to 0.5 once a day, but erectile dysfunction happened so dropped dose down.
I have been taking avodart for over a year now, and have noticed a significant slowing of my hair loss. I am using it along with 5% topical minoxidil. At this point I would say may hair loss is at about 1/10th the rate it was prior to using avodart.
no sheddng. regrowth stated after 2 months filling in at the crown and slighly at the front hairline.
Avodart has allowed me to maintain the remaining hair.
Initial regrowth after 3 months
Initial shedding in first month, followed by thick regrowth in 4th month.
No initial shedding, no regrowth, just slowed my hairloss.
Rate of hair loss dramatically reduced after about 6 months. Some regrowth in crown area over a longer period.
4 month stop shedding, 1 yeart started growing some new hair
intial shedding, but hair has remained thick
Thickening of hair was noticed at about 4 months.
It has been mostly maintenance with some regrowth.
Hair began to thicken after 6 months.
Hair regrowth.
stopped further thinning
Hair loss has slowed considerably. Have noticed slight increase in small hair regrowth.
Avodart has worked extremely well for me. I started noticing much less hair loss after about 3 or 4 months, and then after about 6 months to a year I started noticing my hair growing in much thicker. It continues to look better and better. I have been very happy with the results and have not experienced any negative side effects.
I started using Avodart 2 years ago. I noticed positive results with in 2 months. Six months later there was significant reduction in hair loss but hair loss did not stop completely, I still have small amount of hair loss. But during this period I had considerable regrowth and my hair looks thick.
Reduced by Propecia, then Proscar intake, then substantially reduced by Avodart over a year and a half ago with no side effects/complications.
response has been good. additional thinning has stopped. regrowth of about 30-40 % of lost hair.
: I didn’t have any shedding, about 5 months I noticed my hair thicking.
Initial shedding in the beginning then significant and consistent re-growth since.
hair has stopped falling out as much not as many strands on the ground or falling out in the shoer
Avodart has slowed or stopped my hairloss
new growth within the 3rd month, thickening
thinning has stopped
Great response. Saw significant regrowth and thickening hair shaft within 6 months. Very little initial shedding
Hair has remained fairly thick since I began taking it four years or so ago. Still do lose some hair, but the process is quite slow.
Has significantly slowed loss.
Hair appears to be stabilizing, perhaps filling in
:: I noticed reduced loss of hair in 6 weeks.
After 6 months of Avodart:
Initial shedding at first then hair loss seems to slow down. Has been stable since then. Used rogaine and Propecia, shedding slowed down. Had hair transplant 10 years ago. Have been on avodart for about 6 years with positive results (hair loss seem to have stopped, moderate regrowth).
Have been taking Avodart for a number of years. Appears to have stopped the progression of balding.
I*t’s been 4 months and I began to see some growth
hair loss has stopped after 1 month of treatment
Hair count has stayed the same with a little thickening
thickening of hair, smaller crown in 6 months
It seems about the same with a little growth in front
shedding stopped
no side effects, no further hair loss
Noticed thickening. No further loss.
I was able to hold my hair, no sheddings at all
after using propecia for 4 years and avodart for the last 3 years I have not notice any loss of hair. Whereas all my male relitives on both sides are horseshoed at my age. It is keeping the hair i have but no new growth.
I started using Avodart about 2 years ago. I noticed positive results with in 2 months. Six months later there was significant reduction in hair loss but hair loss did not stop completely. I still have small amount of hair loss. But during this period I had considerable regrowth and my hair looks thick.
My formerly almost-bald crown is now largely filled in with hair growth. I am no longer losing hair and will probably have a full head of hair in a year or two, if I continue to use Avodart.
I have been using Avodart for a couple of years. I initially saw pretty good results (in the back, but not so much in front) after about 6 months. Since then, there has been no additional progress, but it has been maintained. Gradual hair loss since 20, but has been controlled and somewhat reversed by Avodart and Minoxidil.
My hairloss has completely stopped! After 6 months the shedding had halted and new growth was clearly visible in the front and back, with a general thickening all over
Seeming cessation of hair loss. No major increase in shedding. Some regrowth.
third year – no problems
No observable hair loss, no shedding, thickening of hair, no observable side effects.
No shedding, very slow but improving. Seems as if it regrows at the pace you lost it.
Moderate regrowth after about 1 yr. Progress has continued over the years.
Stopped shedding, not much regrowth needed.
No initial shedding, gradual slowing of loss, no regrowth
Taking AV for 17 mths, very noticeable thickening especially on crown
Progress was noticed within a month after treatment a couple of years ago, has worked great!
Significant regrowth was obtained
I have maintained my hair thickness
definite regrowth
I have been on the treatment since July 2006. I have had more regrowth in the crown during the last year. My hair has continued to thicken all over except in the front. I have not experienced any shedding
Hairline did improve and has mostly maintained but there have been cycles of shedding.
Seems to be working.
It’s working.
maintaining most of the hair and slow low in the front corners of my head
Some initial shedding, maintain hair
approx 3 months before I saw changes. Improvement in temporal areas, decrease in general hair loss. Moderate initial shedding.
So far do good. No changes but no futher noticable hair loss
I have been on this product for a number of years and find it to be very beneficial to retaining my hair. I am having no issues
Initial shedding within a month, regrowth within 6 months.
no changes, but no further loss
No new hair loss, some regrowth
Stopped Shedding. Minor regrowth
I have been using for two years, and results are good. Have kept hair.
The hair on the crown of my head is mI began loosing my hair in college. My hair was thin on the crown of my head and was receding at my temples. I have achieved some regrowth and thickening in both those regions while using avodart.uch thicker. I also had some regrowth on my temples
Great response. Hair loss has stopped completely for years.
Doing quite well, noticed a change in about 3 months, great growth in crown and vertex.
I have been using it for 7 years now and have not regrown hair but have not lost any additional hair so i am very happy.
I noticed thinning at age 18 and my doctor recommended a regimen which consisted of rogaine and propecia. This combination worked wonders for about four years. I decided to switch to Avodart and initially noticed thickening, although my hairline has continued to recede. Still, I’m pleased with the results and believe that I’m in much better shape than I would be had I not done used anything (my father was nearly completely bald by his late 20’s). At this point, I use Avodart for maintenance. Initially, I noticed some regrowth when I began using Avodart, but gradually the growth slowed and now I believe that it’s best used to maintain what I have.
Regrowth was noticeable within a few months and continued for several years. Regrowth has stabilized at it’s present level for several years now.
I have noticed my hair seemed to peak in thickness within the first 2 years on Avodart. However, I am still very happy with my hair. And my hair is stable since I started my treatment.
Maintaining with Avodart for 4 years.
I have been using avodart for just about 3+ years and I have had positive results from using avodart.I used propecia before avodart and i did not see the results that i have with avodart.Since using avodart my hair has continued to stop falling out and the thickness has remained as well.I started to see results using avodart in about 4-6 months.
hair started falling out at age 24. propecia worked, but then i tried avodart and it worked much better. response has been great. hairloss slowed about 1 month after start of treatment. i have been on for a few years now and i am still loosing hair, but at a much slower rate.
Hairloss has slowed
Maintaining current hair count
No shedding. Some thickening after 5 months. Hair loss has completely stopped.
Hair loss has been slowed down tremendously
it has slowed down the progression of my rededing hair line
I was on it for 6 months, then stopped for 5. I sledded heavily in those 5 months. I’ve been back on Avodart for approximately 18 months. It just seems to help maintain, never experienced any noticeable growth.
Slowed progression of hair loss as compared to that of brothers.
Reduced hairloss iwth possible regrowth.
I had some initial shedding in the first few months but have since not only re-grown hair but have had terrific maintenance and I am very pleased with my results.
Been taking Avodart for three years. Has worked while for me in regrowing much of my hair and maintaining the rest. I use it in combination with minoxidil. Never had any side-effects.
Have been on Avodart for several years now. No ill effects. It also let me grow back a moderate amount of hair. Most import. It has arrested the process. I had been losing my hair for 15 years prior to using avodart. It basically grew back what I lost in the last 7 years of the process.My hair definitely feels thicker on top. I can see a lot of hairs growing around my temples as well. The crown has also filled in. I didn’t experience shedding, and still don’t. It’s been 6 months and I’m very happy so far. Looking forward to the next 6.
there was some shedding from months 2-4 or so..Things seem to be going well now after 6 months im happy with the treatment. Hair loss has stopped and things are thickening up.
I have been very inconsistent in taking Avodart. However, even with sporadic usage I’ve notice almost a complete cessation of hair loss. I can’t say that I’ve grown any, but just maintaining what I have is of enormous benefit.
Hair is thicker, and decreased shedding.
thickening hair, hairloss stopped
Started experience hairloss at age 19. Used propecia for a few years and then started using avodart as soon as it came out on the market and i now have a full head of hair!! It took about 2 weeks to see results.
I shaved my head at the beginning of the process so I didn’t notice much shedding. I did notice that my hair thickened around 3-4 months, my crown hair is much thicker, as well as all the hair on the top of my head. It is amazing, I can’t even see the places where I was losing hair in the mirror anymore.
Rentention of existing hair. Hir loss has almost stopped. Not aware of obvious regrowth.
Excellent. People can’t even tell I have thinning hair now.
ok, stable
Shedding after first three months, hair thickening ever since, some lesser shedding every three months
Since beginning Avodart the alopecia has subsided and regrowth has been observed. Further hairloss has not been noticed since using the medicine
I have maintained with some regrowth the hair I started with and feel that my hair line is not receding.
Noticed response after two months or so. No initial shedding. Had been using proscar previously. Still experiencing regrowth, though very, very slow.
Probably 6 months until results were seen. Discontinued medicine while having children about 16 months ago.
Positive change in thickness
Have been using since 2003 with no side effects other than hair growth and stabilization of hair loss
within a couple of months
Responding well, hair loss slowed or stopped
I’ve been on avodart for 1.5 years now, hair thickened up within first year and for the past year I don’t see too much additional regrowth, but I like my current hair volume and would be happy to maintain the current level.
Hair stopped thinning upon starting. Hair has thickened a little. I have maintained my hair.
There was some initial shedding in the first month but then the shedding stopped. Within 3 months I noticed that my hair seemed stronger, and I no longer noticed hair loss in the shower. It has worked well for me in that it has stopped the loss and improved the quliaty of hair dramatically
Avodart has dramatically slowed my hair loss over the years
Began taking in 2007, have maintained hair count
Mostly it has stopped the hair loss that is common in my family.
My initial shedding has ceased and I’ve noticed growth and thickening of hair.
has really helped maintain hair
I began losing my hair in college and then used propecia. Saw some results but then shedding occurred. Since I’ve been taking Avodart its been great! Prior to using Avodart, there was shedding with Propecia. Since using Avodart, I have seen great beenfits.
I have been taking advodart for several years now and I have filled my prescription through your website for several years. I started taking propecia approximately 10 years ago and I switched to advodart a few years ago. I believe that taking propecia and advodart have halted or substantially slowed down my hair loss.
It has kept everything stable.
Response has been good. Have been using it for 5 years. Havn’t had any shedding in years. Hair continues to thicken and grow.
Able to slow rate of hair loss, regain some.
excellent results, initial sheding, now long term maintenance
initial shedding, then thickening
I have had great success with avodart. i have maintained the hair I have and have even thickened in some areas. There are still periods of shedding, but they are usually followed with regrowth and thickening.
I have been using Proscar between 2005 and 2006 and Avodart since 2006 with phenomenal regrowth esp. since going on Avodart. I experience normal daily shedding never in excess of 100 follicles per day. Changes became visible about three to six months after beginning Avodart intake and the hairline thickened considerably during the initial year. Initial shedding occurred as described but the fallout re-grew along with the new growth. I have had no side effects from the use of Avodart.
been using avodart and propecia for a long time with great results. 9+ years overall
No real regrowth, but loss has slowed
I have responded well-hair loss has stabilized
bigger hairs where smaller used to be 12 months
The hair thickened in the back and the rate of loss at the front slowed.
I have taken Avodart for many years now, perhaps three or four. Avodart has proven more effective than Rogaine or Propecia in treating my male pattern baldness. While I have not regrown any hair while using Avodart, my hair loss has stopped. I first noticed that I was losing my hair during the fall of my junior year in college (fall 1993). I began to use Rogaine the following spring. Rogaine slowed my hair loss but did not stop it. I began using Rogaine and Propecia in 1997. The combination slowed my thinning still further but I continued to lose hair. I had a hair transplant in December 2003, but I was not pleased with the results, as only 900 or so follicular units were transplanted, and many of them did not take. I began using Avodart three or four years ago. I am very pleased with the results. Avodart has stopped further hair loss. I am the only male in my family over the age of thirty-five who is not bald on top.
Excellent response for 1 – 2 years, maintaining hairs and slowing down any loss since
Thickening withing four months of using the product
Hairloss started in my early 20s. It gradually became worse until I started using Avodart. My hair loss has essentially stopped. I’m very pleased with the results. They are sustained.: Excellent! My hair loss has essentially stopped thanks to the Avodart. Hair definately grew back and now I look like a normal, thin-haired middle age man. I’m very pleased. Thank you Medical Wellness Center.
W/in 6- 8 weeks, fuller hair on top of head. Maintained throughout.
seems to have slowed hair loss
Stopped or slowed receding hairline. Some re-growth on temple with very fine hair.
noticeable regrowth
regrowth after about 6-7 months
Been using Avodart since 2002 and it has completely halted my hair loss. Slight regrowth in crown area.
thickening of hair and regrowth
General stoppage of thinning of hair
lack of shedding
in 2-3 months, I noticed thickening of hair
I have noticed that my hair appears thicker and hiar loss has subsided
I seem to be losing less hair per day than before, although my hair loss has not yet stopped completely. No noticeable thickening of hair is noted.
Had initial shedding, but overall hairloss stopped after 2 months of use.
Very positive, after 2- 3 months of us
Had initial shedding then a little regrowth and a little loss but slow
No hair loss since started taking Avodart, three years ago
Stoppage of hair loss
hair stayed same, no increase of loss
:: Inital slight shed. Then regrowth after 3 months. Now hair is thicker and fuller.
Just maintenance, no real regrowth
slowly losing, but not significantly
a little thickening, then quit using
I have used this for many years now and it seems to have greatly slowed down my hair loss porgression
Thickening, regrowth, about 2 months to see results
seems to be working
Significant new growth and thickness after about 2 months. holding steady now.
My hair stopped shedding and I grew a little more throughout. So far, so good.
After first year regrowth, hair loss has stabilized
My hair stopped shedding and I grew a little more throughout
regrowth continuing
slowed down progress of balding,, swithced to propecia appx 9-12 months ago and have noticed it hasn’t worked as well
regrowth began after 6 months of use approx 2 years ago…further hair loss has stopped
Avodart slowed hariloss however, hairloss did continue just at a slower pace. Upon discontinuation of Avodart hairloss accelerated.
I began to notice slowing of hair loss after about 3 months and had slight thickening during the first year. since then hair loss has been greatly reduced.
No adverse side effects at all. controlled shedding quickly and my hair is thick and full
slowed down daily hair loss
I initially noticed decreased shedding after 4 months on Avodart. It has now been a year and a half and I continue to shed less. T have also had a little regrowth.
Avodart has stopped my hairloss. I’m not sure when I noticed that my hairloss has stopped. Any regrowth has been minimal.The left side of my hairline started receding. When I started taking Avodart my hairloss has pretty much stopped.
It has slowed the progression
Stabilized hair loss, no shedding
No additional loss at all while taking Avodart
began taking Avodart 6 years ago until about a year ago, and though I noticed that my hair seemed to thin progressively, it seemed to maintain its appearance adequately. I took a break from Avodart for approximately a year, and have noticed what I believe is increased rate of thinning. Therefore, I would like to resume use of Avodart. I have not experienced any noticeable side effects, including shedding, throughout my use.
Have been on Avodart for several years- hair has thickened and remained thicker over this period. Thinning at temples began when I was 18, has successfully subsided following treatment with avodart.
Good results, hair is thicker and is regrowing on the crown and hairline is stable
slight regrowth, however, prevention of further loss
no shedding, new growth 90 days after initial dose
continued regrowth
Good so far, no shedding, retaining all hair.
Less fallout
I first started to notice regrowth of hair after 3-4 months of use and have noticed a thickening of hair close to the pre-shedding time frame over the year(s) that followed. My hair became noticeably thinner in my late 20’s. I began to take Rogain and Propecia which seemed to work for a number of years. After several years the Propecia stopped working and my hair-loss becamse very noticeable again. I began to take Avodart a few years ago and have had a return of hair thickness similar to pre-thinning days.
Saw improvement after 90-120 days. Avodart regrew much more hair than Rogaine or Propecia did.
; I started using Rogaine, graduated to Propecia, and have been using Avodart for the last couple of years. Although my hair is thin, I don’t have any bald spots.I noticed reduced hair loss after 3 months
initial shedding for 3 months followed by slowing of hair loss
Hair became slightly thicker.
Response has been satisfactory in maintaining hair
I continue to take it to maintain what I have
slight regrowt – no loss
: Started using avodart and noticed regrowth and decrease in loss within the first week. Started losing it at 19 then tried several treatments. Then Started taking avodart an it worked very well.
Good response, initial thickening, good maintenance with occasional shed
regrowth started at 4.5 months
Starte many years ago ha great results 1st 2 years then stablize. haven’t lost any more hair since I have been on Avodart static N 3
After starting Avodart several years ago I did have some initial shedding. That ended rather quickly and then I saw some limite regrowth. It has pretty much been steady state since then.Hairloss began at age 25. I tried Propecia for 2 years with no success. I have used Avodart since age 27 with good results.
No more hair loss.Medical Wellness Center Membership number 6139AV
Hair is thicker in the crown region
modest regrowth and no more loss
Started to see results within a few weeks. Hair loss continued if I quit using it.
It appears to be working.
hairloss seems to have stabilized
Hairloss stopped
No more hair loss
It’s very good, I wonder if it has caused a decrese in body hair, however.
I’ve been using Avodart for a cople of years and have had good results.
Positive response. i haven’t noticed any continued loss but not sure if there has been any gain. i have been using the product for several years now.
its been great. I received the initial prescription in March of ’08. So far I haven’t lost any hair and thickened my existing hair. First few months some shedding i suppose, but it didnt last long, now things are stable.
Excellent results. Regrowth started in approximately two months. No side effects
I think after about 6 months I started noticing a difference in the thickness of my hair, now I don’t ever even worry about what my hair looks like in that regard.When I was about 18 I started noticing that my hair was looking thinner in certain areas. I tried Propecia and I’m not sure if I noticed too much of a difference but when I started taking Avodart I am very happy with how my hair looks now.
shedding after 3 months, some recent regrowth
still working well
I noticed a thickening of hair and would like to continue use
Noticed thickening ande regrowth within a month or so
hair loss seemed to decline after about year
hair loss was slowed after a few months. Did have some initial shedding.
Regrowth on crown and hairline at about 5 months
I’ve been on Avodart, for years, and hair loss has definitely slowed down.
My hair is still receding and thinning, I am not sure if it is helping to slow down the progress or not.
I noticed hair growth in the first 3 months.
Loss seems to have slowed down. No regrowth.
have had hair loss since my 20s. I originally used propecia but switched to avodart which was more effective. I am happy with the results. I have been using Avodard for years & it has made my hair thicker ovrall.
I had a little initial shedding followed by thicken of hair and slight regrowth.
Hair still receding slightly at the temples but it seems to be keeping most of my hair over the past couple of years.
Basically stopped further hair loss.I started to use Propecia, then I switched to Avodart 3 years ago. Hairloss slowed and stopped.I am on Avodart three years ago, before that I used Propecia.
Noticed hair loss in mid twenties and it quickly progressed, but has since slowed considerably. When taking Avodart 2 to 3 years ago, it appeared to stop altogether, and a little new growth was noticed.
: After about 3 months hair seemed to thicken up a bit. At the 6 month mark I can really see that I have had a lot of regrowth and thickening.
No shedding noticed. While taking it I have maintained the hair I had when starting avodart and have noticed some thickening in the crown.
noticeable regrowth right away and then gradual regrowth over six month period, only thickening, no shedding
I believe so far there has only been a slowing of the process. I have not noticed any appreciable regrowth but I would like to maintain. I have been using Avodart for about 3 years now
Regrowth and thickening continued after first 3 months. There was mild shedding but I’ve not noticed anything significant in recent months only improvement in areas that were thinning.
First noticable positive results after 2 to 3 months of use. After that, slow but steady progress / regrowth / thickening of hair… Very satisfied with the results.
Moderate hair regrowth on the back and top of head. No initial shedding or other changes. Noticed regrowth in about 2 months.
third year on Avodart, hair growth remains strong
Avodart has been able to halt any further hair loss. Also, I had browth when I first started which has been maintained
I have regained my hairline and have almost complete coverage and much thicker hair
I’ve been using it for several years. I have not experienced further hair loss since I started using it. When off of it, hair loss resumes.
I started taking Avodart several years ago and saw my progression of hair loss slow significantly
maintain hair
Although hair loss continues very gradually, Avodart appears to have slowed its progress significantly over the past 10 years
Hair loss seems to be minimal. After 4 years of use no dramatic regrowth, but no additional thinning of hair
Rapid regrowth with thickening hair
definite thickening and growth of new hair, no shedding
Initial shedding, thickening of hair
maintaining a t a good pace . no noticeable loss
Falling out slowed after 4 months or so.. Not sure about regrowth
no regrowth but definitely stopped losing hair, no shedding
steady maintenance and regrowth
Have been taking Avodart for many years. Have not noticed any loss of hair. Initially some regrowth appeared and has not reversed.
Stopped additional loss
3 months … growth in the front
Hair loss stabilized, no further receding
gradual hair loss, stopped with use of avodart
hair has maintained no advancement of hairloss
Has slowed down hairloss
After 6 months noticeable thickening of the frontal hairline some regrowth has started in the frontal area Peach Fuzz type of growth
Good response.. Initial Sheeding for a month followed by thickening and halting of loss. Started hairloss at about 19. Lots of sheeding followed by receeding hairline until I tried Avodart in my late 20’s.
slowed/stopped loss I believe and some thickening. Seemed to be a year before I saw any change
Hairs strands seem thicker and healthier. Not sure if previously lost hair has regrown.
initial shedding, but hair has thickened and all signs of hair loss have reversed.
Response has been great. Took about 6 months to see results.
Doing well on Avodart. Hair has maintained thickness with reduction of shedding since prescribed product.
Slight thickening after I started
no regrowth but hair loss seemed to stop
Either no change, or slight improvement of thickness in past 3 months of this first full year avodart treatment.
The Avodart seemed to significantly slow the loss of hair. I’ve taken it for a couple years so I don’t really recall when I started to notice changes.
I have been taking Avodart (0.5mg daily) for over 5 years and have experienced no shedding since. I can’t recall exactly when I first noticed the halt of shedding – maybe 2 weeks after I first began taking it. While I have not noticed significant regrowth, I am very satisfied with its ability to maintain the hair I have. : My hair began thinning in frontal area of scalp at age 18-19, with slight recession of hairline. Thinning progressed into my 20’s. First begain Minoxidil at age 22, first began Propecia at age 26,but no significant reduction in hair loss until age 28 or 29 when I stopped Propecia and began taking Avodart. Hair loss appears to have stopped with frontal thinning, with most hair at crown still present. Have not used Propecia in over 5 years – since beginning Avodart. I have been using Avodart with Minoxidil ever since.
Initial shedding at first. But it seems to retain my hair now.
NW2 – no change in hairline since starting Avodart
Regrowth after a few months
Immediate results, grew back hair right away.
Yes on shedding, good results, and a noticed change for the worse when I quit taking it
Gradual hair loss since the age of about 20. I have had some success in regrowing and maintaining my hair though from Avodart. I have used it for a few years. It has grown back a significant amount of hair and I continue to maintain it.
I definately had initial shedding for the first 3 months and then I had thin hair start to grow along my temples. Its taking a while but I think it may be working
decreased shedding
Growth at crown, overall increased scalp growth
I am noticing thickening of my hair and some new growth
I have noticed over the long term that my hair wasn’t falling out like all my male relatives
2 years into treatment, initial shed 2 years ago replace by stronger growth in thinning areas starting 12-15 months ago. continued good results to date
slowed balding pattern
response is/was/good. Differences appeared in approx 10 months
I started noticing changes after 3 months with little shedding
So far it is about the same with a little growth on the front of the head.
First started noticing changes at 6 months. There was som initial shedding but I have since maintained my hair very well. I have had both thickening and regrowth. I continue to be very pleased with the results I have had.
hair feels thicker, not as thin
slowed pregression of hair loss
some initial shedding, has stabilized
Significant reduction in rate of hair loss within 6 months and some regrowth over several years of use
Good results.
no further loss
Hiarloss has stopped, some slight regrowth
Response has been good experienced initial shedding started to see results at 8 month mark some regrowth kept the hair I have
have been using avodart for about 5 yrs. initially after i started using avodart there was continual shedding and thinning of hair. results brgan to happen after about a year of using avodart. the shedding gradually became less and the thinning hair started growing back thicker. the last 3 yrs. have maintain thicker hair and less shedding of hair.
I have almost a full head of hair again,after being fairly bald. I only have a small area on the crown where my hair isstill thin. My hair started to regrow within 6 months of starting Avodart.
right away no hair loss
Reduced loss within 6 months
Took 5 years ago, reduce hair loss
response goo – some regrowth
Slowing of hair loss. Have been taking for 5+ years
I had initial shedding, after two months I started noticing regrowth hair.
I had initially oily scalp, but after that, my hair began to thicken considerably. I stopped taking because I couldn’t afford it.
My hair has stabilized since I began taking Avodart years ago, through Medical Wellness Center. The loss is minimal each day, with still a thick head of hair. I never had any initial shedding, or any at all, actually.
Hairloss began to appear around crown, then moved to frontal region. Used Propecia initially then moved to Avodart approx 2-3yrs ago. Has maintained or regrown most hair. third year on Avodart, hair growth remains strong
Some regrowth in crown and hairline; Apparent halt of thinning
After initial shedding, hair seemed to be stronger. Some regrowth
maintained hair well.. stopped 2 years ago.. would like to regain what I lost.
Still maintaining current hair thickness.
Good thickening and maintaining existing hair
maintance dose done good so far…..maybe some slow gradual loss but slowed down
My response has been very good. I noticed my hair getting thicker after approximately 3 months of treatment and did not have any issues with shedding.I noticed diffuse thinning of my hair at around age 20 (1995) and began using minoxidil 2% solution. In later switched to 5% minoxidil and was prescribed Propecia in 2001. This combination worked very well up until around 2008 when my hair began to get noticeably thinner. I began using Avodart in combination with minoxidil 5% 7 months ago and have noted significant improvements in previously thinning areas.
No initial shedding, no regrowth on temples, but general thickening and regrowth on top.
I have noticed a slowing of my hairloss which began gradually during the first six months of taking the pills.
I had no shedding and have noticed a thickening of hair in the lower crown and have not seen any further hair loss
very good maintenance
I started using Avodart about 2 years ago. I noticed positive results with in 2 months. Six months later there was significant reduction in hair loss but hair loss did not stop completely. I still have small amount of hair loss. But during this period I had good regrowth and my hair looks thick.
I had a great response to Avodart. I briefly used the drug (6 months) around 2003. Hair loss was mild at the crown when I began the medicine. I did experience what I feel was mild shedding for the first 3-4 weeks. I noticed hair thickening of existing hair at the root after 2-3 months, and new growth at 3-4 months. At the end of the six months there was little evidence of any hair loss. I signed up for another refill around 2005, but never filled the prescription. My hair loss has gradually continued throughout the last 4-5 years. It is now noticeable at the crown again.
Hiar loss stopped and thickened
I noticed improvement in about 6 months.
Has significantly stalled loss.
decreased loss
I had great response with little shedding. Been using for about 1.5 years.
After 6 months I saw some more hair. Has stayed how it is. So far so good.
filling in and loss has lessened
I started thinning at age 24 and tried Propecia but it has started losing effectiveness about a year ago. On Avodart I had some shedding initially but my hair seems to be getting a little bit thicker. I have some new growth in the crown.
holding current hair amount
I believe it has slowed hair loss. been taking for several years.
Slow hair loss which slowed with Propecia and then reversed when I stopped Propecia and switched to Avodart.
Hair loss stopped and then reversed slowly
Maintaining after 4+ years
was taking durasteride/avodart for years. stopped. hair loss has accelerated. want to restart.
Still going through shedding. The crown of my head seems to be fuller, but not yet the frontal region.
general thickening of hair after 5 months. no additional hair loss
Hair seems to be stable, but not as thick as the first 2 years. Although, overall I am happy with what I have.
Avodart has been much more effective for my hair loss an dI have done very well on the medication. I feel that the medication has been positive in every way
AFter six months started to notice new hair on the very top of my head. no new hair in frontal areas although i have seemed to stop losing hair in those areas as well.
Slowing of receeding hairline, less overall hair loss
One Avodart per day, have been taking it for over 2 years, about 4 months before I noticed change, no initial shedding, hair thickened.
general thickening all over, no more thinning
Seems to have slowed hair loss.
Stunted fallout, retained hair , minimal regrowth
Hair loss has slowed or stopped in some areas. Some regrowth in temples. Approx. 3 months before saw changes.
Very good progress, hair has grown back and maintaining its thickenss
Loss of hair stopped. Some increased thickness
continued shedding for first 2 months of treatment, then shedding slowed and eventually stopped.
:: Began taking avodart over 5 years ago and have not lost any hair sice my hair was thinning gradually up to the point i began taking avodart. I have as much hair now as i did 5 years ago. Avodar is amazing and i have no side effects.
my hair has regrown to medium thinkness and now the Avodart is maintaining the thickness
I have used Avodart for a it over a year and it has helped neutralize my hair loss.
no response yet
Very good, maintaining hair loss since starting nearly five years ago. Hairloss started at 29, used both Finasteride and dutasteride. Loss started in puberty, but didn’t change until 29 with stress loss accelerating normal loss, then slowed greatly with medicines.
noticeably thicker after 3 mnt
After about four months, hair seems to grow longer. A slight thickening is notices as well
Maintained, with minimal growth
no shedding, thickening of hair don’t see any regrowth
Avodart has worked well. Maintained my existing hairline without any further hairloss.
New hair appeaers to be growing, existing hair looks thicker.
minor regrowth after several months
Initiallly I had some shedding but it filled right back in. This drug has worked very well for me.
It’s been positive, I have been taking it for years, no side effects . five years of Propecia and now almost five of Avodart has stopped my hair loss and allowed some to return. Currently I am a very mild class 2 in front, but not too far from normal.
Avodart seemed to slow my hairloss dramatically, but it did not reverse it. I have tried Propecia but that is definitely not ass effective.
My response to Avodart has been very positive. I started to lose my hair a few years ago and tried Propecia but it didnt work. I started using Avodart in within 4 months i saw a change in how thick my hair was and how much I was losing. I didnt really see an shedding at the beginning but my hair has definately gotten thicker started to notice my hair loss in college and it started to get worse after I graduated. I started using Propecia but not see any results.I continued to lose my hair.Then when I was around 26 or 27 I started using Avodart and my hair loss stopped and my hair started to get thicker. Avodart has definately stopped my hair loss and my hair is thicker now.
I feel like my hairloss stopped. I wasn’t really loosing too fast… I was just thinning… but I htink it may have thickened it up again in the front.
little initial shedding but it has stopped now. Have not noticed growth yet.
Loss in 20’s then increasing as I aproached 40. Reversed and slowed with Avodart
:: Avodart has been effective in stopping shedding and even has increased in volume and thickness. There is still a pattern of sheeding followed by thickening every few months.
I have been able to maintain my hairline
It was several months before I noticed a difference, but my hair definitely stopped thinning as much. I believe I have also had some regrowth.
Respond well.. hair thickened No more hair loss and some regrowth!
initially noticed significant regrowth in the first six months. then just maintained status quo for 1-2 years, then started thinning a little more. but its still clearly slowing the loss.
I have used Avodart for years. It has dramatically slowed my hair loss.
When started taking avodart in Dec 02 my shedding decreased very quickly. Had a lot of thinning on the crown. Over time the crown thickened. I have been able to maintain everything since that time. I respond very well to avodart and have no side effects. Started lossing hair on crown when I was 25. I took rogain and propecia which helped for a while. After a few years the propecia started to lose its effectiveness and I started thinning again on the crown. After I started taking avodart the shedding stopped. My crown then started to thicken up. I have been able to maintain my hair ever since. Very happy with my progress.
6 months saw noticeable change
I have been taking Avodart for the past few years and propecia before that. I have significantly more hair left than both of my siblings.
Have observed some diffuse hair growth
No regrowth. I believe it has substantially slowed my hair loss
I believe hair loss stopped, or at least was slowed to the point where there have been no notable changes. There hasn’t been any regrowth, however.
Loss is stabilized, some new growth
I have been on the treatment since July 2006. During the last year, my hairline has held up well and I have not experienced a large shedding phase.
:: I noticed a halt in thinning and recession well within a year of beginning Avodart treatment. Although thinning has continued since then, the rate of loss has slowed dramatically.
initial shed, then growth
some general thickening
slowing down of hair loss
I have been treating my hair loss for approximately 12 years. I initially used propecia, but switched to advodart several years ago. I have filled my prescriptions via medical wellness center for several years. For the last 12 years, propecia and now advodart have stopped my hair loss. I started losing my hair approximately 20 years ago and advodart has limited my hair loss substantially. I started losing my hair when I was 19. I gradually lost my hair until I was approximately 27. At age 27, I decided to do something about my hair loss. I started taking propecia. After about 5 years of taking propecia I switched to advodart. Propecia and advodart have slowed down substantially my hair loss and as a result my amount of hair over the last 10 years is approximately the same.
I’ve been taking avodart for six months now. Slight shedding to begin with, but now I don’t notice any hairloss. I have yet to notice any thickening or regrowth just yet.
Has worked wonders, been taking 8 years
Shedding at first month than great hair regrowth and thickening at 3 months.
I’ve used Avodart for about 1.5 years now and noticed decreased shedding than before. My hair thickness is also good.
loss has slowed
2 months; notice prominent regrowth on crown.
I have noticed thickening in the crown of my head.
Perhaps a little shedding of existing hair, and a little regrowth. Mostly, hair loss has not continued.
have had a gradually receding hairline since my early twenties which has been mitigated by Propecia and Minoxidil at first and effectively stopped by Avodart. I have had regrowth and a generally thicker hair and have had no side effects from Avodart or Minox. I always obtain my Avodart prescriptions from MWC and consider my treatment very effective.
6 months, inital shedding then regrowth or less shedding
moderate regrowth … mostly preventive
Have maintained hairline
I have noticed that my hair appears thicker and hair loss has appeared to stop. Some haitgrowth has returned.
No changes, but no more hair loss.
I did have some initial shedding. After month 5, I noticed a definite thickening of hair.
I have been on avodart for more than 2 years, and the condition of my hair has been great, hair has thickened gradually, with no apparent shedding observed.
hair stylist noticed hairloss at age 18, but I didn’t believe her until I was 20. started with Rogaine at age 25, didn’t see noticeable results, switched to Propecia after 6 months, and it helped for the next 8 or 9 years, then stopped working. switched to generic avodart, didn’t see results either then switched to genuine avodart and started to see great results, and my hair has slowly but steadily getting fuller.
shedding after 2 months, thickening & regrowth after 5 months.
good growth
thickening of hair within 6 months
Very quick response with regards to slight thickening of hair follicles. Very happy with results
I have had excellent results thus far. I have not noticed any initial or subsequent shedding and have noticed significant and ongoing regrowth in all thinning areas (especially along the hairline).
I noticed increased growth in the crown and vertex sections of my scalp, and noticed a lack of shedding overall. The new growth was visible after 6 months, and the shedding subsided after only 2months.
slowing of hair loss
no additional loss
Started using Proscar, then switched to Avodart. Regrowth has been very slow but consistent over that period.
Started using Proscar, then switched to Avodart. Regrowth has been very slow but consistent over that period.
it’s been thickening nicely
I’ve been on it for years. It severely slowed down hair loss and I’ve been able to maintain what I have for years
Treatment has been beneficial. I’ve begun to notice healthier thicker hair. This occured just recently since the start of my treatment. Began at around age 20. Slowly progressed, and about one year ago I saw intense hair-loss progression, in which I began a treatment of minoxidil and propecia. However, these treatments have had little to no affect on the recovery and thickening of my hair. Since the start of my Avodart treatment I have just begun to notice considerably more improvement, however I most definitly need to benefit from furhter treatment of Avodart.
No side-effects at all. Progress started showing after about 3 to 4 months, by regrowth of hair where I had lost hair or where hair started to grow thin. No initial shedding.
just starting to notice some regrowth
Hair continues to look good. No noticeable changes since last consultation.
slowed hair loss…thicker hair
After starting treatment hair thickened and rate of loss decreased after 4-6 months. Has been stable since.
I started losing hair at 19. Propecia stopped working as effective after 2 years of use. I switched to Avodart and started seeing and feeling improvments within months
Shedding stopped in one week no hair loss at all
Limited regrowth in front hairline.
The medication seems to work in halting the receding hairline
Avodart has definitely slowed down my hair loss substantially with no noticeable side effects.
initial shedding, noticing hair loss slowing
thickening and regrowth
Avodart has completely stopped and reversed my hair loss.
Improvement noticed within 3 months, some thickening, lots of regrowth
After 4 months of use hair become thicker and fuller. At the end of year any sign of baldness was gone.
Ive regrown and maintain the hair on the crown of my head.
Fully history is with Wellness Center. No shedding, only hair thickening. When not on it, hair thins.
I have maintained the hair that I have and have seen a little regrowth.
Avodart has maintained hair line and thickness
8 months. Thickening hair in crown area
hair loss began to decrease after a few months of using avodart. there was some very modest regrowth of hair at the crown during the first year. since then, any hair loss has been greatly reduced.
I believe that it took about 6 months to see changes. No initial shedding. Hair began to thicken, then regrow, especially on the crown.
In last 12 months, response has been continued lack of hair loss
has maintained hair state
I noticed thickening around 3 months in…
I have been taking Avodart on and of for the past 7 years, and have found that when on Avodart, my hair has seemed to maintain its density, or at least slowed down the thinning, and while off, has seemed to lose density relatively quickly. I have never had any shedding episodes thus far, and side effects have been minimal and not noticeable. I am at probably a Norwood II, with diffuse thinning, and very little loss at temples, but more loss on the crown, though Avodart seems to have helped maintain my hair.
Hairloss stopped completely after 6 months. New growth at crown.
Very good – it took a few months, but the changes have lasted.
have been using avodart 7 years with good results. not a lot of regrowth but no loss of hair
Was going bald since 19 started using avodart and it worked in the first two weeks, almost all hair came back.
thickening and regrowth
no initial changes. I’ve noticed some slight thickening on crown of head
have been using Avodart for about the last 6 years with good success. No shedding, but have maintained what I have and would like to continue to the treatment.
I have been using Avodart for about 5 years now. My hair has regrown on the front, and has almost completely regrown on the crown.
I have not noticed any appreciable growth, but I have noticed a decrease in the speed or acceleration of hairloss. I occasionally shed but the amount has decreased since starting avodart. I have not noticed any hair thickening. I did not experience any initial shedding upon starting Avodart.
some thickening
Maintained hair thickness. No loss. All around growth.
Worsened at first and slowly improved
hair has started to regrow
some shedding, and but stopped
I’ve been using Avodart for a few years now and it seems to work well for hairloss. It has been keeping my hair pretty thick.
hair has started to regrow
Continued Maintenance
Hair loss stopped
I’ve been on Avodart for a little over two years now. It has completely stopped my hair loss and has thickened my existing hair. It took about 6 months to notice results. I’ve maintained ever since. I’m satisfied with the treatment.
90 days before regrowth. Frontal area has thickened and the Norwood sections have filled in slowly. I am satisfied with the results
no further loss
Overall good regrowth!
Response within 3 months, slight thickening, good maintenance
Have been using the product for a while. Good results, thickening of hair and slowing of hair loss, no side effects.
Excellent response, have used for over 3 yrs and all ahirloss has stopped – crown area has filled in
hair loss has stopped/slowed
stable, slowing of hair loss
noticeable slowing of loss and regrowth
noticed that hair loss slowed dramatically tarted losing my hair in my early 20s. Started taking Rogaine, then Propecia and was able to dramatically slow down hair loss. With Avodart I have been able to maintain my hair after 2-3 months of use
:: I have been on Avodart for years and it has slowed the progression of my hair loss. I did not renew my subscription when it ran out about a month ago and now my hairline is rapidly shedding.
stopped hairloss
Slight thickening over time
thickening of hair
Been using avodart 7 years. I have seen continued progress since the beginning. Havn’t had any shedding in over 3 years.
It took about three months before I noticed growth. There are periods of shed but overall I am happy with the results.
Response is average, with normal shedding cycles.
reduction of loss and maintenance
Initial shedding, followed by reduction of hair loss
hair began to grow back and was thicker
Hair loss seems to have slowed down
minor improvements in hair density
I started noticing slight thinning in frontal area in college. I started talking propecia and when I heard about avodart tried that and I have stayed at a class 2 more or less since then. I’ve had generally the same amount of hair since I started taking the drug several years ago. Which is to say it seems to have stopped or significantly slowed any further hair loss.
had shedding,noticed hair regroth 4to 5months
Stable slight regrowth
stopped losing hair at 6 months regrowth at 9 months, no shedding
The hair loss stopped after 4 weeks of treatment
Excellent regrowth of hair.
No regrowth, no loss
some filling of crown
I have been using since 2000 and my hair is twice as think as when I started
No additional loss, seems to be halting the progress of MPB
It seems to slow my thinning and I even********** see some new hair growth.
stopped hair regression, filled in crown
Avodart has worked well in growing back hair on the crown and hairline in the first year. I am currently maintaining the hair I’ve gained through Avodart.
The Avodart continues to work satisfactory as my hair continues to maintain the thickness without shedding. I have been on Avodart for several years with the first 12 months a noticible difference in the amount on my head.
I started with Avodart in 2003 and within a few months noticed that it was maintaining my hair better than propecia. With propecia my loss had slowed but I was still seeing thinning. Since starting Avodart the thinning has stopped. I have seen a little regrowth in the back but in the front it has mostly kept me stable after years of thinning and losing.
Positive results to treatment with increased thickness in hair. Due to relocation, I had to postpone use which has resulted in increased loss. Clearly use of Avodart has show positive hair growth.
Thickening of hair is being noticed, shedding reduced, not much regrowth to be honest
Initial heavy shed, regrowth at 6 months
thickening around the crown.
nice regrowth, good maintenance of hair line
I believe I have continued to maintain my existing hair.
Hairloss has been arrested, or stalled at temples and reversed at crown.
It seems to slow my thinning and I even see some new hair growth.
Seemed to work well. Stopped taking it 1 years ago…have lost some hair
no initial shedding, thickening of hair, regrowth on crown and frontal area
holding steady
Hair stable
I have been using avodart for a few years now. At first I noticed changes. Lately it has been about the same
4 to 6 months some regrowth but mainly slowed down hairloss
significant thickening of crown through front; no further loss
Wish I had taken before and after photos to be sure, I’m think I’ve at least stopped progressing MPB. Fresh after a haircut I think the hair looks thick and am very happy with it.
Response to Avodart treatment described:: I did not have any shedding that I noticed. After a period of several weeks, I started to feel that the thinner area on top pf my head appeared to be thicker. The hair was less fragile and seemed fuller. I did not regrow my lost hairline, but the hair on my head seemed to be more healthy.
I have been taking Avodart for many years now. Initially in the first couple of months there was shedding. Since then I have not had any hair loss or shedding. my hair is no longer thinning. Although I have not experienced any regrowth, I beleive it has halted by hair loss.
I have been using Avodart for over four years with amazing results. The initial shedding phase ended about six months in and I saw real progress in under a year (thickening and regrowth.)
Response has been very positive. Noticed positive changes, thickening of hair and hair regrowth after a few months to 6 months and has continued to remain thick with no hair loss
hair seems to be getting a little thicker and growing a little faster. Changes occured at about three months.
Less shedding
I’ve been taking Avodart for over 3 years with no side effects, maintaining my hair growth has been positive.
6 months; maintained
within 3 months
have had significant regrowth that filled in the bald area. However after I stopped taking the medication for over 10 months, to restructure my financial state, the baldness returned and I am now re-ordering.
No initial shedding but definitely thickening and regrowth, more obvious in the couple of years of treatment
Took a few months to start working but my hairloss has completely stopped for the past 6 months
Some shedding sometimes but seems to maintain hair density for the most part.
excellent results, no loss, hair is very thick
No shedding, Hair thickened greatly
grew hair, started 5 yers ago, still works
good response
no shedding – haven’t lost much hair since starting using Avodart
I could notice hair regrow after 6 months.
30 days noted new growth. I stopped taking it years ago and lost all I gained.
I noticed less hair loss in about 2 or 3 months. I have avoided a lot of further hair loss
I have now been on this medication for several years without side effects. I have maintained the hair that I started with. There was some initial shedding in the first few months but this has abated. I am very happy with this medication.
No real shedding, slight thickening in crown, no continued hair loss
response has been good; 90 days approx and no shedding. cessation of hairloss.
minimal initial shedding. 2-3 months in & hair becomes noticeably thicker with substantial regrowth over the continuing months. I have maintained this regrowth.
Avodart has allowed me to keeep my existing hair and have some degree of regrowth.
since using Avodart 3 years ago my hair loss has stopped and has produced some regrowth
No initial shedding, but hair thickened, and there was a little regrowth.
stopped hair loss
:: Avodart has thickened slowed hair loss progression and had some regrowth. I am pleased with how it has maintained my hair since I started using it
3 months of use and hair regrew
steady improvement
On Avodart for 3 years, do not appear to have lost any hair in that time.
Keeps hair from thinning further. Slightly thick after 1 year.
After initial brief shedding, hair loss stopped and hair looked healthier. Partial regrowth
I had some initial shedding, but over time some regrowth occurred it became clear that Avodart helps me keep the hair that I have.
No regrowth on temples, but crown definitely thicker than two yeares ago.
No major changes to report. My hairloss has been slowed down or reduced greatly. Hair is stable at this point.
Very good results – stopped hariloss, good regrowth in crown
Initial progress was visible after 3 to 6 months, and gradually continued to progress. Progress was mainly regrowth in the areas were number of hairs was reducing in the past. No obvious thickening of the hair. No (initial) shedding.
I have responded very well. I noted significantly more hair growth in first year of use and have maintained it.
15 months started to thicken
Initial thickening at temples and vertex after about 3-5 months. Definitely noticeable difference after a year.
I started using about 1 1/2 years ago. After six months my thinning hair thickened back up and has been normal since.
Did not experience an initial shed. Thinning areas of hair became thicker starting at around eight weeks. After six months’ treatment, stopped Avodart, and experienced loss of regrowth and continued balding.
i began taking it i believe about 6 or 7 years ago. I have had zero side effects and have not lost any hair since i began taking it.
Good results after 4 months of use
Thickening of hair after about 4-5 months.
Definite thickening/darkening of hair
I’ve been taking Avodart for male pattern baldness for a number of years now. Treatment appears to have arrested (or greatly slowed) my hair loss. I’m pleased with the results and wish to continue treatment.
My hair looks much healthier and is much thicker. I also regrew hair on my temples and on the crown of my head.
Slowed progression of receding hairline
I started using Avodart a couple of years ago and the results have been great.It took a couple months to see changes but after those couple of months the hair i had was thicker and it appeared that some hair was actually growing back.Since using avodart my hairloss has stopped and as I mentioned it is also thicker.
Hairloss has stopped. Some regrowth.
Great response, no shedding, hair thickening within a few months
hair loss has slowed
I’ve been using it for 5 years. Maintains the hair I have.
Been on a prescription from medical wellness center for a few years. Results have been great and have experience little to no hair loss. I really appreciate the effect this medication has had on my life.
I saw an improvement after about 3 months and have continued to see thickening of the hair.
Significant reductoin in hair loss after about 2 months
Stopped further hair loss some regrowth on crown
It has stopped loss and induced some growth
have been taking avodart for five to six years and have had no side effects. my initial condition was thinning hair on the crown and frontal area of the scalp. i was experiencing lots of hair sheding. after i begun treatment with avodart the hair shedding started to skow down after 6 months of usage. within a year the shedding had stopped and some noticeble regrowth of hair had occurred on my crown and frontal area of the scalp. have maintained full coverage of scalp and hiar shedding is minumun. hair is thickened over past 2 years and have no side effects. my hair started thinning at age 35. a graduel sheddng of my hair left my scalp with thinning hair. after trying several products for hair i started treatment on propecia for about 2 years. i then started treatment with avodart and have been using avodart for the past five years.
Helped with scalp itch a lot, still determining its effect on stopping/slowing the hair loss
I have used it for a number of years. Within the first 6 – 9 months a saw significant hair regrowth. Since then I have sustained that hair and lost no more.
I haven’t had regrowth but I have continued to lose much hair
regrowth, thickening … then, slightly thinner after a hiatus of use (noticeable 3 mos. into hiatus, which has now almost a year).
Great response hair very stable and improving
Regrowth/ Stabiliztion of Hairloss
after about 3 weeks I feel I saw little blonde hairs growing in some of the areas where I had lost hair. I would describe it like fuzz at this point. I have noticed I have less hair in my tub drain after showers.
Steady progress, hair regrowing
regrowth of hair
egrowth, thickening…then, slightly thinner after a hiatus of use (noticeable 3 mos. into hiatus, which has been now almost a year).
No shedding, regrowth in some areas and mainting in thinning areas
Since starting Avodart with you years ago (2006 was first consultation with your site, with refills throughout the years) Avodart has slowed my thinning hair and even experienced new hair growth. Have had almost no hair loss since starting Avodart, when before it was quite rapid. I love it.
have responded well to Avodart, which I have used for about six years now. I do not recall any initial shedding. While I have not regrown any hair, my hair has stopped falling out since I started using Avodart. Prior to using Avodart, I tried both Rogain and Propecia and Rogaine and Propecia in combination. While these drugs slowed my hair loss, they did not entirely stop it. Avodart, in short, is the best hair loss drug that I have tried.
Rapid decrease in rate of hair loss after a few months and some thickening of hair over a few years
Avodart has helped me maintain and regrow hair over the frontal and temporal regions.
Has largely maintained hair
Hairloss is neglibible when taking Avodart.
I started to notice results in roughly 6 mo. Nothing dramatic, just reduction in the amount of loss.
some initial shedding but has stopped. Hair starting to grow in sections. Initially one big bald area now 33% has long hair growth. Other 66% has small thin hair growing.
Completely stopped hair loss with no side effects
Continued use since 2005, resulting in ongoing maintenance of existing hair and follicle retention.
Slight regrowth on top and filling in on crown
Growth and shed cycles are about 4 months
I began to gradually lose my hair at the age of twenty. I used propecia with great success but over the course of time it was not as effective. I then used avodart with great success and continue to use it.
Response has been very good, most hair loss stopped over period of approx. 4years of use
thicker hair, less oily scalp
Very good results with absolutely no thinning. Full head of hair!
I have used Avodart for almost 10 years and have had great results in reducing the effects of balding.
Been using Avodart for 3+ years. Has worked well in maintaing all existing hair over that time and has helped regrow
Some regrowth, steady ever since
Avodart has worked well. My hairline has receded very slightly in the front, but the rest of my hair has thickened and I have no further balding. I definitely feel it has slowed the pace.
Hiar loss has stopped.
Significantly slowed hair loss.
I’ve been using it almost 10 years very successfully.
had some initial shedding. shedding stopped and growth began. Slight shedding periodically.
maintaining existing hair
Avodart seems to work fine for me. Hair loss has stopped, and there has been some regrowth and thickening.
Shedding has been completely reduced. Showing signs of thickening on the crown, no change on the front of scalp Gradual thinning from mid 20s onwards. Hairloss was minimised by propecia for several years but seemed to loose effectiveness. I have been on Avodart for well over a year now and it seems to be helping maintain my hair.
No regrowth – basically the treatment seems to have dramatically slowed the progression of hair loss. I’ve been using avodart since its been available and my hair line has had minimal recession.
Appears to have stopped hair loss
I have been using Avodart for years now. Initially, in the first year I saw some regrowth, but the primary continuing effect has been to halt any continued loss of hair.
Stopped shedding. Minor improvement
I’ve been using Avodart for the past 4 years and have had nothing but positive continuous regrowth. It’s been amazing for me.
it is maintaining my hair
It’s difficult to tell exactly how well things are working at this point. I took Propecia for 2 years prior to starting Avodart and my rate of lose was already low.
Avodart has stopped my hair loss. My hair has been stable since shortly after starting it.
Good retention
Using it for six months. Significant regrowth of hair.
starting noticing results (minor regrowth) in 2 – 3 months
I’ve been on Avodart for more than 2 years, and on Propecia for about a year prior. I still experience hair loss, but much less than before I started with Avodart and Propecia. I use Avodart alone with topical Rogain.
I noticed an increase in hair thickness by month 4 and, overall, a dramatic reduction in hair loss during treatment
i started avodart three years back, i am happy to say that it has maintained/slowed my hairloss
have stopped the loss
I have a receding hairline and there was gradual thickening of the hair.
. Avodart has worked great for me. I started noticing changes around 3-6 months after I started. No initial shedding. Some thickening of hair.
Avodart has worked great for me. I started noticing changes around 3-6 months after I started. No initial shedding. Some thickening of hair.
i started avodart three years back, i am happy to say that it has maintained/slowed my hairloss
I have maintained my hair and stopped progression of my hair loss
Hair loss stabilized after 1st 6 months and has continued the same.
Slight shed at 3 months, regrowth “peace fuzz” at front temples. Unsure of thinking on crown, but no additional loss.
Continued hair growth and reduction in additional loss
No shedding. Some regrowth. Halted loss
Has slowed down hair loss
no initia shedding, hair thickened and has remained that way
I have been on avodart now for a little over 3 years, my hair is doing well. I saw regrowth initially, now it is stable. I started noticing thinning at 21. It got worse gradually and I got on avodart through medicalwellnesscenter at age 23. I have responded well and my hair is still doing fine now at 26.
initial thickening and regrowth when I started years ago. now its just preserving it.
moderate growth after first year
Gradual thickening of hair at the temples
Started working in 2 weeks, stopped my hair loss and grew new hair back!
no additional thinning
Haven’t noticed much regrowth just trying to maintain what I currently have
Response to Avodart treatment described:: Gradual loss from age 19 through 21. Then I used Propecia which slowed it down but didn’t stop it. When I started taking Avodart approximately 6 years ago that is what stopped it and has kept it stable. As per my past forms for renewal, the biggest difference I noticed was in the first year or so. I saw thickening in the back crown area and a stop of the thinning in the front. Over the past several years I have had strong maintenance, I don’t see any noticable loss of hair. This has stopped since I have been on Avodart.
8yrs – maintained
I have been taking Avodart since 2004 and I believe it has helped me to maintain the hair that I have now. No initial shedding or regrowth, just maintenance.
Continue to rspond well to treatment
During the first few months I didnt notice anything such as shedding. But maybe there was and I didnt notice. I have noticed slight thichening of the hair which is why I am interested in renewing my prescription for Avodart. I hope that more positive changes will take place as I continue taking avodart for more than 6months. I think that I will continue to have hair regrowth or keep what I have while taking avodart.
Hiar began to thicen with the first couple months of taking Avodart
slight regrowth, reduced hair loss, hair mildly thicker but nothing significantly different
Hair loss stopped long ago using Avodart. Using it to maintain
Response has been excellent. Been using it for years now.
I first noticed my hair loss at age 19. I took Propecia for a number of years. Later on I stopped taking Propecia and started taking Avodart which stopped my hair loss. There was only a very limited amount of regrowth but my hair loss stopped.
no major initial shedding. has slowed my hair loss substantially. very happy with the results. noticed thinning at crown at 19. tried rogaine/propecia combo and had very little luck. started avodart at 23 and have noticed much better results.
There’s been no change to my hair, no further loss (which I view as positive)
Noticed hair thickening within 90 days
My response to Avodart has been positive, with retension of the hairline and crown area, though slight thinning over the past 8/9 years since using Avodart on and off. No shedding at all.
I noticed significant thickening around 6-9 months after treatment. Since then I have maintained the growth.
I’ve been using avodart for 3 1/2 years and it has stopped the progression of my hair loss. I’ve noticed a little regrowh. I am happy with my response to this treatment.
Response has been good. Have used for 2 years. Overall hair is better now then when I started. Mostly mainting but also have a little regrowth.First noticed loss of hair around temple region at age 25. Loss continued for sveral years and started to get thin in the crown area. Around age 30 took Propecia. Took 1+ year to notice improvement but then worked well for a couple of years. Results started to slow so then around age 33 switched to Avodart and results seemd to improve again. Today crown looks good but have moderate loss around temple.
I have been using advodart for years. through you. It worked great in the beining to regrow now some of what I lost. I still see tiny improvements overtime, but also know I need this to prevent the process from restarting. I have had 0 side effects and my wife has given birth 2 2 healthy boys durring the time I have used the drug.
: had no shedding. hair thickened up
loss stopped
Seems to significantly slow the balding process
Initial Shedding. Some re-growth. Mostly maintaining without further loss.
no initial shedding, but I did have initial shed with propecia years ago
Avodart has been working perfectly. I’ve been taking Avodart for some years now and it has worked very well at keeping my hair full and thick.
I have been using Avodart for many years. It helps me to retain my hair. As far as I remember, no initial shedding. I have seen regrowth on the crown. It just seems to maintain on the frontal area.
Response to medication has been favorable, no additional loss
Haven’t noticed any regrowth yet but no
hair loss either.
: I have had little in the way of regrowth but I have for the most part maintained what I have, with only a couple of occasional sheds here and there.
Minimal hair loss.
I have been using Avodart for many years. It helps me to retain my hair. As far as I rmember, no intial shedding. I have seen regrowth on the crown. It just seems to maintain on the frontal area
Avodart has been beneficial because it has slowed my hair loss I noticed results around the 8th month mark
slow but gradual hairline recession especially at temple points.
Reduced shedding and time between shedding
Avodart seems to have stopped or at least slowed the loss of hair I was experiencing.
Outstanding! It has essentially stopped my male pattern baldness for several years.
My hair loss has stopped
Stop hairloss after 3 months. Regrowth at month 6.
noticed decreased hair loss. Minimal regrowth, but loss is no longer noticeable first noticed slow but steady hair loss in college. Treated with Rogaine, Propecia, and now with Avodart, each proving to be more effective
:: stablized hairloss, no regrowth. went off of avodart for 4 months and hairloss continued to progress.
Avodart use for over two years has stopped hair loss. Avodart seems to have maintained my hair thickness and led to moderate hair regrowth
Initial shedding, followed by no additional hair loss
I’ve only slowed down my hair loss. My shedding speeds up if I do not take it for a while
Hair has thickened and there has been regrowth on the crown and some in front.
Fantastic, noticeable regrowth and thickening four months after starting, amazing results ever since. Had initial shed as expected.
minor shedding 1st month, decent results
No more frontal hair loss/ under control
Hair loss has continued very very gradually, but Avodart appears to slow it down significantly.
Reponse continues to be good. No more shedding and thinning has stopped.
I have been on Avodart for the past 6 months with good results. The gradual thinning of hair has stopped and I’ve seen some decent regrowth on the crown and vertex. Thanfully, no side effects. began noticing my hairloss around age 21 or 22, and it began to become visible to others by 23. I started treating myself with rogaine, but the results were mild at best. However, recently, when I added Avodart to my regime, I began to notice decent results for the first time
I have been on Avodart for five years. Definite hair regrowth without side effects.
Good response. I’ve been using avodart for some years now with quite a good result
Haven’t ever noticed shedding, believe either preventing further loss or have had some thickening or regrowth in front/top of head.
Initial response was excellent with almost full re-growth. After a brief 4-6 month lapse in prescription treatment, growth receded again and has been slower but continual after resuming treatment.
Response has been excellent
maintains hair
hair has remained stable over the past year
Seems to have taken six months, but hair seems noticeably thicker and less thinning.
A great deal of my hair has grown back since using it
some shedding, then regrowth and thickening
Hair seems to be stable with very little noticeable hair loss.
no shedding, some thickening and regrowth after couple months.
Been using Avodart for years. After I started taking it my hair got thicker and stopped thinning
Good results from a few months in
stability, no further loss
Avodart treatment has been great, hair became thicker after a few months of treatment. I started losing my hair around the age of 28. The hairloss has been gradual, but has stabilized with the introduction of Avodart
Been using 8 years. Seen continued improvement.
I may have had some modest regrowth (visible at about a year); I certainly haven’t lost any more hair.
Initial shedding, followed by thickening
Stopped hair from falling out.
Slowing down of hair lossI have been using Avodart for 2 years and all my hair on the crown of my head has regrown
Avodart has been wonderful. I have been prescribed this medication for over 5 years and my hair is thicker; no shedding or thinning since beginning treatment.
Within about 2-4 months I’ve noticed my hair thickening. I’ve also noticed some regrowth in the back and front of my head.
I’ve been taking Avodart for years at this point and it has allowed me to keep all the hair I had since I began taking it
I noticed the difference in about 2 months
regrowth on crown and frontal area of scalp
Avodart has stopped hair from falling out and new growth has propogated.
about a year, no shedding, gradual regrowth
positive results. Hair has stayed the same.
Dramatic reduction in rate of hair loss over first 6 months. Some regrowth over a period of serveral years.
no further hair loss…perhaps a bit thicker
I’ve used it for years with good results. It seems to have stopped my hair loss.
Did not notice any big sheds, hair looks thicker and more coverage.
haven’t noticed any changes.. the intent is to preserve hair thickness
thicker hair, and regrowth in thinning areas. Working great!
I have not noticed regrowth, but I have stopped losing hair.
It’s been a few years now. Slowed/stopped shedding and receding hairline to a degree.
four years of Avodart with very positive results. Switched from Propecia and maintained hair with cycles of thickening. Thinning and receding hair line at age 24. Rapid hair loss for four years. Started Propecia and rogaine at age 27 and hair loss stabilized and even grew back. Episodes of shedding and regrowth/thickening ever since. Switched to avodart
I was losing hair almost ten years ago, then began Avodart and have since regained an enormous amout of hair. It worked escellently.
I had a decrease in the amount of hair loss within the first few months of using Avodart. There was very slight regrowth and thickening of hair, especially toward the back of the top of the scalp, during the first year of use. Hair loss while using Avodart has been greatly reduced.
I noticed results within 5 weeks. I usually have a shedding period prior to regrowth.
Slowly receding since late teens. Propecia then Avodart for 10 years, no loss in 3- 5 years
Good response. No initial shedding. Hair loss seems to have been halted and some regrowth.
some slight regrowth was noticeable after 8 months
I’ve been using Avodart for almost a decade, and have maintained my hair throughout this time.
no shedding, some thickening and regrowth in teh beginning now stable.
Hair loss has stabilized, there may be small regrowth at this point. Using minoxodilon crown area, have seen regrowth there. There might have been some shedding initially but not much more than I was experiencing before. Noticed stabilization within a couple of months or so.
Been using Avodart for about 5 years. Has worked very well to maintain current hair and noticed some thickening as wel. Started working after about 6 months. First noticed it with shedding then in the frontal area. Lastly on the crown. Gradual hairloss continued for several years then started taking Avodart. worked very well to stop and further loss and grew some hair back.
I was losing hair almost ten years ago, then began Avodart and have since regained an enormous amount of hair. It was worked excellently.
Hair loss has slowed as hoped
I took it all of 2011 and maintained hair. Switched to Propecia early 2012 and noticed that hair appears to be thinning so would like to switch back to Avodart.
Noticed change in less than six months. No initial shedding. Definite regrowth.
I have taken avodart for several years. Avodart has slowed the progression of my hair loss.
Response was better than expected and occurred during first year. No shedding noticed. Hair thickness achieved on medicine has been maintained.
Hair began thinning somewhat diffusely at age 20 and started using Rogaine. Began using Propecia in 2002 with good response and maintenance for years but effectiveness diminished in 2009. Started using Avodart and have achieved very good results and have been able to realize more thickness and stabilize hair loss.
started avodart when i was about 25 and it has been amazing, have lost no hair since in fact i have regrown some in the crown. And the best part is no side effects.
I noticed improvement in around 6 months. I have maintained the hair I had and regrown hair on the crown of my head and a little bit in the front
I started using Avodart about 3 years ago. I noticed positive results with in 2 months. Six months later there was significant reduction in hair loss but hair loss did not stop completely. I still have small amount of hair loss. But during this period I had considerable regrowth and my hair looks thick. I started gradually losing my hair at the age of 20. By 25 I lost lot of hair. I started using propecia. There was some positive result but not significant. So I started using Avodart. It worked well for me. I have been using Avodart for the past 2 years.
slight initial shedding, positive thickening and body of hair greatly improved, also new growth in the temporal areas, lots of peach fuzz but some new thick darker hair in the temporal area, crown improved greatly and thickened back up completely== no thin area here any longer.
It’s been great in the last few years keeping the hair I have.
Good Hair Growth and stabilization.
Seems to be some regrowth on crown and reduced shedding
I may have had some mild shedding but that was consistent with what I was experiencing prior to starting the Avodart. I noticed less shedding at approximately 45-60 days after my first dose
Hiar loss has stopped after 3 months of treatment.
noticed changes in 3 months
Maintained hair with some new growth at temples
initial shedding, now regrowth
Response to Avodart treatment described:: I have had a good response to Avodart. I have been on the medication for several years now, and although I have not experienced hair regrowth, I have stopped losing my hair. I don’t recall experiencing any initial shedding when I began the drug, but I do recall that my hairloss slowed rapidly after I began the drug and virtually stopped within a few weeks.
I started noticing that my hair was thinning in the fall of 1993, when I was twenty. I started Rogaine soon thereafter. Rogaine slowed my hairloss, but never completely stopped it. I started using Rogaine and Propecia around 1997 or 1998. The combination slowed my hair loss further, but did not completely stop it. I began using both Rogaine and Avodart several years back and have had excellent results, experiencing no further hair loss. In 2004, about the same time I began Avodart, I had hair transplant surgery. This was a minor surgery, with only about 500 or so grafts being transplanted.After 6 months, hair filled into thinning areas.
Significant decrease in rate of hair loss within the first 6 months and some regrowth in crown area over the course of several years
Initial shedding for few weeks, hair seem to thicken and maybe regrow within the first year
Cessation of hair loss and slight regrowth soon after starting. No additional regrowth over time.
Response has been positive. Hair loss progresses, but at such a slow rate it is acceptable.
Initial shedding, then gradual thickening
I have been taking Avodart for years and it has proved effective in slowing hair loss for me.
Have used it for almost 10 years, works exceptional! Entire family balding, Avodart has worked great for me
Noticed change in less than six months. No initial shedding. Definite regrowth.
hair count has remained the same
Great response. Hair stopped falling and became thicker
have noticed that my hair appears thicker and some regrowth has ocuured. Initial progress took approximately 2 months.
I noticed hair loss stoped at 2 months. A little regrowth at 6 months.Hair loss slowed and thickened within about 3 months, and has been remained pretty stable since starting treatment.
Very good, slowed recession and vertex and crown grown in considerably since starting
Thicker hair on crown
Since I started using avodart my hairloss has stopped and my receding hairline has stopped receding.it has been really effective. I started losing my hair in college. WHen I noticed it I started using Propecia. it was not very effective so I moved to Avodart.since i have been using avodart my hairloss has stopped and my receding hairline has stopped receding
It drastically slowed my hair loss but still very gradually thinning over time.
Existing hair seems thicker and healthier; some new hair also grew. Got hair transplants in my 30’s. Then started using Minoxidil. Started propecia when it became available, later switched to Avodart.
Shedding has stopped some regrowth
slowing of the hairloss process. There has not been any regrowth.
No shedding. Maitaining density of hair.
I have had good hari regrowth with Avodart. Hair started reappearing after the first three months.
Slowing down of hair loss, slight regrowth
I’ve been on Avodart for approximately 2 years. Prior to that I was on Propecia. Avodart, like Propecia has helped me keep the hair I have – a kind of pause button on hair loss or a sharp slowdown of hair loss. Neither Propecia nor Avodart has grown back significant amounts of the hair I lost prior to being on hair loss meds however. My goal is to keep the hair I have till a cure for male pattern hairloss emerges.. hopefully. It started in my early 20s. I did nothing about it for some years and it got worse unfortunately. I finally got on Propecia and for the first 2 years, not only did I keep the hair I had but it slightly reversed my hair loss. After about 5 years on Propecia it seemed to lose its effectiveness slightly. I switched to Avodart and its been stable so far.
I noticed the hair stopped thinning at3mos and I had a shedding at the 4 month mark, at 6 mos I have regained a goodportion of my frontal hairline.. No more hats for me, the thinned areas at the topof my crown have filled back in and my hair has become thicker and healthier lookingsince I started the product, I have better results with Avodart than I did withpropecia. Great product!
Avodart has sustained my current hair. I did not experience any initial shedding. I have been taking Avodart with prescriptions from Medical Wellness for several years I began losing my hair at approximately age 20. I gradually loss my hair (front and crown) for approximately 7 years until I decided to treat my hair loss at approximatley age 27 with a propecia prescription. Then, I switched to Advodart when Advodart became available. Taking propecia or Advodart has allowed me to substantially slow my hair loss and maintain my current amount of hair.
I started taking avodart around 2007 and it has maintained my hair ever since. It took about 8 months to first see results in the form of thickening and some regrowth. I first noticed and was diagnosed with male pattern baldness at age 22. I started avodart soon thereafter and it has slowed my hair loss considerably in the past 5 years.
I have used it for 3-4 years…..have maintained my hair
Filling in hairloss. Thicker hair. More noticable
Thickening all over
Noticed firmer roots within a few days.
I had initial shedding at 4 1/2 months i nto treatment. Hair started to thicken after that and reached approximately 85% regrowth. The shedding lasted about 3 months. I have periodic smaller sheds that last about 4 weeks every 5-6 months.
Some initial shedding but then saw regrowth. Has helped maintain existing hair.
Has stopped the progresion of my hairloss
Since taking, hairline has stopped receding.
currently maintaining previous gains.
hair loss seems to have stopped. minor regrowth
Seems to have slowed the fallout of hair
I experienced significant thickening of the hair and regrowth
Noticed thinning in the crown at 19. It began to slowly grow larger, so I used Rogaine/Propecia with little results. When I started taking Avodart, I noticed a major change as it slowed the shedding down. I have been on the medication for 5 yearsand seen wonderful results. It has slowed my hair loss down substantially. Waymore so than Propecia did.
I have been using avodart treatment since late 2010, and I started to see results fairly quickly – after the first 30-45 days, I began to experience a thickening of hair where it was thinning out before.
Gradual regrowth in the temporal regions.
A few months noticed thinning stopped and some thickening.
Completely stopped hairloss. No shedding
Gradual loss of hair at the hairline starting at age 19. Minoxidil and Propecia (later Avodart) has stopped the hairloss.
Quickly stopped the fall out and then thickened up a little. Have now been able to maintain these results for 11 years.
A gradual thickening of the hair. Might have taken a few months to notice
I started to notice thickening about 10 months after treatment. My hair has continued to improve
I had initial shedding that occured within the first 3 months. I began noticing some hair thickining around the end of my prescription which would have been 6 months.
Long term maintenance so little to no chage from baseline
Hair loss started between the ages of 20-25. Or thats when i noticed it. The thinning was mostly in the front area of my scalp. It has only gotten worse since then but still at a slow pace until I started taking avodart. Ive seen positive results in thickening and regrowing of my hair.. I have a very positive respone to Avodart. I havent noticed any side effects with this medication. I noticed a slight change in my thickness of hair at approximately 13-14 months after starting avodart. Since then, my hair has been thicker that it has been in the previous several years. I have been noticing a change in my hair line as it seems to be regrowing where there used to be hair. The progress is slow but I am extremely happy with the results
I have been on Avodart for approximately 10 years and the effects have included maintenance of my hair. I have diffuse thinning and though the quality of my hair has been getting slightly worse from year to year, this has been very gradual and I believe that Avodart has helped maintain the hair I have. I have not experienced any bouts of shedding, and my hairline has remained intact.My hair loss has been diffuse which I noticed starting at age 19. Over the years, my hair loss has been gradual, and I have taken Avodart and just a couple years ago, started on Rogaine foam. My hair has been maintaining itself well over the years, with only a gradual thinning over time.
It’s been a long time on it now. So far it seems to have helped me maintain what I have without too much thinning overall.
I’ve been using avodart for over 4yrs and I’m happy with my results. My shedding has decreased and I’ve seen a little regrowth.
hair thickening all over. some shedding at hairline
I’ve been on Avodart for 3 years now and experience occasional shedding, but overall maintenance is good
A slow down in thinning, less shedding after about 3-4 months
Hair loss has stopped and hair has grown back on all of scalp to some degree. No longer have any bald areas. Some shedding occurred when I started the treatment.
Stared losing hair at 19, after 3 weeks of avodart my hair began to go back to before I started losing it. Since taking avodart I now have a full head of hair!
Growing up, I always had a high hairline. At approximately 22 or 23, my hair began shedding and my hairline began receding rapidly. It was terrible, and I thought I would be bald in no time. About six months later, I began taking Propecia, which really stabilized my hair loss. Since using medication, my hair has remained thick in the back and the receding in the front has been very gradual. I’ve been very happy with the result. Prior to taking Avodart, I had taken Propecia for about four years. These medications have helped to stem my hairloss. Prior to taking Propecia, I was having shedding episodes and my hairline was receding quickly. Avodart has had a continued positive affect and I noticed even greater thickening. I’ve been happy with the result.
Maintains reasonably well.
no initial shedding, no longer have any fallout, filling in slowly with lots of small thin hair, notice thinker hair from the outside working itself to the center.
Avodart does work but I have noticed a shed phase that lasts about 3- 4 months before growth resumes along the recovered hairline.
Things improved within the first few weeks. Had sheds periodically throughout the last year.
Maintained thickness, periodic shedding
Seems to be wroking well for me overall. Hair is stable and I have noticed little to no loss since starting my treatment.
I have been taking avodart for many years. Initially it took approximately 6 months to see change. It has stopped thinning of the crown and slowed receeding in the frontal areas
Hair loss stopped when I started Avodart a few years ago.
No initial increase shed. Decrease in overall rate of shed. Little regrowth at crown, no regrowth at temples.
Avodart has slowed my hair loss, which continues but very slowly.
initial shedding early on. hair loss stopped and some regrowth.
I am doing wel maintining my hair line.
Thinning slowed or stopped, some new growth as occurred.
hair loss essentially stopped in the lastfew years with avodart
Maintained hair, no more shedding
My Avodart treatment has resulted in generally positive results. I have been on Avodart for several years and after beginning Avodart, I noticed a substantial decrease in hair falling out and even in the thickness of hair. I strongly believe that Avodart has allowed me to maintain much of my hair.
Avodart has helped retain the hair that I have, very little shedding.
I have been using Avodart since the summer of 2006. I notice the most dramatic change during the first year with hair regrowth and the thickening of the hair. After that, my hair line continues to hold afte six years of constant usage.
total restoration of age. No side effects. been on it for 18 months.
Started noticing regrowht in about 4 weeks.
hair loss began slowing after about 3-6 months. there may have been some very modest regrowth, especially toward the back of the top of the scalp, during the first year. but hair loss has dramatically slowed, if not stopped all together.
Several years ago, I went on it for a year and experienced favorable hair regrowth in the crown and temples. I stopped almost two years ago and my hair has been noticably thinning. Would like to start again
Mostly preventative against further loss but definitely some increase in hair density/thickness. Changes were noticed within 3 months
It stops or slows down my hair loss noticeably. When I stop taking it, hair loss accelerates again.
Marked improvement over Propecia within 3 months
No regrowth. Hoping it helped slow the loss.
Initial shedding – folowed by no hair loss
Avodart seems to have stopped hair
shedding and increased thickness of hair on the side of my head
Notice change after 4 months. Thicker hair and new regrowth
I shedded a bit, but for the most part my hair is thicker, darker, and I’ve seen noticeable changes in pictures
I’ve been taking Avodart for over 6 years. I’ve noticed a sharp decreasein shedding, occuring within 2 weeks or so of beginning medication.
I noticed positive growth and thickness changes within the first few months and over the years the hair has progressively gotten better and thicker and coverage is great.
Initial shedding, then thickening and moderate regrowh. less sedding now.
Maintenance of current hair, some thickening immediately
Avodart has stopped my hair loss for several years. It works well.
Showed some slowing and a small anount of regrowth
Excellent respone, thickened hair.
Appears to be working. Shedding decreased significantly.
Hair has regrown and is not thinning.
My hair has been maintained the two years that I have been on
continue to maintain
nitial minor shedding, then thickening of hair and shedding stopped.
Avodart taken consistently seems to keep the amount of my hair in the sink at a minimum and provides retention for existing hairs.
Avodart has been great. No side effects. Hair has stayed with me.
Hair thickening usually occcured after 4-5 months of use, shedding has slowed a bit.
Avodart has dramatically slowed my hair loss. Noticed after 3 months of use
I continue to lose my hair with a receding hairline but I believe Avodart has slowed down the process
I’ve been taking it for several years now and i’m very much a satisfied customer.
No further loss since starting
Noticed a change in about a month. No shedding.
no dramatic regrowth or shedding. after a couple months I noticed a slight thickening on the crown of my head.
Thickening of hair at first. Very gradual loss since
There was some mild initial shedding, following by mild thickening, followed by close-to-100% maintenance. Started thinning at 17. Began finasteride at 18. Hair loss slowed but didn’t stop. At age 28, I began Avodart, and my hair loss has stopped since then (and I’ve even had modest regrowth).
I’ve been On Avodart since it came out in late 2002. My hair has been holding at NW3 for the past decade. My father is a NW6 and was almost completely bald at my age. I firmly believe the working!
Hair loss has slowed significantly. Hair regrowth on crown is good.
Great response for the past 6 years. Noticeable slowing down of hair loss.
Noticed it at age 25, was slow and gradual, at age 35 started propecia, continued taking it with excellent results, after 10 years stopped working so changed to avodart.After taking propecia for 10 years with excellent results it stopped working. After starting Avodart my hair loss stopped or at least greatly slowed soon after, but there was little or no regrowth. After 8 months I started using minoxadil (5%) and received good regrowth, especially on the crown but some in front as well. After about a year or so I had to cut down to taking 1 Avodart every other day due to the rising cost. I did not notice any changes for at least a year until about a year ago when there was a slow and gradual loss of hair again. It has thinned especially in the back and will become noticeable if it continues. I feel I will need to try something else in addition to Avodart/minoxidil as my next step will be to look at a hair transplant, and would appreciate any advice.
Started noticing changes in about 6 weeks.
Slowing down of hair loss
I’ve been taking it for over 5 years now. It is slowing my hair loss but I still have a gradual over all thinning
All good so far …. No issues. Decent hair growth.
Progress has been steady and maintained, with wavering thickness possibly due to normal hair life cycles.
Notided thicker hair in 2- 3 months.
Some initial shedding and some cyclical shedding but it has not only maintained but regrown my hair
Stabilization of shedding and some regrowth and thickening.
response is good since I’ve been using over a 10 year period
Seems to have slowed loss on crown.
seems to have drastically slowed shedding
hair loss stopped…didn’t notice any changes at all
no shedding. Holding steady state since started.
Avodart has maintained the hair on my scalp.
Hair loss is slower.
I seemed to not shed as much while using Avodart.
I’ve used it for several years now. Its never stopped my hair loss completely but does keep it under control. (7 years)
Slowed hair loss significantly (years)
long term use of Avodart is maintaining my hair density. Hair loss beginning in Mid twenties. Significantly halted with use of Propecia. Underwent 3 hair transplants and currently use Avodart to maintain density and prevent further hair loss. ( 6 years)
I have seen a lot of improvement in stopping hair loss and some improvement in hair regrowth. I fell like I noticed improvement in 6-9 months.
I had significant regrowth initially and have maintained well since then (10 years)
Slowly receeding hairline has slowed since starting Avodart several years ago.
Initial shedding. Regrowth within a few months. Overall, Avodart has helped maintain my hair.
I feel that it has helped slow down the hairloss process. Hard to say without pictures however.
Took 9-12 months to notice effects. regrew a good amount of hair at t first. Then just maintaining current hairline for several years. Started gradually loosRng hair at age 25, got progressively worse. Started using Propecia around age 30 then switch to Advodart around 35. Saw good results from both to regrow some hair and maintain current hairline.
I have seen a lot of improvement in stopping hair loss and some improvement in hair regrowth. I feel like I noticed improvement in 6-9 months
Slight regrowth on crown. Reduced shedding. No effect on hairline.
I have been taking Avodart for over 5 years. I had been on Propecia prior to taking Avodart, so when I made the switch, I did not notice any shedding. I did, however, notice a slowing and/or stoppage of my crown thinning. I have not noticed much in the way of regrowth over the past several years.
I have been able to halt any further loss and have gained some back.
slowed my loss
Have been using 10 years, seeing continued improvement, no sheddingin the last 4-5 years.
Very effective. Noticeable regrowth and stopping of loss.
Been taking for several years, hair loss has essentially stopped.
Avodart has stopped additional hair loss these past 2 years.
Thicker hair, stopped hairloss
I have been taking it for 10 years + previous to that Propecia. Has worked very well to slow hairloss and grow some back.
Hair line is stable.
I’ve been on Avodart for years and have had zero side effects. It has been highly effective in hair growth and maintenance. Went on Propecia at 23 and saw a good change. Went on Avodart at 28 and saw a remarkable change. I only take Avodart 2 times a week to maintain.
Good response. Thicker hair growing with greater texture
Been taking for 10 years. Stopped my hairline from receeding. No noticeable side effects or complications.
stopped balding
Too early to be sure, although hair on the crown seems to be thickening and getting longer.
I started Avodart about 10 years ago. It started to give noticeable result within 6 month. No initial shedding was experience, and hair grew thicker. Over the years the regrowth stopped, but I’m still maintaining a good amount of hair. I started thinning at age 21, used minoxidil without noticeable results. after 6 months started on propecia and saw regrowth. at about 8th year after starting propecia, hair started to thin, so I got on Avodart and some hair grew back, and I’m able to maintain most of the hair density in the last 10 years
After 3-6 months or so I noticed my hair loss had stopped or slowed greatly, although I did not notice any regrowth. I started using minoxidil at about 6-8 months and had good regrowth around the crown area, but none at the hairline, though it may have helped further slow the loss. There was shedding the first few months but not necessarily more than I had had before starting the medication. To lessen the financial burden I began taking it every other day at about 8-10 months. I have had occasional shedding, which may respond to resuming everyday use. The shedding is not too bad. At this point I still appear to have very slight loss at the hairline, evidenced by shorter, thinner hairs, but it is extremely slight and I hope will respond to resumption of everyday use.
I was in my senior year of college and I started to notice my hair was thinning. I started to see it on my sofa, bed pillow, etc…I went and spoke with my doctor and he put me on propecia which didn’t seem to work very well. I also tried rogaine for the the front of my hair line and that didn’t really work either. I then started using Avodart (I used the medical wellness website to get the prescription) and after I used it for a while I noticed a change in the amount of hair that was falling out as well the thickness getting stronger. I have been using Avodart ever since and it has really helped me with my hair loss.
Results begin to appear about a month following initiation of treatment then mostly hold for the duration of treatment.
Approximately 6 months to see slight progression of hairline.
Initial shedding, growth after 3 months.No shedding. Began to see hair growth around the 2nd to 3rd month.
Hairloss has slowed and hair is thicker.
After 6 months, I started to notice some regrowth
No regrowth, just inhibiting of further hair loss
No shedding, but no significant regrowth
Excellent response after initial shedding.
within around 3 months I noticed slowing of hair loss
Has maintained regrowth
Slow the hair loss process
Maintaining hair since started Avodart years ago.
Growth imporved and maintained after 90 days
Initial shedding. Major improvements in hair. even at hairline and crown
reduced shedding within a month
I began Avodart in 2008, it has helped me maintain my air and regrow some as well. It still works very well.
Within months I started to notice more hair.
Excellent results. Periodic days of shedding followed by regrowth.
Maintaining hair thickness.
Started seeing regrowth approximately 3 months in. Hairline looks much better and hair looks thicker overall both on crown and forehead.
Been using for a while. Nol changes (and that’s a good thing)
have been taking Avodart for a number of years and it has been quite helpful. It has stopped shedding and thickened my hair. Although my hairline continues to gradually recede in the front, I basically have most of my hair. The shedding and hair loss I experienced in my mid-20s has subsided.
Appear to regrow about half the hairs I had lost.
Thickening of the hair. It started pretty quickly after taking Avodart and there hasn’t been any noticeable hair loss since starting the drug.
Slow but steady progress
slowing of hair loss
thickening around crown and slight temporal improvement
It allowed me to keep the hair I have and noticably thickened the hair on the top of my head.
Initial shedding, 3 months to notice regrowth, 1 year to noticed thickening
I have stopped progression of my hair loss
I started to notice thickening of my hair after 4-5 months
Hair has been stable with no visible thinning since I began my Avodart treatment.
After initial treatment hairloss has been halted.
Very good – been on it and maintaining.
When started in December 2002 my hair was thin on top and falling out. After starting the hair loss stopped and it slowly started to thicken. Looks good now. Just a little thin on top. I have maintained my results.
Has mostly stabilized hairloss.
Didn’t notice any shedding. Gradual Regrowth and then it maintained.
Since taking Avodart my hairlinehas maintained and I have had regrowth in the crown area. It took a few months before it regrew and I did have some shedding, but my hair has gotten noticeably thicker.
Response noted after a few months, definitely some regrowth.
hair loss has stopped
After some initial shedding at the beginning of the treatment, my hair began to fill in gradually and stabilized after about a year.
Hair start regrowing after 3 months
stop of loss after 1 month
No shedding, some thickening of existing hairs, and overall it has maintained my hair w/o more substantial loss.
Have used it since about 34 years old. Have maintained well. (now 42)
I’ve used AVODART for many years and have found it to work quite well in maintaining my hair and keeping it.
The response to Avodart has been great. I have not only stopped losing hair but my hairline has grown back somewhat.
noticed changes at around 3 months, then hair regrowth and fuller.
Hair grew back nearly fully! I had a receding hairline as an older teen but very slow. I began losing hair in my vertex about 5 years ago to the size of a fifty cent piece; it has since all grown back.
Diffuse thinning has slowed down, but still have a gradually receding frontal and temple.
I had shedding … haven’t noticed much thickening or regrowth yet, but it’s only been about 5-6 months.
noticed less thinning
minimal hair growth
No obvious shedding. Notice gradual thickening and regrowth of hair in 3 to 6 months, substantial regrowth after 6 months.
I have been using Avodart for five and a half years and I’m doing well. It has decreased my sheddinhg and I have had a little regrowth.
Responding well as usual.
Have retained hair for a significant number of years.
I’m still noticing thinning and casual shedding. No thickening of hair or regrowth. Just a maintenance kind of thing. Istopped the medication for about 4 weeks just for a short break. No side effectswhatsoever. Sexual performance is great. temper is cool. I will try it as combo witha Minoxidil or Nizoral shampoo this time and keep you updated with results 🙂
Hair stopped receding after taking Avodart.
Hair loss stopped.
If I remember right, it took about 6 months to see results. (pardon me, I’ve been using it for years) the crown has thickened, and it has slowed or stopped in on the front.
I have been using Avodart for a few years now and have had fantastic results. I noticed results in my first 6 months to a year and since then my hair has stopped receding and I think I have actual hair regrowth. This product has been an extreme help with my receding hair line.
Avodart appears to have slowed my hair loss for several years now.
Seems to have slowed hairloss
I’ve used it for 3 years and it seems to control the amount of hair loss, but not stop it.
Avodart helped me grow thicker hair in about four months with no side effects.
Noticed hair regrowth within a few months
I have been taking Avodart for many years and it has helped me slowly stop the shedding and helped to thicken and regrow my hair
excellent results, took about a year
General reduction in hair loss. Decent re-growth.
gradual re-growth of thinning areas, no initial shedding, noticed changes within first few weeks of treatment
Initially saw perhaps a slight regrowth, but definitely stopped any further hair loss.
I have been on it several years now. The thining area is very slowly improving and no hair fall out is noticed.
Hair loss stopped after 6 weeks of use… retention of hair continues.
It has helped increase density of hair follicles on my head, definitely
Initial shedding, existing hair thickened, new hair started growing in 30 days
slight regrowth and stopped shedding
thickening around crown and slight temporal improvement
no additional hair loss or regrowth
My response continues to be good; very ittle sheding, much less than without medication.
Been using for 4 years and halted hair loss. Had very thick thatch of dark hair, but like all of my family, on both sides, the MPB came out to play. I was seen by several dermatologists and had bloodwork for Thyroid and Telogen Effluvium was ruled out. Started with Propecia 1mg daily. After a long 5 months, hair shedding slowed down. 5 years later switched to Dutasteride per day. Great stuff, no shedding- no real regrowth in but hairless has slowed 98% since 14 years ago and my hairline is pretty much where is has been for 14 years.
My response has been great. I began noticing changes around 6 months after beginning it’s use.
slowed loss
Avodarat has really slowed down my hair loss
Weak hairs were regrwon at the temples, but overall appearance of NW3 pattern remained the same
no initial shedding or regrowth yet – maybe helping hold it better
Initial shedding – 3 months. Followed by stoppage of loss
Have been using Avodart for years and it has helped stop my hair loss.
I have been taking it for years and it has stopped most of my loss except for some loss at the temples
Has stopped hair loss pretty well
Good response, minimal initial shed, thickening in front since began
Hair stopped falling out after about 4 months and hair started to thicken after about a year.
Initial shedding then full hair growth within 3 weeks
Ongoing regiment of Avodart and Minoxidil maintaining hair.
I started thinning in the front and crown when I was 22. I used Propecia and liquid Minoxidil until 2006. I started using Avodart and Rogaine Foam in June 2006. This combination has regrown and preserved my hair.I experienced a regrowth of some hair in the crown area and thickening of my existing hair during my first year of usage. After the first year, I have continued to hold my previous hair line. I have been going strong on Avodart since June 2006. I am very pleased with the results!
I can’t remember what year I first started Avodart. I think it has been 10 years now. It has slowed my hair loss down.
I think it has halted progression but not regrown hair.
Started treatment with propecia, minoxidil and hair transplant at age 30. Continue treatment with avodart past few years. I have taken Avodart for a few years now and it has maintained my hair density. No further hair loss
I have used Avodart for six months with good results. I would like to continue.
I have been maintaining hairline for 8+ years. Very gradual in early 20’s. Starting using Avodart and have been maintaining hairline since then.
very helpful with thickness of hair
No noticeable hair loss in target area.
Maintenance of current hair.
I have been taking Avodart regularly for the past several years with no adverse effects whatsoever. When I started Avodart, I moved off of Propecia and thus noticed no initial shedding. My hair count has remained constant since starting Avodart and my crown has filled in marginally. The most important thing is that it seems to have halted hair loss for now. Hair loss started with temporal recession at 17 and halted for several years during my 20s before starting again around 25 with mild crown thinning. I used Propecia for roughly a year with no side effects and no noticeable results. I sought a hair loss specialist who prescribed Avodart, which I have been taking since. I feel that Avodart is responsible for my retaining the hair I have.
Started to notice improvements after 6 months.
After getting off Avodart for a year or so, my hair began to thin out again. Once I got back on it, my hair got thicker. I don’t believe I am growing new hair. I think my existing hair diameter is getting thicker.
After a few months less hair fall, hair filled in on back of head and maintained in front with some regrowth.
I have had periods of shedding and regrowth since beginning on Avodart, but generally have maintained hair.
Response was good. Hair loss considerably slowed, possible regrowth, Changes did not take too long – maybe 2 -3 months — to notice.
Maintaining hairine, crown, and all other regions well. Progression of hair loss is at least slowed. I’ve had no ill side effects.
Shedding has been significantly reduced
I noticed some initial shedding and then my receding hairline stopped and after about 6 months the shedding that I was seeing dramatically reduced. I also noticed that the Hairs That were shedding were becoming much thicker in general.
I lost hair from 16 through 18, began Proscar at 18, at which point thinning slowed substantially but didn’t stop. I began taking Avodart 2.5 years ago (at 29) and have experienced mild regrowth since then. I have experienced gradual regrowth overtime.
Just starting to notice changes. A few hairs regrowth here and there in the bald areas. Hair has slowed in shedding, although a little still occurs.
decreased hair loss. Been using Avodart for years.
Good hair regrowth.
regrow some hair in the frontal lobe, no further balding
Hair loss slowed and some hair regrowth
regrowth after 6 months or so
My response to Avodart has been excellent. I’ve been taking it since 2002 and it has prevented my hairloss from progressing at a rapid rate.
I’ve had only the best response which ishair growth and maintenance. And I only take it one or two times a week to maintainwhat I have. Great drug. Very reasonable for me pricewise.
When I take Avodart regularly I notice that shedding almost completely stops. Once I am off for any period of time I notice a lot of shedding. Espeically on pilows after a nights sleep and when showering.
Many thicker hair shafts and grew some new hair around edges of bald crown. Very much slowed down rate of any additional hair loss.
Halted hair loss within 6 months of taking
Improved thickness after 6 months.It has been working great, hair loss has stopped since beginning use.
Slight initial shed after the first month of taking Avodart. Since then, hair fall seems to have lessen. Hair appears thicker andhave just recently noticed a bit of regrowth around frontal hairline.
4-6 weeks, thicker hair on top
Hair has been gradually filling in and my hair line has stopped receding.
Helps maintain current hair and has regrown some on top and back
Response has been good. Six months before a change. I have been using it since 2003. There was some shedding initially.
Hair loss stopped after I started taking Avodart.
Basically keeping the hair I have.
I have had great results. I think it took about 3 months to notice improvement.
Initial shedding , followed by a small amount of growth.
Initial shedding stopped after a few months. Hair thickened and looks healthier.
Hair Loss slowed down considerably, slight thickening
Hair loss slowed after a few months of taking Avodart, there may have been very slight regrowth of some hair over the first year or so, but my benefit has been the greatly reduced rate of hair loss.
I have been on Avodart since June 2006 and it has maintained my hair perfectly.
I’ve been using Avodart for approximately seven years and the results have been very pleasing to me. Although my hair remains thin, I have noticed a significant decrease in the reate of fallout since beginning Avodart.
slowed hair loss
I’ve been on Avodart for several years now, it has greatly slowed or stopped hair loss, and I have far more hair than my older and younger brothers have COMBINED.
Starting use around 2006, have had excellent regrowth (initial shed followed by gradual regrowth after a few months. I noticed both an increase in hair thickness and new regrowth. There has been nodecrease in effectiveness since then and no side effects.
Hiar loss seemed to dminish after several months.
Hair stopped thinning and had some decent regrowth.
I noticed chages within 6 months. Initially I regrew hair and I have been maintaining for a long time.
visible regrowth
Some regrowth when I began use. Now Mainenance.
No regrowth but no new hair loss.
have maintained
I notice changes in the thickness within one week. I have not seen much regrowth, but it is definitely helping me keep the hair I have.
Has slowed down thinning, particularly on crown.
Well I noticed that hair loss completely stopped since I started on Avodart within the first eyar. I’ve also noticed a small amount of regrowth every year. Since the firsst year, everything has been stable
Been taking it 10 years+, great results.
Shedding followed by progress
About 3 monhts of little change, then some regrowth.
Using for years so it has stabilized hairloss.
Avodart helps maintain my hair. I went off it for 4 months and I can already tell my crown is thinner and so is the frontal hair all around. my hair loss started in the crown at the age of 23. i started to notice a lot of hairs falling out when i would get a scalp massage, and then one day i notice a bald spot. i was a nw1 v with medication of minox and propecia up until the age of 27, then the recession started. i am class 4 with 11 years fighting hairloss with avodart for the past 5 years. i stopped for a little thinking maybe i could switch to propecia, but that was mistake. sudden crown thinning and full frontal thinning all around. want to go back on avodart. i feel without any treatment i would already be a class 5 or 6
thickening of hair slowed hair
maintaining what I have
took about 9 months to start seeing some results. Started with about a yeaer of regrowth now it has done a good job at maintaining.
No shedding, I think it has maintained rather than thickened hair.
Thinning has stopped, maybe a little regrowth
Good results – shedding stopped within 3 months.
Started to see growth at 5 months. Good results, in maintenance mode.
Not fantastic but I feel it helped stave off shedding.
Reduced shedding, hair seems thicker
No shedding, maybe a little regrowth, but definitely no further loss(2003-2015)
Maintained hair while on RX. Thicker hair follicles. Normal hair cycles of growth and shed. Regrowth/new hairs are definitely noticeable around hairline, aside for the usual area around the crown.
started noticing thickening after about 3 months and has thickened up quite a bit.
seems to help maintian, slight thickening in crown and fron
I don’t have such severe shedding. Hair loss has completely stopped.
I did have initial shedding that took place the first 4-5 months while using. As of now my hair loss has halted and I think continued use will result in regrowth.
Progress in regrowth and thickening of hair
initial shedding. crown improvements.
I started using Rogaine foam twice daily for approximately 3 months before starting Avodart. For the first month after starting Avodart I noticed no change of any kind. Then for months two through five I had significantly increased shedding. Despite the shedding my bald/thin spot as well as the anterior crown has filled in with fine, lighter colored hairs. The Vertex of my scalp has filled in significantly. It’s not as thick as the surrounding hairs but it’s not bare like it was. I’m impressed and I really hope to see more regrowth in the thin areas.
I started noticing changes after a couple of months
It basically hatled loss from the point of usage. My hairline remains the same.
Slow thinning of hair starting around 31 years of age. Was deteriorating till I started taking Avodart 6-7 years ago. Then hair loss stopped Effectively preventing hair loss. Shedding stopped 2-3 months after taking Avodart.
Avodart has halted my hair loss.
I didn’t notice any change until after the first three months. From the third to the sixth month I noticed an increase in shedding, and my hair thinning. After the six month, the shedding decreased, and I am now waiting for some regrwoth. I am filling this out after six and half months of use.
No initial shedding, noticed changes 3 months in, thickening and stability.
Stopped losing hair.
After 6 months, I noticed some regrowth.
Gradual thickening of hair at temples after several months.
Mild shedding followed by mild regrowth
Been taking Avodart for year s (2005-2015). Seems to have really slowed hair loss
Started losing hair at 18 years old (now 50). I have been on Avodart for several years it has grown hair back with no side effects.
I’ve had great results with periods of shedding that eventually returns.
My response to Avodart has been great. It took about 6-12 months before I noticed changes, but now my hair is thicker and fuller.
Been taking for years now. Pleased with results.
The drug has helped promote regrowth
I’ve had great results for the past 7 years on this medication. It’s slowed my hair loss down substantially and has helped regrow hair in quite a few spots.
I started thinning in the crown at 19 and it progressively got worse in my early 20s. I started using Rogaine but saw very little results. Avodart has yielded the best results of anything I’ve tried.
Been maintaining hair for years on Avodart (2003 – 2015)
It seems to have done a good job halting the hair loss.
Responded very well. No major changes, slowed hairloss. Hair thickened slightly.
I have been on Avodart through MWC for about 8 years, it has worked well maintaining my hair.
Have been taking since 2007. No noticeable hair loss during this period.
I’ve been taking this for 10 years. It has stopped my hairloss.
Immediate changes with excessive fall out stopping. Hair has grown thicker since on it.
been using it for years with much success
Since taking Avodadrt (approx 5-6 years) had have great results. Mostly in thickening and keeping hair I had. Had no side-effects at all.
Amazing. It has stopped my hair loss almost completely and have no side effects. (started 2003 -over 10 years)
Avodart has helped maintain my hair after Propecia stopped working after about 8 years. Hair grew back within a year of starting Avodart, and no shedding observed. I’ve used it for more than 10 years now, and I’d say I still have 80% of my hair since starting treatment.
I have been using Avodart for 10 years with continued regrowth.
Notice growth in 30 days. Hair is thick, results are awesome.
Some regrowth, maintaining hair (2006-2015)
Avodart has been working well for me for a number of years (since 2006 – 2015)
Slowed hair loss a lot.
After 6 months, I noticed results. What used to be a blad spot 3 inches in diameter has now shrunk to a diameter of 1 inch.
Thickening of hair and halting of hairline regression (1st 6 months)
My hair is still responding well to Avodart. I have been a ble to maintain my hair so far. (since 2002 – 2015)
It’s worked for years, so I want to keep using it (2010-2016)
Initial shedding followed by regrowth and thickening.
I have been receiving prescription treatment from Medical Wellness Center for my hair loss for several years. It started with a prescription for Propecia in over 10 years ago and for the last several years I have hused Avodart. My response to the treatment I have received for approximately 15 years has been good. Basically, my hair loss has been stopped. I dont’ have any regrowth that I notice, but my hair loss HAS NOT progressed significantly for the last 15 years.
I’ve used Propecia since 22. When I hit 30, my hair loss accelerated so I switched to Avodart which significantly slowed it down.
It hs slowed down the shedding allowing me to maintain more hair.
Overall thinning and accelerated crown loss in 30’s. Propecia and finasteride (5mg) had no effect. Dutasteride slowed the process… Hair has been maintained with some regrowth (now 51).
Started in 2002 and has less thinning right away. Then saw thickening and have maintained ever since.
Thicker hair.
Within weeks noticed less shedding
Have stopped the progression of my hair loss (since 2005-2014
Taking Avodart in combination with biotin supplements. Have arrested hair loss and experiencing regrowth.
Avodart has slowed down/stopped the hair loss. Maintaining hair thickness (since 2003 -2014)
No shedding, thickening results could be seen after the first month.
I have had good results with Avodart, especially to the crown. If I remember right it took betweem 6 months to a year to see changes. No initial shedding. Thickening and regrowth to the crown, stabalization to the front. (since 2003 -2014)
My experience with Avodart was slow but steady at first. Didn’t notice much for about 6-12 months other than some initial shedding, but after a yeaer I noticed an improvement with new hair regrowth. I have been taking avodart for several years now and have had no side effects and only positive comments to say about it. My hair has basically stopped thinning in the front and new hair has been growing. Initially I only wanted to stop the receeding hair, but Avodart has made my hair start to regow. This product has made me very happy.
Shedding has stopped (2005-2014)
Initial shedding in in month 1, but then stopped and hair is thicker.
Stopped hair loss. Some increase on top, butno increase on sides/temples.
Although my hair continues to thin very gradually, I think Avodart has helped maintain most of it.
Since taking avodart, I haven’t noticed any major hair loss or thinning. I don’t think I’ve seen any regrowth but I didn’t expect that either. (6 months)
Hair loss has pattern has stabilized. Experienced shedding and thinning, however this has resolved and overall the hair appears thicker now. However, progress is slow. (2014-2016)
I have been using it for about 10 years now and it has worked well.
Initial regrowth and stable thereafter.
It has worked well – I have been taking for 10 years and hair is definitely thicker and covers more than earlier.
There was some initial shedding, however, hair began to regrow and thicken about 6 months. Hair is still thin on the crown but is stable and not balding any further. (since 2008, over 8 years)
No regrowth, but improved hair quality and reduction in hairloss.
Seen some thickening but have been shedding recently (1st 6 months)
Hair stopped falling out within the first month
Regrowth after 4 months
I did notice shedding especially during showers and after a nights sleep. Fortunately those symptoms completely disappear when taking avodart. However shedding returns in a few weeks when I am off the medication.
several months to notice a slowdown in shedding
Initial results came in 4 months. Hair loss appears to have stabilized (5 years)
slow hair loss beginning at age 21. Now at 43 I am approx. the first class 4. Have seen improvement with avodart and am currently on month 3 of minoxidil.no noticeable initial shedding. Definite improvement in loss of hair. Some amount of hair regrowth. (5 years)
Excellent initial response to Avodart. In combination with minoxidil, shedding stopped and I saw regrowth. (2006-2016)
Very good results, but hair that has grown back seems very weak and fragile.
Started to shed at first couple of months, then slowly showed regowth after few months.
I’ve been taking Avodart for around 6 years now and have only experienced amazing hair growth. I was originally taking Propecia which gave me great changes but Avodart has restored my original hairline and original thickness and I only have to take it once a week. At around 20, I noticed my hair falling out. At 25, I would spike it up and it would not stay up. At 26, you could see the total
ring, it was all going to fall out. I started taking Propecia and it stopped it and grew new hair. At 28, I started taking Avodart and it changed my life. My hair grew completely back and got thick again.
Less shedding, some regrowth.
Slowed hair loss
In about 3 months my hair got thicker and started to fill in some of the balding areas.
Hair loss has slowed or stopped. Hair is thicker.
Hair seems denser and hair loss has very much slowed.
Initial shedding, stabilization, hair seems healthier
My hair has thickened up with noticeable vellus hair growth around the hairline. There have been minor sheds but nothing drastic. I began noticing changes around the 3 month mark. (1st 6 months)
Slowed hair loss ( 2008-2015)
Have been taking Avodart for quite a few years now, slowed progression of receeding hairline greatly. (9 years)
Thinning has stopped and have regrowth. Noticed changes within 3 months. (13 years)
Continue to maintain hair, slowing frontal hairline, usual hair cycles may be hard to determine results without long time experience of usage… overall still works, no known side effects so far. (2003-2015
Has stabilized hair loss ( 5 years)
Total stop of hair loss for over 10 years now.
Avodart continues to prevent shedding after many years of use (six years); I’m very pleased with this medication
very good , took 2 months to really kick in, no initial shedding, good regrowth and slowed down frontal thinning considerably
Slowing of hair loss.
Avodart seems to be maintaining the har that I have. I am very happy with the medication.
Intial shedding followed by stoppage of loss
gradual thinning top and front. seems to be on hold with the use of avodart
Prior to Avodart, I used Propecia. These medications have helped a lot. In my mid – to late 20’s, my hairline began to recede quicklya nd I was shedding constantly. These medications have halted that. Since starting Avodart a few years back, the rest of my hair has actually thickened.
Had initial hair growth when first started using it’s very slowly receding over the last 10 year.
I’ve been using Avodart for almost 7 years and it has decreased my shedding and given me a little regrowth.
Any hair loss has stopped. My frontal hairline hair on my crown has been maintained. Possible thickening of hair.
Hair loss seems to have stopped.
After 4 months, thickening of hair.
I believe avodart has helped maintain my current hair
Initial shedding, then thickening
No shedding, slight regrowth and thickening noticed after about 3 months.
After a few months, some regrowth on the upper corners of forehead. Shedding has decreased a lot.
Some shedding, but overall maintained current hair
Some regrowth. Mostly maintaining of hair.
It has been effective ever since I started using it. There have been no signs in any decrease in effectiveness over time.
Maintained hair. stopped loss
No initial shedding. However I’ve been off
it for a while and have noticed significant regression within the past few months.
Initial shedding, followed by a slow regowth. Hair looks healthy and seems to be maintinaing density. Some Minor regrowh in temple area (1 1/2years)
Rate of hair loss has decreased substantially.
It seemed to help shedding after a few months
No drastic changes, just a slowing of the thinning process.
Didn’t notice any initial shedding. I saw improved thickenss and less hair fall.
For the first 6 months ( approx) after starting Avodart I noticed significant, daily shedding. I was concerned but stayed the course. After that period the shedding decreased. After approximately 12 months my thin and extremley thinned superior posterior scalp areas had filled in significantly.
I saw an initial shed at about 9 months. It took about 9 months for a noticeable change in the density of both my hair line and the crown of my head. (2013-2016)
Experienced some hair loss initially. Hair is still thin on top but has regrown significantly (after 6 months) and has stabilized. (2003-2015)
It hs helped me to maintain for many years now (2003-2015)
Thickens my hair shafts and slows/halts hairloss (2002-2105)
I had noticeable hair regrowth on the crown of my head. (2003-2015)
Shedding two months in, major regrowh at the five month mark
Initial shedding now just crown maintainance (2007-2015)
It has worked really well for teh frontal 3rd (2010-2015)
Receding hairline has ceased and temple area thickened (2004-2015)
Helped regrow some on crown and slowed loss everyone (2003-2015)
Notice changes within 30-60 days. Results have been outstanding with thickness and re-growth (2003-2016)
Some initial shedding, and then some moderate regrowth, but mostly it has helped to maintain my existing hairs (11 years)
Good response, no shedding, maintaining hair year after year (13 years)
Within 6 months my hairline stopped thinning and gradually filled back in (6 years)
Responded will with complete halt of hairloss and new growth on top and crown. (5 years)
I have been taking Avodart for approxiately the last 8 years and have noticed that it enabled me to retain my hair — it has essentially halted the hairloss process. It took approximately 6 months from when I started taking it until I noticed results. (8 years)
slowed thinning some mild regrowth, took 2-3 months to notice (10 years 2005-2015)
Halted hair loss after 12 months (10 years)
Stopped hair loss completely for over 12 years.
I have been using it for years, and it successfully stopped and reversed my hair loss. (10 years)
Has helped to slow hair loss. Hair appears to be thicker compared to when not using. (10 years)
Significantly slowed hair loss. Have not noticed growth. no shedding noticed
minimal regrowth after 6 months, but hair loss seems to have slowed (6 months)
Shedding Stopped Small regrowth. Started slowly losing my hair 15 years ago at around age 35. Hair stopped shedding after taking Avodart 10 years ago.
I noticed a reduction of hair loss within a couple of months.
Seems to stop loss and hair feels stronger/thicker.
Noticed losing hair at 21. Started Propecia at 23. Started Avodart at 28. Still have a full head of hair.
maintained current density
Successful regrowth and stopping of shedding, thickening
Significant reduction in rate of hair loss with some regrowth over several years (2003-2015)
I have noticed that my hair is thicker and fuller (2007-2015)
Avodart has definitely slowed down the balding process (2003-2015)
I have been using Avodart for eightyears with excellent results and no side effects. Great regrowth after initial shed, but I don’t remember the exact time frame it was pretty fast.
I have been on Avodart for about 8 years now. It started working for me immediately (2-3 months) and I have continued to keep my previous hair and also grow some more. I have had no side effects whatsoever.
Shedding has stopped.
Stopped progression of hair loss (11 years)
Very good response, hair has stopped thinning and has thickend up (2008-2015)
Continue to respond well to treatment (2003 -2014)
After using Avodart, I regrew a substantial amount of hair (2008-2015)
I notice hair thickening and regrowth during the first year. Since 2007-2015, my hairline has held without major changes.
Greatly slowed the progress but not completely stopped (since 2003, over 10 years 2014)
I’ve been using Avodart for years and it has stopped my male pattern baldness. ( 13 years – 2002-2015)
Hairloss has stopped, no shedding (12 years 2003-2015)
I have responded very well. Significantly slowed hairloss. Maintained hair. No initial shedding. (2010-2015)
maintain thickness and growth (2009 – 2016)
I have responded postively to Avodart. Hair count has maintained, and thickness of hair is normal (2013 -2016)
Great! Began noticing changes in around 3 months. Temporarily had decrease in sexual drive and function, though this has resolved (13 years 2002-2015)
In my early 20’s my hair began shedding and receding quite rapidly. After a couple of years, I began taking Propecia, which helped for some time, but then started up again. I have been on Avodart for some period of time and it has slowed the receding of my hairline and shedding. My hairline has receded slightly in front, but it still thick in the crown of my head. I’ve been very happy with the result. (2010-2016)
Shedding mostly stopped after 4 months of use. Mild regrowth. (2005-2016)
Started seeing hairloss at age 22, got onto Propecia / Proscar at age 23, but didn’t see desired results. Switched to Avodart at age 24 and immediately saw my hair loss halt. Began using Avodart in March of 2013 (switched from propecia as it was not working). Saw results immediately. Regrew some hair that had been weakening and have seen virtually no further thinning in a year and a half.
Noticed diffuse thinning of hair at age 20 and began using minoxidil. In 2002 started taking Propecia along with minoxidil and noticed significant improvements. Around 2009 hair loss began to progress again and started taking Avodart in 2010 instead of Propecia. Have noticed significant improvements since that time. Noticeable improvements in thickness were observed during the first year. Hair has been stable or improved slightly since that time.
I experienced thicker existing hair, no new growth, and some shedding. Overall, it greatly improved and maintained my existing hair. I started noticing my hair loss when I was 20. I developed some recession around the temples and thinning on the crown. I started taking Avodart and noticed a huge difference in the thickness of my hair. I tried switching to generic finasteride with terrible results and now I would like to move back to Avodart. (2012-2015)
I have used Avodart for several years. Initially, I noticed a dramatic decrease in fall-out and general thickening. Since then, hair loss has been extremely gradual and although hair continues to thin, the rate of thinning is substantially slower than pre-Avodart. Thus far, I am very pleased with the treatment. In my very late teens, I noticed minor thinning. By my early 20’s, hairloss accelerated noticeably and a combination of finasteride and minoxodil as suggested by my dermatologist effectively halted the loss and helped re grow much of what had been lost. Several years later, the effectiveness of that regimen weakened, and I switched to Avodart and kept using minxoidil. Since then, the rate have lair loss has declined significantly with some thickening in the first couple of years. (12 years 2003-2015)
Grown of fine hairs in receding areas around temples over 6 month period. Hair loss seems to stop. (2005-2015)
hair has stopped falling out (2003-2021)
I have been on Avodart for many years and have noticed that the hair on the crown of my head became thicker with less shedding over the years.(2004-2021)
My hair loss has stopped and hair regrowth is noticeable in crown and hairline (2011-2015)
After initial improvements, it appeared that my hair loss had stabilized. More recently (within the last year) I have noticed further thickness improvements. (2009-2015)
I have no problems with Avodart; I have been taking it for years, and have kept my hair (2003-2015)
I began treatment with Avodart 2 years ago as I was unresponsive to Finasteride. Avodart has worked for me extremely well. I began noticing changes around 3 months in. My hair loss completely halted and I began seeing regrowth and thickening. I renewed my prescription in September of last year and am doing so again given the incredible success I have had with it. I am no longer taking finasteride/propecia and I understand it should not be mixed with Avodart. (2013-2015)
Some initial shedding when I began several years ago. Hair loss has stopped entirely. Hair is still thin on the crown but slowly filling in.
new growth noticed within 45-60 days of use
Within 3 months it slowed down, within 5 months loss has stopped
I had some initial shedding, but after that the medicine worked; my hair feels somewhat fuller and thicker (1st 6 months)
Have seen reduction in the amount of shedding compared to when I was on Propecia. (1st 6 months)
Slight thinning at the crown. About 3months before regrowth started
Initial shedding after 3 months, which seems to come back periodically,but with less intensity. Thicker now than during initial shedding
Regroth after about two months.
Within 3 months I had seen some stabilization in hair loss. Did not see any shedding as within 6 months I saw some thickening and regrowth. Since then (February 20140 Avodart has stabilized and supported a thicker set of hair since starting. Started losing hair at about 17-18 as did my brother, started minoxidil at about twenty which was effective for about 2 years. After I tried Propecia for about 2 years in which this also become less effective. Switched to Avodart February 2014. Do not have a full head of hair like I once had but have definitely been able to stabilize hair loss since it has started.
Appears to be maintaining hair thickness (2003-2015)
I have been taking Avodart for several years now and the results have been very positive. Initially I did get some shedding but after some time I believe I actually started growing new hair. My scalp looks god and I haven’t had any negative side effects from Avodart. I am very pleased with the product. (2011-2015)
Hair has remained in place and there has been regrowth, so that I have hair covering my entire head. (2004 -2015)
My hair is no longer falling out and it worked to prevent my hair loss from worsening. (2009-2015)
I have been using Avodart for a number of years. Previously used Proscar. Very good results. Regrew thinning areas and have full head of hair. (2008-2016)
I have been using Avodart for a number of years now. It took a few months but the most obvious change was the slowing of hair loss and then regrowh. Have had very good results. Pae of hair loss began to pick up in mid-late 20’s, started minoxidil early, then propecia. had some success with both in arresting the loss, but by early 30’s the loss started again. Avodart has been far and away the most effective treatment over the long haul. Have been on it for a number of years now. (2007-2015)
Avodart helped regrow some of my hair in the first 5 or so years that I took it. Noticed regrowth after about 4 months. No shedding. After the fifth year, I think Avodart just helps with keeping the hair Ihave, no more regrowth. n(2007-2015)
I’ve been using Avodart for a few years. I noticeed a slowing of hair loss after a few months. There may have been some very modest regrowth during the first year, but my major benefit has been from greatly slowing further loss. (2006-2015)
Initial hair regrowth, steady miantenance since then (2012-2015)
Has helped me maintain my hair, as MPB runs in the family (2010-2016)
After about 3 months of use, my hair is slowly thickening and some regrowth. Minor initial shedding.
Great thickening after 5 months (2005-2015)
Very gradual thinning, but overall good maintenance (2008-2015)
Have had shedding on and off since starting but appears to be slowing down the hair loss (six months)
Starting taking Avodart a couple of years ago after finasteride wasn’t enough, my hair loss has responded well to Avodart , and I am currently maintaining. (2012-2016)
Amazing … began losing hair around 20 and it’s completely stopped any more hair loss (2003-2015)
Stopped hair loss and has regrown some (2003 -2015)
Been using Avodart for quite some time. Hair loss has stabilized after initial new growth when first started use (2003_2015)
Full restoration of hair in all areas of scalp (2011-2015)
not much shedding, appeaered to have slowed/hatled most thinning (6 months)
As an 11 + year use of 0.5mg , I continue to use Avodart/dutasteride as a maintenance medication. It continues to prevent shedding of head hair for me. I don’t recall any intial shedding when I frist began using it, only that the reduction in shedding was significant after a month or so of first taking the medication. (11 plus years)
Have been using Avodart for over 10 years. Continued regrowth and thickening of hair. (10 years plus)
Have used it for nearly eight years. Hairloss stopped. ( 8 years)
Completey stopped hair fallout. No shedding (2007-2016)
Avodart has slowed down my thinning process dramatically. Changes were noticed after about a year or so of being on it. (2013-2016)
Maintains and slows my hair loss (2003-2016)
Some initial shedding followed by regrowth as seen on front and top of scalp (6 months)
Hiar density increased on the top and back of my scalp (2004-2016)
My response to Avodart has been strong since I started using it. I was losing hair before I started using Avodart. Once I started using, it took about 2- 3 months until I noticed a change, but then my hair started to get stronger and thicker. Since I have been able to keep my hair loss in check. (2003_2016)
My initial response was great. I have been using it since it came on the market and I definitely had moderate regrowth and no further shedding (2010-2016)
Once started Avodart in 2002 the shedding stopped and my hair started to thicken. I have sine maintained thehair I have with no more thinning. (2002-2015)
Excellnet response for years, typical initial shed years ago followed by thicker regrowth and maintaining, no side effects. (2008-2016)
I saw changes within 6 months. Hair loss has seemed to stop, with thickening in the crown area (2003-2016)
Stopped hair loss after a couple of months. (2005-2016)
Initial shedding – stopped hair loss (2002 – 2016)
It took about 2 months before I noticed a marked decrease in shedding. I also started to notice a thickening of hair, especially around the scalp! I’m extremely satisfied with the generic Dutasteride and plan to try to the brand name Avodart this time to see if it even better (1 1/2 years)
I have been using Avodart for years and it has essentially stopped my balding. (2002_2016)
It’s been pretty good at maintaining what I have. Don’t think I’ve seen any regrowth in recent years (2004-2016)
Initial shedding for a few weeks then thickening of existing hair. Some regrowth filling in diffuse thinning areas.(2002-2016)
I’ve been able to maintaqin a good amount of hair over the years by taking Avodart (2007-2016)
It seemed to slow the progression of the hair loss (2003-2016)
It’s been working great since I started several years ago (2011-2016)
Keeps me from losing more hair, started working after 4 weeks, noticed small fuzz in front. (2011-2016)
In the first year or so taking Avodart, I regrew about 20% of the hair I’d lost previously. I’ve maintained that level ever since (2010-2016)
The regrowth and thickening has been incredible (2009-2016)
after 3 months I noticed a small difference and after a year my hair is thickening (2013-2016)
My hairloss completely stopped and the remaining hairs became thicker and fuller along with some regrowth of new hairs in middle of scalp area (2009-2016)
I have been taking Avodart (0.5mg/day) for 10 years and it still prevents the excessive shedding of hair which I experienced before taking it. (2003-2016)
Started to lose hair in my 20s and it just got worse. Then I started using avodart and it is full and thick again.Started losing my hair then began avodart and regrew all lost hair and haven’t lost hair since using it! Results began 2 weeks after, then 1 month my hair was thick and full again. (2006-2016)
I have been using Avodasrt for 8 years and it has stopped the progression of my hair loss with a little regrowth (age 72 using Avodasrt x 8 years)
It took about 1 year to see results but since then it has been good. Regrew some hair and have maintained current levels of hair for 7+ years. Started gradually losing hair at 26. After several years of hairloss started using Avodart. Avodart has worked well to regrow some hair and stop further hairloss. (7 + years)
I’ve been taking avodart since 23, no side effects and it has halted my hairloss (8 years)
Stabilized hair loss and some regrowth with minoxidil combination. Still some intermitten shedding (2005_2016)
Thickening and slowing of progression of hair loss (2002-2016)
Been using it 10 years, great results
When I am on Avodart I find very little shedding occurring during showering. When I am not taking it, in about a week I notice shedding to begin returning. I have been able to maintain my hairline very nicely and have noticed no loss of hairline since taking Avodart. Around 30 I noticed a lot of shedding in ther front of my hairline just like my fatyher and grandfather. My brothers as well. I have been the only one using Avodart since my 30’s and I have maintained my hairline as opposed to my brothers loss. (Using Avodart since 30’s now age 44)
Used for about 15 years. As oldest of 4 borthers, I’m now the only one with hair.
Response has been good Hair loss stopped within 6 weeks (2003-2016)
Slow regrowth of fine hairs in 30 days. Some thicker hairs beginning (6 months)
Gradual thickening of hair at temporal regions over 6 months (2002 – 2016)
Been on Avodart for many years. The shedding of my hair has completely stopped. When I cease Avodart I can see mild shedding occur. (2003-2016)
I noticed hair thickening and regrowth during my first year or so of treatment. Now, Avodart is holding my existing hair and hairline (2006-2016)
Some growth, but mainly ceasing hair loss (2014-2016)
Slowed the shedding and thinning process (2011-2016)
Significant reduction in rate of hair loss followed by some regrowth in crown area. (2002-2016)
Noticed changes within the first month.Hair stopped falling out. Considerable regrowth. (2013-2016)
I have noticed that m hair is thicker and fuller. I noticed the change within the first 4 months (2008-2016)
I noticed changed within a few months My hair loss was significantly reduced (2014-2017)
Initial shedding, which stopped by the second month ( six months)
I have been a MWC patien tsince 2008. Dutasteride has helped stop my hair loss for the past 9 years (2008-2017)
Shedding stopped after 2- 3 months. Thickening of existing hair after 5-6 months (first six months)
I started to notice thickening and regrowth after approximately 6 weeks. I did not notice any shedding
ive been on avodart for the past 5 years and at first had a lot of regrowth, but now slowly losing hair again. i feel as i have been on medications for the past 12 years this is normal and the medications have def slowed down my aggressive hairloss. I noticed a lot of hair shedding at the age of 22, and at the age of 23 saw a thin spot on my crown. IN the last 6 or 7 years my hair line has receded and the top of the crown continue to thin, but at a much slower rate as prior to medication
Shedding decreased immediately. Hair began noticeably thickening with 3 months of starting treatment.
No shedding. Hairline beginning to thicken along with Vertex (6 months)
frontal thinning stopped, overall thickness increased after 1-2 months – shedding for about 6 weeks
Good response, good growht (6 months)
Moderate shedding experience – 6 months. Hair has improved overall, I believe, but has definitely maintained ( 6 months)
My hair loss was redued to a normal pattern within a few weeks of taking the medication ( 6 months)
Avodart has helped keep things stgable for years.Initial gains when I started taking it, better than finasteride (2002-2016)
I have been using for 7 years and it seems to be maintaining current hair density (2009-2016)
Avodart has prevented any futher hair loss. Gradually started losing my hair in my early 20’s. Immediately started taking Avodart and the hair loss stopped. (2012-2016)
Response is good, progress is steady, no shedding (2003_2016)
Started losing my hair in my 20’s. Began Avodart and it came back in 2 weeks, works great. (2206-2017)
Hair stopped falling out. No issues . (6 years)
13-14 years of treatment. Stopped progression (2003-2016)
Hair shedding slowed down after several months. Hiar texture improved after 5 months and regrowth of hair started around 8 months to 10 months (2003-2016)
I have been on Avodart since May 2013 and it has been extremely effective at helping me keep my hair. I was initially on propecia but saw continued loss. Changing to Avodart stopped that almost immediately. My hair has remained exactly the same since I started taking it. (2013-2016)
Initial shedding in beginning, then after five months I noticed a decrease in shedding (6 months)
I started noticing decrease in hairloss after about 6 months. There was no initial shedding, and hair started to become fuller about 9 months. I’ve been on Avodart for over 10 years, and it’s kept most of my hair compared to when I first started using it, even though there is no more regrowth like the first few years on the medication. I started on Propecia. It gave good results for the first 8 years or so, then gradually lost its effectiveness and my hair was thinning again. Then I got on Avodart, and it’s been effective for me. In recent years, hair has thinned somewhat, but I believe that Avodart, even though not as effective as in the beginning, is still responsbile to upholding most of my hair till this day. Without it, I will be much worse off. (2007 – 2016)
I’ve been using Avodart fopr a number of years now with very good results (2006-2016)
Hair thickening and regrowth after one year
After 3 – 6 months noticed improvement. It slowed the hairloss and appears to have improved thickness a little (2006-2017)
My hair thinning in the front along the hairline began when I was 27, it continued very gradually (age 32). I started Rogaine and Avodart six months ago and my hairloss completely stopped and I regrew a lot of hair along my hairline. The hair over the rest of my head also appears thicker and fuller now. (6 months)
I started the Avodart several years ago because I noticed my hairline was receeding. At the start I didn’t really notice any shedding. The receeding stopped and years later I feel that my hair is thicker and fuller than it has been. Plus I noticed some regrwoth. I have nothing bad to say about avodart and I have a positive outlook for the future. (2011-2016)
Have been taking Avodart for several years. Has halted hairloss. No discernible side effects. (2003-2016)
Avodart has definitely helped slow down my hair loss since I started using it several years ago (2015-2017)
Has been extremely effective3 for me. Before starting Avodasrt I had thinning all over the top of my head with shedding. The Avodasrt has stopped the shedding and thickened my hair. It now maintains what I have gained since starting. (2002-2016)
After some initial shedding, hair began to thicken on front and crown, after about 3 months, but is still somewhat thin on the top. Recently, it has started to thin out again, and I have switched to using a higher strength of minoxidil, which helps (2002-2016)
I first realized losing my hair at the age of 23. I started using propecia but it wasn’t really effective. Therefore I changed from Propecia to Avodart, then I felt more effective using Avodart compared to using Propecia. (6 months)
All the males in my family have receding hair starting at 22 and are bald by 35. I started with Propecia and then to Avodart when I turned 32. Full head of hair ( 2006-2016)
I had initial shedding that subsided after 3-4 months. my hair has become much thicker over the few years that I’ve been taking it now (2017-2021)
Hair loss drasctically stopped, and hair regrowth (2010-2016)
Hair has thickened and thinning spots have filled in (2004_2016)
I have seen moderate re-growth and continued stabilization. I often forget to take a pill each day so I have been averaging one pill every 2-3 days. (6 months)
Good hair regrowth/thickening beginning after three months of treatment. No shedding observed. Better results than with finasteride. ( 6 months)
I have used Avodart for over 10 years and have been able to maintain much hair that I feel would have been lost withouit it (2003-2016)
Ive been on it for a year and a half. Haven’t seem to have loss any hair. Hair does seem slightly thicker these days. ( 1 1/2 yrs)
Avodart has stopped the progression of my hair loss (2003-2016)
Good maintenance of hair and no further loss (2015-2016)
Initial shedding and stabilization, apparent thickening of hair (2003-2017)
Started taking it years ago when Propecia wasn’t working; almost immediately I saw great improvement on Avodart; the hair loss completely stopped and has been halted sine I began treatment (2013-2017)
more growth of vellus hairs, postive some may go terminal (1yr 6 months)
Maintaining crown area well; thickens slightly during hair growth, maintains well during shed/dormant cycles some frontal receding/thinning but not as noticeable due to maintenance and maybe genetic delay. Also, getting older so thinning and greying is inevitably to be expected. (2003-2017)
The Avodart since last year’s order has thickened my hair within 6 months, very little shedding, slight regrowth. Overall it has stopped my hair loss. (1st 6 months)
Saw initial improvement in 3 months. Crown continues to thicken. (1st 6 months)
Slowed rate of hair loss, some regrowth. Have held steady. Took a few months of treatment for changes to be noticeable (2006-2017)
It took about 3 months to notice hair growth around the temples and crown. Fine hair that tendd to grow stronger in time. My hair loss has dramatically slowed after 6 months (1 1/2/ yrs)
No side effects so far but no hair regrowth either. I have not noticed any further hair loss however. (1st 6 months)
I have been taking Avodart 0.5 mg approximately daily since 2010 and have noted marked improvements in hair density. The most significant improvements occurred in 2016. (2009-2106)
I definitely have seen some slight regrowth within my hairline. I can see small, light hairs growing where there was no hair before. I also noticed that I am shedding hairs, I can see them when I shower. (6 months)
Overall thickening of hair. Have been noticing a difference for 6 months. (6 months)
Stopped any further hair loss, and had some regrowth as well. (1 1/2 years)
Seems to have stopped the shedding (2014-2016)
I noticed a slight thickening within first few months on Avodart. More importantly, the amount of shedding declined very noticeably and I’m quite pleased with my current coverage. It’s significantly better at my age than I thought it would be just a few years ago and I attribute it to Avodart. (2003-2017)
I Have been on Generic Avodart for over a year and have had full stabilization of hair loss. During first few months of treatment hair continued to shed but slowed down significantly thereafter
Very successful use over several years. Thickening within a few months and continued to grow and maintain without futher loss (2010-2017)
Has prevented further loss (2002-2016)
Hair maintaining, and little bit thickening (2007-2017)
Consistent use for several years now, has slowed down the diffuse thinning (2012-2017)
Excellent results with absolutely no side effects (10 years of use)
On Avodart for about 10 years plus and it has been amazing and hair has stayed which is amazing because my entire family is bald except for me (2003- 2017)
I believe it improved hair quality with some regrwoth and hair fall out mostly stopped. (6 months)
Slowed hair loss, possibly stopped (6 months)
Using it for years great response after a few months (2002-2017)
I have maintained my hair for the last 13 years with Avodart (13 years)
I’ve notice a little progress within 3 months or so getting a little regrowth ( 1st 6 months)
Decrease in shedding immediately (2014 -2017)
Began working after 3 months. Crown filled in a long with temples. No change in hair line. (2012-2017)
Very good response. Maintaining hair. (2010_2017)
Have beein using for years with great results (2006-2017)
Good response, stopped hairloss, no side effects (2015-2017)
I may have had some initial shedding in the first two months. Since then, I can’t tell how much my hair has changed. If anything, it may have gotten a little thicker. I’ve definitely not had any additional hair loss (1st 6 months)
Consistent response over time to Avodart treatment, with hair loss occurring when stopping treatment (2005-2017)
Started noticing gradual thinning in my mid 20’s. Tried Propecia but it did not work very well. Avodart and Minoxidil work very well. Initial shedding followed by steady regrowth and thickening (1st 6 months)
hair very thick after 2 months (1st 6 months)
HairLossHx: MPB runs on my father’s side of the family. My brother and I have both experienced hairloss in our early 20s. I first noted my hairline receding when I was approximately 21. I started to use propecia and rogaine and that regimen worked for about a year before I started receding again. I switched to dutasteride with great success and have been taking it for 2 years. I have been taking dutasteride for 2 years now. I had some initial shedding and then thickening of the hairline. I have experienced no side effects and it has worked well in stunting my hairloss (1 1/2 yrs)
Going from finasteride to dutasteride I can anecdotally conclude that dutasteride is better at staving off hairloss in terms of average daily loss and any visible improvement in hair density. ( 1st 6 months on Dutasteride)
Since using Avodart my hair loss stopped and after a few months became thicker (2009-2017)
Since taking it daily my hairline has thickened along with the rest of my hair. Growth rate has improved (2011-2017)
I have been taking for some time through MWC and it has stopped hair loss and regrew hair (2003-2017)
Receded from the age of 16 to 20 to Norwood II. Used Rogaine. Then receded until a Norwood III at age 22. Stated Propecia for about a year. Hairloss
reached its worst point then stabilized. Switched to dutasteride. Slowly recovered to Norwood II at age 24.Hairloss pattern was at its worst when started. However it seemed to stop. Hair pattern was very bad for almost two years. However, after that point the progress started to show rapidly. Hairline filled in far more than expected. Temples filled in. Went from Norwood III to Norwood II. However, I still get intermittent shedding whereby an unusual amount of hair is shed each day and the front and temples thin out noticeably. Afterwards, they thicken up again. (2014-2017)
Hair is thicker – less shedding – maintaining (2009-2017)
Has slowed hair loss ((2004-2017)
Gradual regrowth at temporal regions (2002-2017)
Noticed initial shedding but steady thickening now. Keeps getting better (1st 6 months)
I have been using Avodart for many years and it works well (2006-2017)
I’ve been on Avodart for over 10 years with no side effects
No shedding. Thickening after 6 months. Regrowth after 7 months (1st 6 months)
Overall – hair is much more dense and full, undoubtedly. I believe that Dutasteride is very effective in preventing hair loss, and aids in restoration to a degree. Have not experienced as many shedding phases in my 2nd year of taking Dutasteride , as comparedto the first. (2015-2017)
Some regrowth, small hairs turning into pigmented hairs (1st 6 months)
slowed loss with some regrowth(2002-2017)
Hairloss stopped within a few months followed by some thickening. Stqable ever since (2003-2017)
3 months thickening (2015-2017)
Minor shedding and fuzz growth (2016-2017)
I have been battling hairloss for 5+ years and I do believe avodart has made a huge difference in terms of slowing down the hairloss. (2012-2017)
When I started Avodart after a month or so I notied my hair loss had stopped or slowed significantly. However after a few months I had not had any regrowth. I started using rogaine and had regrowth in the back. (2011-2017)
Dutasteride made a HUGE difference. I have a full head of hair which I would definitely not have if it wasn’t for that. I know this is beginning to sound like an ad but it’s my experience. The results came so fast too. Within 2-3 weeks the shedding stopped. I have noticed no side effects at all. I have been with Medial Wellness Center since 2010 and have defintely experienced frontal hair growth and thickening as well. My lass passport picture taken a few months ago shows me with thicker hair than the one taken over 10 years ago. Thank you MWC ( 7 years)
regrowth after several months, and then stabilization (2013_2017)
Been taking for 9 years. Thinning has stopped ( 9 years)
Have used for years. Works well with no side effects (2002-2017)
excellent, extreme thickening of hair (2002-2017)
Have been using Avodart since 2003. Continued steady progress.
Shedding slowed in about a month, growth in 3 months.
Slowed receding hairline and overall hair loss over the years (2006-2017)
No shedding, hairloss has been stabilized and starting to see some regrowth (1st 6 months)
I have noticed a stop in loss and maybe some slight regrowth (1st 6 months)
Shedding intially and thickened around the 9 month mark (18 months)
I have been using Avodart for 7 yrs and have been doing well. I have not had shedding and have some regrowth (7 years)
Hair recently stopped shedding completely. Some regrowth. Overall hair seems stable (1st six months of use)
have been taking Avodart for a long time. Baldness is prevalent in my family. I have approximately the same amuont of hair today as I did when I first started taking avodart (2003-2017)
Lots of regrowth, no side effects. (1st six months of use)
I began losing my hair around 18 years and have been successfully on Avodart for several years now which has prevented further loss and had some positive increase in hair with no side effects (200 – 2018)
Hair has gotten thicker and stopped falling out (1 1/2 years of use)
I shed for a couple months, but I think it’s thicker at least in the front (1st six months of use)
I noticed the scalp itch (which started around the time the hair miniaturization got serious) stop within 2 days of taking Dutasteride. I didn’t notice any unusualy shedding, but my hair has gotten significantly thicker with each month that goes by. If I keep going at this rate it will look the way it did before any miniaturization started, in less than 3 months. The top of my hair was very miniaturized prior to treatment, now it only looks like two little patches are not fully thickened. Very significant improvement. I seem to be a very good responder. (1st 6 months)
It has thickened the hair on teh crown, slowed hair loss on the frontal areas. It took approximately 6 months to see the change. (2003-2017)
I begin my hair treatment taking propecia in 1997 then I switched to Avodart over 10 years ago. Avodart has basically stopped my hair loss for the last 15 years. (2003-2017)
Maintaining, less shedding – noticeable after 30 days (2013-2017)
Regrwoth, thickening noticed at 2 months. (2005-2017)
Have had no further hair loss while using Avodart (2003-2017)
My hairloss has completely stopped. (2015-2017)
Stopped my hair loss and grew hair back (2002-2017)
Taking one pill per day for almost 1 year. Hair loss ceased and somewhat reversed. Maintaining at around class 2. (1year)
Avodart has worked for the last decade for me. My hair line is still hoding (2006-2017)
regrowth started at 6 weeks and continued (1st 6 months)
Definitely helped stabilize hair loss and regrow Crown (2016-2018)
I was on Propecia and I did notice that it seemed to slow down the shedding. But over time the shedding picked back up and Dutasteride has helped slow that shedding down almost completely (1 year 6 months)
Hair stopped falling out and has remained steady (2012-2017) I have maintained hair at my crown with slight regrowth (2013-2017)
Significant reduction of rate of hair loss. Some regrowth on crown over time (2003-2017)
Thickening of existing hair, some new growth in frontal region where I’ve not seen growth in 20 yeaers, no sides, hopefull (1st 6 months)
I noticed my hair stopped falling out within a month of taking Avodart, however no growth was visible for roughly 4 months, then some regrowth was noticeable although it was negligible. (2003-2017)
Within about a month of starting dutasteride very small vellus hairs appeaered slightly below the hair line. Then for the next 1-2 months I experienced shedding ranging from mild to moderate and lost some of the minor growth I had. Around Month 4, I noticed some of the small hair begin to regrow along my ahirline and have seen gradual improvements sine then. (1st 6 months)
I have been taking Avodart for 6 years and it has been working great. I used to take Propecia but my hair loss started to become more aggressive. After switching to Avodart I regained the lost hair and have maintained ever since (2009-2017)
I’ve been on Avodart since the beginning of 2002. At that time the hair on top of my head was thinning trough out. I was having a lot of shedding. Once I started Avodart the shedding stopped fairly quickly. I then had results in thickening of the hair on top of my head. In all these years I’ve been able to maintain my results with Avodart. I have no side effects and respond very well.Once I turned 26 I started to have a lot of shedding and could see thinning all through out the top of my head. I then got on rogaine and propecia which helped for a while. After 2 years the propecia wasn’t working as well. That is when I started to take Avodart. I’ve been on Avodart since the beginning of 2002. Once I started Avodart the shedding stopped fairly quickly. I then had results in thickening of the hair on top of my head. In all these years I’ve been able to
maintain my results with Avodart. I have no side effects and respond very well. (2002-2017)
Hair begain thickening in problem area after 3 months (1st 6 months)
I started noticing my hair getting thicker and fuller about 3 to 4 months into the treatment. I also had some regrowth toward the front (1st 6 months)
Hair loss seems to have halted. May have noticed some thickening of hair overall (1st 6 months)
Long time user – – retained hair while younger brother lost
Have bee on Avodart for 18 months. Had initial shedding 1 month in, but it resolved within 2 months. And hasn’t returned (1 1/2 years)
Started on Propecia when FDA approved, which stopped or slowed progression. Decreased efficacy over time. Have been on Avodart for a number of years which again stopped or slowed progression. (2003-2017)
Dramatically slowed recession (2003-2017)
I started using Avodart about 10 years ago. I noticed positive results within 2 months. Six months later there was significant reduction in hair loss but hair loss did not stop completely, but it stabilized. I still have small amounts of hair lossand noticed that the hair fall starts again if I stop using Avodart. I have had no side effects (2012 years)
I have been taking Avodart for 11 years and have noticed a significant slowing of hair loss as well as some regrowth without side effects. I started noticing thinning of my crown at 19. Tried Rogaine and Propecia and didn’t have any luck or see any results. I started Avodart when I was 23 and it has been incredibly helpful. (11 years)
I have been taking Avodart for several years now and I absolutely am grateful to have it. My progress was slow, but after the first yeaer I noticed no loss of hair and possibly some thickening. I had no side effects and I had no shedding that I noticed. I will continue taking avodart becuase I am convinced it works. I am very satisfied. (2007-2017)
I have been on Avodart for over 10 years, I noticed the hair getting thicker within the first 6 months of using it. There was no noticeable shedding experienced. Over the past 10+ years on the drug, I have maintained most of the hair I started out with, but I do notice that the hair has thinned out a little, but I’m sure without it, my hair would have been in a much worse shape (2007-2017)
general hair thickening, crown and front (2003-2017)
Maintained hair since taking (2005-2017)
Hair loss remains slow, very gradual (2008-2017)
My hair stabilized completely after starting and it still remains in this condition (2015-2018)
I have been using avodart for several years. Hair loss began slowing within the first few months. There may have been some slight regrowth towards the back of my scalp during the first year. But hair loss has been greatly slowed (2006-2017)
Hair loss has been arrested. Some regrowth but probably not enough for others to notice without my actually calling their attention to it. Initial shedding may have occurred but it grew back.(2002-2017)
Results have been good. Hair has modest thickening. Hair loss has all halted (2016-2017)
My hair thickened up very well all voer and seems to be working well (2013-2018)
Within 6 months fuller, thicker especially in crown area; mitigated receding front; no real shed.
I started to see thicker front area. I noticed this starting at babout 4 months taking this (1st 6 months)
At about 4 months I noticed slight thickening and haven’t lost anything new (1st 6 months)
Initial shedding, crown regrowth noticeable at third month. Shedding stopped (1st 6 months)
Increased thickness, less shedding , regrowth (1st 6 months)
I have seen much improvement in hair growth after several months. Improvements include reduced hair fallout and
thickening of hair in crown. Receding hairline has halted with slight regrowth on top and front. No side effects to report. ( 1 1/2 yrs)
Had minimal initial shedding ( I believe since I switched from finasteride), noticed my hair has stabilized sine I began Dutasteride in May of 2016 (1st 6 months)
I am having success with generic Avodart at 6 months. It is just visible and magnification shows more results. It is working in front and back. (1st 6 months)
Hair loss stabiization after first 3 months of beginning medication (2015-2018)
Within several weeks, noticed that most of the shedding hairs were miniaturized. Now after about six months, the shedding has slowed down and it seems like there has been some regrowth and thickening. Have not experienced any negative side effects of the treatment. (1st 6 months)
My hair appears to have stopped losing hair and is started to actually grow back after about 4 months.(1st 6 months)
Hairline and crown slowly thickening. No shedding (1 1 /2 years)
I have been pleased and saw an increase in growth and thickening in two months
Positive results using Avodart. Hair shedding slowed down after 3-4 months. Hair regrowth was noticed after 6 to 8 months. Hair feels thicker in the thinning area. (2004-2018)
I have been taking Avodart for several years and I noticed improvement in density/thickness within the frist few months after beginning treatment. This past year I experienced improvements and my hair is as thick and dense as it was many years ago (2009-2018)
It does a better job of slowing down my hairloss than Propecia did. Also, my hair seems slightly thicker when I use it (2002-2017)
Iinitial shedding followed by general thickening (2006-2018)
Good retention, shedding a minimum, no thickening (2003-2018)
Avodart has greatly reduced and prevented further hair loss (2002-2018)
My continued response to Avodart (generic equiv) has been excellent. I am still avoiding shedding via my continued use (2006-2018)
Throughout late 20s had mild amount of receding hairline, however around age 30 this accelerated and my hair receded perhaps 1 cm in 6 months. Started then taking avodart, recession slowed to almost nothing. Hair loss for me was mainly a receding hairline, which slowed significantly (almost stopped completely) within 6 months of starting Avodart, which I did in early 2015. No shedding or regrowth. At the end of 2016, unsure if Avodart was helping or it was just a coincidence, I experimentally stopped taking Avodart for about 5 weeks and noticed significant hair loss after the first 2 weeks or so. My hairline receded about 2 rows of follicles (maybe 3 or 4 mm?) just in that time, and stopped receding significantly after I restarted Avodart.(1st 6 months)
Amazing!! Hairloss has stopped completely and can see regrowth. Amazing results (1st 6 months)
Some initial shedding. Slight thickening noticed. About six months before noticing thickening (1st 6 months)
My intial response to Avodart was terrific. It halted hair loss and provided hair growth. Within twomonths of starting I could tell that I wasn’t losing any more and was gaining some back (2010-2018)
I have been using it for years. I haven’t noticed hair loss recently. I’m holdin gon to what I have (2003-2018)
2-3 months hair loss stopped, another 3-4 months before some re-growth (2015-2018)
I started to see hair regrowth / less shedding maybe two months in (1st 6 months)
I experienced some sheddling all throughout my treatment which wasn;t clear if it was related to Avodart or just regular shedding, buton the other hand I have recently been seeing some brand new thick, dark hairs growing at my hair line (starting last month), which is very promising and extremely exciting. (1 st 6 months)
Great! On Avodart 11 years now.
About a month in, the shedding declined sharply. Since then, hair has thickened and thinness around the crown of my head has improved. No changes have been noticed with regrowth to my front hairline (1st 6 months)
No shedding, starting to see thickening of hair after 6 months
3 months to see changes. Over the last ten years I have worked with you and I have maintained what I had when I started in March 2003
I’ve been on Avodart for several years with no side effects. I’ve had no shedding and hair has thickend and remained stable (2008-2018)
I don’t recall any initial shedding. I remember noticing some improvement within the first few months, but the biggest changes happened after around 9 months. Hair was becoming thicker and there was very decent regrowth. Hair is still a little thin on top (I have to go out of my way to notice it – in certain lighting with wet hair – and it’s nothing anybody else would ever notice), but I’m still noticing improvements every month, so perhaps around the 2 year mark, I’ll hardly notice any thinning, and so on. The fact that
I’m seeing an improvement every month is a good sign. It looks like I am on my way to a full recovery. (2016-2018)
Noticed less thinning immediately and a little new growth after a few months (1st 6months)
My hair has not shed and has maintained its thickenss. I have noticed some fill in on the part on the side of my head (1st 6 months)
There seemed to be an increase in shedding around 1 month. Very thin hairs then began to grow in on the front of the scalp where there was major recession. Front hair line came in surprisingly strong around month 3 then there was a shed. Shedding has stopped and now the hair line has been growing thicker. The hair that initially grew batck thin are now getting longer, but still growing slower than the rest of the hair (1st 6 months)
Noticed significant hair regrowth around 4 months. Nickel-sized bald spot on crown has disappeared. Hair also thicker throughout head. (1st 6 months)
I did not notice any significant shedding. Hair started to thicken within the first 3 months. Now at almost 6 months things look to be approving (1st 6 months)
I’ve been on it (Avodart) for 10+ years and have lost a small amount of hair in that time frame
After about 2-3 months of taking AVodart, I noticed significantly reduced loss of hair. Hiar strands also to be thickened (first 6 months)
Been on Avodart for a couple of years, has stopped the progression , some thickening in the beginning , no side effects (2012-2018)
Began losing hair gradually around age 19 or 20 tried propecia at 21 didn’t work soon after began using avodart and have not lost much hair since 16 years later (2003-2018)
Hair started getting thicker after 6 months and then has stabilized (2013-2018)
3 months to notice changes, restored and maintained for over 10 years (2003 -2018)
I noticed my hair loss in my mid 20’s or so. It was very gradual . No one could really tell but I could. Then in my 30’s, I started using Avodart. It has been great. I didn’t notice any initial shedding. After about a year, I noticed no hair loss and actually some hair regrowth. Thickening was increased too. Overall, I am very happy with Avodart and would like to continue treatment. I have no side effects as well. (2011- 2018)
I noticed some thickening within the first six to twelve months and a noticeable decrease in hair falling out. Although hair continues to thin, the rate of fallout has decreased dramatically and is almost stable. I’ve experienced very little hair loss since starting avodart. Obviously, I’m very satisfied with the results.
Some new growth in areas, other areas continue to lose hair, but hairloss has slowed noticeably.It started at the age of 28. After the use of Avodart it stoppedGood results after 4 months of use.
Within three months, I noticed reduction in hair loss. Within five months, I believe that I am seeing hair regrowth (1st 6 months)
I have been taking avodart since 2014 and have noticed that my hair is hticker . My hair loss has stopped (2014-2018)
Experienced noticeable decrease in fall-out about 6 months into Avodarft. Although regrowth has been limited, the significant decrease in loss has greatly exceeded my expectations (2003-2018)
I have been using Avodart for 10 years. I began losing hair around the age of 23. I took Propecia until about age 30-31, until I noticed further hair loss and began taking Avodart. It stopped my hair loss after a few months and resulted in gradually thickening hair with no future hair loss (10 years)
Very good. Have used it for some time now, once traditional finasteride stopped working as well. No initial shedding, but some regrowth, and thickening of existing hair, and stopping of progression of hair loss. (2007_2016)
I’ve been using Avodart for 10 yrs. I initially stopped shedding within the firs tyear and saw a litte regrowth. I have since maintained these results (10yrs)
I responded very well. Treatment was started about two years ago and Avodart has consistently thickened and maintained my hair. Results became visible about a month in (2015-2018)
Stopped most of the shedding and made hair a bit thicker (2016-2018)
Started notitcing hair growth at 6 months mark along hairline. (first 6 months)
About 1- 2 months before noticing change. Thickening of hair and regrowth (1st 6 months)
Started avodart 2 years ago after taking propecia for almost 5 years. I think overal I have had some regrowth and definitely some thickening and hair looks more healthy now
Maintained hair with much less shedding ; noticed changed 6 months after months after beginning treatment (2005-2018)
I had gradual hair loss for about 10 years. Then I started on Propecia. I had very good results with regrwoth. Then after 10 years I started losing hair again. I started on Avodart and the loss slowed or stopped. I started using minoxidil and the loss on the back of my scalp stopped In the front there is still loss, but it is very gradual and not really noticeable (2011-2018)
After about 4 months of taking Avodart I started getting hair regrowth on the back of my head and the hair on top of my head started thickening (1st 6 months)
With generic Avodart I noticed a change in my hair within a few months. Thicker and stopped falling out. (1st 6 months)
Kept my hair much thicker for 15 years
Total stop to thinning and moderate regrowth (2002-2018)
Excellent- after about 6 months crown hair began to come back – overall thickening elsewhere
Great results for over ten eyars. Thickening hair.
Years ago intial shedding. More hair now than when I started. Only take a maintenance dose of 2-3 tablets weekly. (2010-2018)
Noticed an increase in shedding for the first 1-3 months. After month 3 notice large decrease in shedding and initial regrowth (1st 6 months)
Initially regrew hair, now it is keeping hair I have , no further hair loss. Thank you so much for providing this service (2003-2018)
Been on it man years, seems to help with slowing down the process and helping me maintain (2003-2018)
Over time, consistent regrowth on crown and including some growth on front, general thickening of hair to top of crown with bald spot reduced. (2005-2018)
I have noticed that my hair is thicker and fuller. I noticed changes approxaimately a month after starting treatment (2008-2018)
Avodart has contined to maintain hairline with minimal shedding (2004-2016)
After taking Avodart, I noticed my hair stopped thinning and maybe even looks thicker (2004-2018)
I first noticed my hair gradually shedding shedding at 18. I used propecia at first with bery good results then it faded. Using avodart successfully for several years.
NorwoodClassification: Class2 (2002-2018)
Hair thinning at 22 like the rest of family. Progressed from Propecia until hair thinned faster then moved to Avodart which stopped the thinning. When I first started I noticed regrowth in the crown area. Since I have taken it I have been able to maintain most of my hair. (2008-2018)
Maintain hair density and growth rate. Rest of siblings are entirely bald. Have not used in several months and hair is thinning again. (2009-2018)
I noticed improvements in six weeks. It’s still thinner on the crown than I want to see, but it keeps getting better (1st 6 months)
I noticed a fair amount of shedding in the first 4 weeks. After that the shedding is minimal and I have had slight regrowth in the crown. My hairline has not had any regrowth, but is holding (2016-2018)
I have been using Avodart for 12 years and it has definitely reduced shedding with no side effects (2006-2018)
Overall dutasteride has prevented further hair loss, and has been very effective (2015-2018)
Avodart has done a good job of slowing down hair loss that hadn’t responded to finasteride in the past. I began losing my hair several years ago. I tried finasteride, but over time did not get the results I expected. Since starting dutasteride, however, I’ve been able to keep most of my hair (2016-2018)
Kept existing hair while three younger brothers lost (2016-2018)
Since started using Avodart my hairloss has stopped and have grown thicker hair (2016-2018)
I’ve been using Avodart for many years now and it works well (2012-2018)
My hair is incredibly thicker since I’ve been using Avodart daily. My hairline grew in a bit and thicken and my crown is nearly all grown in. (2011-2018)
I has helped to thicken hair at the crown, slow recession of front hairline. (2002-2018)
Hair loss appeared to stop at approximately 6 months use, with eventual thickening of hair in crown area. (2003-2018)
I had been on Propecia for years before switching to Avodart over ten years ago. I began to notice a decline of hair loss after beiginning treatment with avodart after a few months with gradually thickening hair thereafter. (10 yrs)
Maintaining the hair from when I started (2004-2018)
At 20 I was bald on the rear vertex. In 2005 I took Propecia for 18 months with no results. April 2017 started generic Avodart. Shedding stopped completely (first thing noticed). Using magnification, I saw vellus in both front and back during the first 14 months. Very slow. Now at 1 year 6 months, the softball sized rear blad area is closed in to a rqcquest ball sized area. Slow but sure. It took a year to get started. I’m now 56 years old and It works ( 1 1/2 years)
I have been using Avodart for several years via prescription from Medical Wellness Center. I started using Propecia about 20 years ago, and then switched to Avodart for the last 10 years or so. This has essentially stopped my hair loss (2003-2018)
Works better than Finasteride. Full head of hair with no sign of side effects (2017 -2018 )
Was experiencing continued loss with finasteride. Once I started dutasteride the recession has slowed significantly/stopped (2017-2018)
Been on it for yeaers now. Very good results in stopping shedding and regrowing some (2006-2018)
I have kept to one pill a day, missing a day once in a while. No initial shedding, though recently there has been some minor shedding. I noticed a general thickening of hair over the first few months, and gradual regrowth around the temples which seems to be continuing. A small scar on one temple serves as an easy reference point and is being overtaken (first 6 months)
My hair appears to be thicker. Less noticeable thinning on top/back of head. There has been zero hair loss since begining Avodart. Also, I have experienced no side effects. (first 6 months)
6 months in shedding small hairs, hair quality and thickness increasing (1st 6 months)
Noticed less hair shedding within the first month, and after the first month there was little to no shedding or hair loss. Started noticing hair around hairline growing longer, hair also got a little thicker. (1st 6 months)
1 month regrowth, slowing of recession at temples, no side effects apparent ( 18 months)
Has helped me maintain hair for over 10 years
My hair began to thicken after 2 months of treatment (2003-2018)
Avodart has stopped the progression of my hair loss. I began noticing its effects immediately (2003-2018)
Since you prescribed me Avodart a few years ago, my aggressive hair loss has essentially stopped. in fact, I’ve had far better success with Avodart than I ever had with Propecia or any other hairloss treatment. In addition, there have been very few (if any) side effects. (2015-2018)
I have not been taking Dutasteride for the past 3 months, but prior to that, I experienced results that I would deem satisfactory in terms of hair thickening. because I have not been taking a daily dose of this medication, I am seeing a decrease in thickness and overall density. The benefits of Dutasteride for hair loss prevention is apparent, and I wish to resume treatment. (2015-2018)
Response to Avodart has been very good – it stopped my hair loss when I began talking it. It took a couple of months after my switch to Avodart to see results but it has been amazing so far (2013-2018)
My changes have been great. Regrown a majority of my hair (18 months)
I’ve had some regrowth since I started taking Avodart/dutasteride. It took several months before I noticed any changes. Within the past year, some of the vellus hair on my scalp has turned into terminal hair. I have so far maintained all the hair that I have regrown while on Avodart/Dutasteride. (2016-2019)
I did not have significant initial shedding aand the prprogress is great. Hair has regrown to a great extent. I nototiced changes within 3 months (1 year switched from Propecia)
Better than Propecia. Less hair fall and, strangely, less side effects (2016_2019)
Dutasteride has been helping maintain my hair. Started working within a few months of use and have been taking regularly ever since. No side effects. (2016-2019)
I had six refills, four months in I noticed a difference (1st six months)
The results I got from Avodart are noticeably better than what I experienced with Propecia before. While my hairline had only slight positive changes, all receding stopped. The biggest positive change was at the top/crown of my head, which had SIGNIFICANT improvement in regrowth and density. (1st 6 months)
I started treatment and within a few months my hair grew fuller, thicker, and my widows peak began to fill up significantly within 6 months. (1st six months)
first 3 months no changes in hair. Starting 4th month of treatment noticed some shedding in the crown but it only lasted a few weeks. Now in my 7th month starting to notice increase in hair thickness in the crown area and little in the frontal region as well! (1st 6 months)
Took dutastrride in January 2018. I noticed significant thinking of the hair at about the 8 month mark. After a year on dutastrride I switched back to fin for the next two years and my hair has gone downhill since then .
Over the past several years shedding and loss has stopped. Moderate thickening over the first year has stabilized. Overall happy with no side effects. (2016-2019)
Maintaining hairline for the last 10 + Years
I have not experienced any side effects; the rate of hairloss seems to be slower now. (1st 6 months)
I had initial shed after a month. At three months some improvement. (1st 6 months)
No side effects, no initial shedding, some regrowth (1st 6 months)
i noticed my hair getting thicker after about 5 weeks. it continues to be thicker than it is. i have not noticed regrowth by my temples (1st 6 months)
The treatment has been effective in preventing further loss. I noticed the effects within a few months (1st 6 months)
It stopped my hairloss and thickened my hair (18months)
Hairloss curtailed. Thickening of existing hair (2011-2018)
My hair loss has stabilized, with an increase in hair growth along the hairline, most observable at the 3 month mark ( 18 months)
I first began taking dutasteride 0.5mg nearly 15 years ago. I recall noticing a significant decrease in shedding within a few weeks. I attribute still having most of my hair to my continued use of this medication (15 years)
I have been on Avodart for many years. After a few months my hair loss stopped and has been slowly regrowing since. 23ish I started noticing hair loss. In 1999 I began taking Propecia, which worked but its benefits were slight. Avodart and its generic have really worked the last several years. (2010-2019)
Nice regrowth, keeping the hair I have. no Longer losing hair. (2003-2019)
Total hair restoration (2011-2019)
I’ve been on Avodart for several years and it has halted my hairloss. No shedding, lots of regrowth (2007-2019)
Hair loss stopped pretty much completely when I started taking Dutasteride . I tried stopping for a month 2 years ago and had noticeable recession jus in that time. Taking it again has stopped that
I take it once a week and I’ve kept all of my hair including the regrowth from when I initially started taking it 10 years ago (2010-2019)
I began taking Avodart in 2002. Initially it helped regrow some hair in the vertex and crown. now I believe it works to keep my permanent hair more healthy. (2002-2019)
Been using Avodart since 2003. Had decent progress and need it to maintain what I have (2003-2019)
Been using Avodart for years with positive results. Minor hair shedding at first but stops after several months. Hair has maintained its thickness. No receding hairline. (2004-2019)
Hair stopped falling out. There was an initial shed (2015-2019)
I am responding extremely well to the drug. I started to notice the biggest improvement after 9 months of use. Hair has *mostly* fully returned everywhere. I can see that hair is continuing to further improve, too.
My treatment with Avodart has been very successful. I have had no adverse side effects and my hair is much thicker than prior to treatment. It only took a few months before I noted a positive response to the treatment. I begin experiencing diffuse thinning at age 20. I started off taking 2% minoxidil topical solution to combat hair loss, and then was prescribed Propecia around age 27. My response to Propecia was positive for several years, but the effectiveness began to subside, at which point I begin taking Avodart (2009-2010).
I first realized I had male pattern baldness in my mid 20’s, but looking back at pictures I now see I was gradually losing hair at my hairline since at least my early 20’s. I began using finasteride and minoxidil when I was 27, and switched from finasteride to dutasteride 6 months ago. While on these treatments I have had slow, gradual regrowth at my hairline.. I have had continued maintenance of my hair with slow regrowth at the hairline. About every 3 months a few noticeable new hair appear (1st 6 months)
I was already on Finasteride and read that Avodart may may be more effective. So far it seems like my hair is fuller than before (1 yr)
Slowed the shedding. Intermittent cycles of regrowth/thickening (2005-2019)
Hair is thickening, hairloss barely noticeable at this point (2016-2019)
Noticed hair loss stop immediately, noticed major regrowth for the first 3- 6 months, hair has stabilized now much thicker than it was pre-Avodart (1 year)
Hello again, my changes initially started in teh first few months and continued from there. I have had regrowth in areas where I didn’t have hair on my hair line since my youth( which is great). (1 1/2 years)
I had a bald spot on the crown of my hair that began to regrow hair within roughly 60 days. Now there , hair looks more mature, dark and healthy, and with continued use, should be completely regrown ( or as best as can be hoped for) in the next 12 months. (1st 6 months)
Minimal shedding and both regrowth and thickness of hair have improved over past few years (2017-2019)
I noticed some thinning two years ago . I began the prescription then and have experienced some thickening since then. (2017-2019)
I did have an initial shedding when I first started Avodart. Since then all hair that has shed has been regrown.
The middle front of my hairline is definitely thinner than the hair on the back of my scalp, but it has greatly improved the past 1.5years since starting treatment.
It has been a huge relief, I rarely even think about my hair loss anymore. The front top hairline has hairs that are thinner than the rest of my scalp, and maybe every six months
I notice some falling out (while applying rogaine hairs stick to my hands) but it really seems that they are then replaced with more normal looking hair.
I don t spend the day making sure my hair lays just right to cover the thinning in front, I never catch my reflection and see balding anymore. (2017- 2019)
I’ve been using Avodart for years, and it hyas drastically slowed down hair loss (2005-2019)
Very good, been using it successfully since on the market for hair loss (2002-2019)
I started taking Avodart several years ago; since taking Avodart my hair has become thicker and has not thinned like my brothers hair (2008-2019)
My hair loss stopped within a week and hasn’t started since. (2015-2019)
Within 6 weeks of starting avodart, all hair shedding slowed and then stopped. Since continuing avodart for the last year, the top of my head has slowly thickened and filled back in. The receding hairline has stopped receding but not shown any regrowth. (2017-2019)
Slight hair line recession and crown thinning beginning at around 18– first noticed at age 23. Note that since I have been using dutasteride my hair has returned to ‘normal hair line’ No side effects. I have experienced hair regrowth– after 7 months my hair has returned to how it was when I was 18, and my hair line has been restored. The thinning patch on my crown has been restored to normal thickness. Keep in mind that I’m only in . my mid twenties, so my hair loss wasn’t too far progressed to begin with. It also should be noted that I have been using dutasteride in conjunction with minoxidil 5% (brand name Rogaine), which has likely sped along the regrowth process. I started to notice regrowth after about two months, and the progress was so slow that I didn’t really notice my hair had been totally restored until the other day. If you’re tracking progress I’d only bother to compare photos that were taken at least 6 months apart. I’ll continue to take dutasteride daily. It’s worked very well so far.
(1st 6 months)
Great progress, 6 months, initial shedding, thickening and regrowth (18 months)
My hairline has been maintainted and the natural progression of baldness has stopped. No significant regrowth yet (1st 6 months)
Seems to have stopped shedding and hair seems thicker. Not sure if I’ve been on it long enough to experience regrowth (1st 6 months)
So far so good. Very little shedding and some regrowth (1st 6 months)
Initial shedding phase of 5-6 months with substantial reduction in shedding thereafter. Hair appears to be slowly thickening and even regrowing in some areas combined with other treatment (1st 6 months)
My hair has stopped shedding , and I feel like it has gotten thicker. It is definitely working better than finasteride did. I started noticing a difference after the first three months. I have been on it now for 6 months (1st 6 months)
It took about 8 months to see changes, and there was initial shedding. Hair is thicker and fuller quickly. (1 1/2 years)
Been taking it for many years. Hair loss has slowed down significantly (2012-2019)
I have noticed that my hair is thicker with some regrowth. It took about 3 months from nitial use ot notice results (2009-2019)
I have used dutasteride for several years through MWC and it has stopped my hair loss and has regrown my hair (2002-2019)
Slowed receeding hairline fairly soon after starting Avodart (2006-2019)
Thickened hair after 1 year; been on medication for 7 + years with success (2005-2019)
Amazing. More hair than when I started roughly 6-8 years ago.
Hair loss halted about 5 months into treatment, and saw regrowth within a year. For the next 5 years my hair grew thicker, and until now, even though my hair hasn’t grown any thicker, I was able to maintain what I have. I didn’t experience any noticeable shedding. (2010-2019)
Started using Avodart 11 years ago and noticed reduced shedding a few months later. I have had a little regrowth and continue to shed less (age 76 2008-2019)
I have had a good response to avodart. initial regrowth and now maintenance for a couple years. (2013-2019)
I have been taking dutasteride for hair loss since 2003. I haad some initial regrowth followed by maintenance/slowed hair loss for the past 16 years (2003_2019)
Within 1 year all hair thickened and / or grew back (2009-2019)
I noticed temple and hairline recession at age 17. Started propecia at 19. This seemed to stop the process for many years. I began losing ground in the past year or so. Since switching to dutasteride, hair is improving again: Decreased shedding, Regrowth along hairline and temples. Crown appears to be thicker(1st 6 months)
Started to notice decrease in shedding at 3 month mark, has seemingly stabilized hair for no further loss. No regrowth, but much better response than to finasteride.
(1st 6 months)
Seemed to work extremely well overall , but when prescription ended , I thought I wouldn’t need anymore. Shedding has started again a few months later
Been using for over a year. Dramatically helped my shedding and loss (1 year +)
I did have intial shedding but started to see thicker hair after four months. I have noticed more shedding since I stopped taking dutasteride (1st 6 months)
Have noticed stoppage of hair loss. No dramatic increase yet (1st 6 months)
Shedding at first, but now am noticing almost no hair loss (1st 6 months)
Started losing hair in my temples in my early 20s. That same pattern continued until I started taking dutasteride in where my hair loss halted
I noticed shedding stopped around 4 months into treatment and continues to improve. Noticed zero side effects (1st 6 months)
Avodart has slowed the progression of my hair loss. No intial shedding. Some thickening (2004-2019)
I have been taking Dutasteride for over a year now after changing from Finasteride. I have seen regrowth on the hairline and thickening of the hair overall (1 1/2 years)
Hair has overall maintained pretty well over the past yeaer and a half. Possibly slight slight gradual thinning still, n the crown and temples, but overall, maintaining (1 1/2 years)
Increased shedding intially which stabilized after a few weeks. Since then have noticed very little further hair loss. My hair loss has slowed down significantly since starting this medication. (2016-2019)
Before starting Avodart I had general thinning and shedding all through out the top of my head. After starting Avodart, the thinning and shedding both stopped fairly quickly and then I started having thickening of hair. Ihave maintained my results for all these years and I am extremely happy with my success with Avodart. (2002-2018)
It has been very effective now for 13 years (2008-2019)
Never had any shedding. Hair loss essentially totally stopped when I started taking Avodart. I haven’t experienced huge regrowth, but I think I have at least as much hair as when I started (2017-2019)
Noticed receding hairline at age 19. Did not respond to finasteride. Started Dutasteride and thinning has slowed. (2017-2019)
I continue to see improvement with Avodart with no side effects (2011-2019)
Cessation of hair loss and maintenance of hairline (2008-2019)
Dutasteride has been effective in slowing down hair loss dramatically over the years (2015-2019)
I saw significant increase in growth during the first year and have maintained the growth ever sicne (2009_2019)
Started losing my hair around 18 years old ( now 37). Tried some other medications before Avodart with varied success. Tried Avodart and hairloss stopped, hair now seems thicker than before taking Avodart (2004 -2019)
I started to use Avodart about 10 years ago when my hair started to fall. After only a few months of treatment, my hair stopped falling. I have been continuing the treatment sence then and I am satisfied with the results as I am not losing my hair anymore (2008_2019)
I’ve been on dutasteride several years and my hair loss stopped and I have some regrowth (2016-2019)
Within six months after treatment experienced some regrowth and has been stable ever since (2003-2019)
90 days noticed fuller hair. Hair continues to thicken and small amoun of new hair and continue fullness (2012-2019)
Propecia stopped loss, Dutasteride works better now (2012-2019)
I was thinning rapidly when I started taking dutasteride (taking 3 times a week) and continued to thin quickly for about 4 months at which point it started slowing down significantly. I have continued to thin but at a much slower rate and I have started taking the medication 5 times a week. I haven’t had any noticeable regrowth but it is maintaining for the most part (1 year)[]-
The hair started to thicken up within the first three months of use. If I forget and skip a few days, it does start to look a bit thinner but starts to thicken back up wen I start t using it again. (2011-2019)
Regrew all hair at vertex and had significant regrowth in frontal region. First started noticing new hairs regrowing at 3 month treatment (1st 6 months)
Hair loss essentially halted after about three months of use and initial shedding was minimal. Hair has now noticeably thickened on top and also slightly at hairline/temples. (1st 6 months)
Has maintained current level of hair without any further loss. Existing hair has thickened. (18 months)
Shedding started around 10 weeks and continued about 1 month, since then there has been regrowth and thickening (18months)
It is working. No side effects. I have been taking it for 2.5 years and I see good results with magnification (2.5 years)
I’ve been using this treatment for two years and have had positive results. The first sixth months were slow with initial shedding, but I’d had stability and slight growth since then. The hair still remains thick as well. ( 1.5 years)
Avodart stopped hair loss and I gradually began to regrow hair after taking Avodart. It took 3-4 months before I really noticed any effect. There was some initial shedding (3 1/2 years)
I initially started taking Avodart a few years ago because Propecia was not working – as soon as I switched to Avodart I saw immediate benefits and my hair loss stopped and saw some regrowth. (2013-2019)
Noticed changes within a few months. Maintained hair , general thickening , some regrowth on hairline and crown. Noticed general thinning at 22. Got on Propecia immeiately. Switched to Avodart when it became available. Avodart has mainained my hair (2010-2020).
Avodart has stopped the progression of my hair loss on crown and temple (2003-2020)
I’ve been taking Avodart for a few years now and have been very happy with the results. I noticed changes within a few months of starting. It definitely stopped the hairloss and has even started to fill in some thin areas. Hair loss started in my mid 20s. I was prescribed Propecia for years, but it became less effective over time. Have had little to no further loss since starting Dutasteride a few years ago. (2015-2020)
I have been using Avodart for several years now. There may have been slight regrowth during the first year or so. Since then the benefit has been in greatly slowing further hair loss (2006-2020)
Good maintenance, some regrowth around 6 month mark (1st 6 months)
Very positive response. I’ve been taking Avodart (dutasteride) for nearly ten years and have maintained my hair and had some regrowth. I still have some periods of light shedding, but they are followed by periods of thickening. (10 yeaers)
Avodart has been working very well allowing me to keep my hair (2013-2019)
I have responded well and have maintained my hait. I have not had any side effects (2015-2020)
Avodart stopped my hair loss. Since taking it, I have not lost any more hair. (18 months)
Initial shed and strong regrowth after 4 month point (1st 6 months)
Gradual loss noticeable starting at around 21 years old. Continued loss around hairline and crown. I have had 4 hair transplant surgeries. Avodart is the only thing that seams to slow this down. (1st 6 months)
Started taking it at age 25. It stop my thinning and has regrown some hair and significantly slowed the loss down (1st 6 months)
It seems a little thicker at the crown. I’m not sure it did anything for the hairline, but it seems thicker around there. I notice less shed when showering and in general (1st 6 months)
Minor hair regrowth around temples. Overall, hair is much more dense. Effects began showing around 6 months after starting treatment. No side effects noticed (1st 6 months)
works wells in the last 2 years. No side effect. No hair loss since taking this medication. (2017-2019)
No shedding. Thickening of miniturized hair (2015-2020)
Avodart has been maintaining my hair for almost a year now, thus, I am trying to get 12 more refills so I can continue to maintain what I have.
started to become noticeable at the age of 17. Since then, I’ve tried multiple natural remedies but nothing worked. So, I decided to go for something more serious which is the generic avodart .5mg/day. So far the drug has been maintaining my hair and every now and then my hair will get worse and then also get better. My hair feels better than what it was a year ago. (18 months)
It has worked well for me. I haven’t had any side effects. My hair has maintained. I haven’t noticed additional loss or and thickening or regrowth. (18 months )
Good response. Has been maintaining my hair very well (2016-2020)
I started to see some regrowth of hair by my hairline after about four months. Also some of the thinning hair has thickened back up. I don’t feel that I had much shedding at all. I haven’t experienced any side effects.
ChangesinMedicalCondition: I have no changes in my current medical condition. Noticed my hairline starting to recede at about 30 with hairs getting really thin and wispy and then falling out. It slowly kept progressing until about 34 where it sped up and I could notice that the front part of my scalp had noticeably thinned out. Started taking dutasteride 6 months ago and the thin hair thickened back up and had some hair regrowth at my hairline. (1st 6 months)
Been on it for a while now. took a few months in the begining to show results. Works Great! (2012 -2020)
Thickening and regrowth present within first two months, propagation of vellus hair. Terminal hairs growing on temple and hairline area within 6 months. Texture and color of hair is more consistent with sides and back of head. (1 1/2 years)
Decent regrowth and thickening. Intial heavy shed followed by rebound and substantially reduced shedding thereafter (2018-2020)
Initial shedding occurred during the first few months. Then came regrowth, and now maintenance (2016-2020)
When I started Avodart in 2002 it stopped my shedding pretty quickly. I then noticed my my hair starting to thicken all throughout the top of my head. This continued and now I’m at the point I am maintaining the hair I have with no further thinning.When I was 26 my hair started shedding. It kept shedding until I had a bald spot on the top of my head. I then started taking rogain and propecia. This stopped the hair loss and thickened a little for about 2 years. Then my hair started thinning again. I then started taking Avodart and the shedding and thinning stopped. I also had a good amount of thickening. I have maintained my hair for all these years since. I have responded very well to Avodart. (2002-2019)
6 mos. on Avodart generic and I have slowly begun to see thickening of hair around the temples, and some thickening in the crown region. I began to notice some signs of thickening of hair after 3-4 months.. (1st 6 months)
Less shedding and thickening after 3 months (1st 6 months)
Slight shedding of my finasteride regrowth in the front, generally feels thicker all over. Hoping to see if the front recovers better. As my results with finasteride took longer than a year to become noticeable.(1st 6 months)
I had a lot of initial shedding but my hair loss has been stopped almost completely 4 months after starting . Used Proscar for 2 years to no use. Dutasteride has helped me greatly(1st 6 months)
Some regrowth. No longer balding (2017-2020)
I’ve taken Avodart for about a decade now and never had any side effects. For me, this medication seem to slow down the rate of hair loss, but not stop it completely. There are times I notice more hair loss than other times, but overall the progression is controlled. (2010-2020)
Hair loss slowed and saw regrowth, thickening of hair (2006-2020)
I first began using dutasteride 0.5mg over 15 yrs ago. I recall that it dramatically reduced the amount of hair which I shed within approximately the first month of use (2006-2020)
I have taken for two years after 20 years finasteride. Good results It has effectively delayed my hair loss (2 years +….)
I did have initial shedding after the first few weeks but after that I experienced steady growth (1 1/2 years )
I may have had a little shedding in the beginning but it was so minor that it may have been just the fact I was looking for. I’ve noticed that I seem to be having some growth on the sides of my temple which is looking good. (1 1/2 years)
I have had gradual continued regrowth along my hairline, especially at the corners where it was thinning out after just a few months on dutasteride.
Around my mid 20’s I began noticing that my hairline and the frontal portion of my hair was receding and thinning out. At 27 I began taking finasteride and using minoxidil. They both worked well, and at 29 I switched from finasteride to dutasteride because I wanted the extra protection against future thinning.(1 1/2 yrs)
Stopped shedding and promoted growth (2006-2020)
Have been using Avodart since 2008′. After years of hair loss and increasing hair shedding Avodart gradually decreased hair shedding. Improvement in hair thickness was seen in about 8 months to 10 months. Hair loss and hair shedding also decreased gradually. Have continued to use Avodart to maintaifn hair growth. (2008-2020)
Stabilized hair loss (5 years + )
Regrowth and thickening with 6 months (1st 6 months)
My hairline began thinning around the age of 23. Gradually, over the years, my hairline has worsened, and my hair has also thinned slightly on the top and in the back. I have found Avodart to be extremely effective at preventing any further hair loss. After taking Avodart for a few months, I noticed my hair loss had completely stopped. I also noticed some regrowth. Hair seems slightly thicker as well. (1 yr 6months)
It’s stabilized my hair loss, I haven’t noticed any recession or thinning (1st 6 months)
I see lots of vellus hairs on the temples and some thickening on the crown (1st 6 months)
Hair looks to have started thickening around the 4 month mark (1st 6 months)
Began in early 90’s . First tried Propecia. Then Avodart. Avodart seems to have slowed down the remaining hair loss, as I’ve been using it since it first came out. (2005-2020)
Been using for 8+ years. Had some regrowth and works well at maintaining. Been on minoxidil and Propecia for several years. Then moved to Avodart. Has worked well in maintaining hair ( 8 + years)
Gradual thickening of hair which leveledl off. Now it’s just maintaining what I have (2002-2020)
Nearly complete cessation of hair loss. Thickening of frontal hair line. I take very other day currently. I slowed down because I wanted room to increase in the future to daily dosing. No side effects at all to speak of (2014-2020)
Stopped progression of hair loss, very minor shedding initially, slight thickening of the hair a few months after beginning (2018-2020)
Hair thickened within a month. Propecia stopped working so I switched to Avodart and saw improvement (2009-2020)
Continued progress with no additional loss (2005-2020)
After the first year there was significant regrowth at the hairline, which is the main area thatlosthair. It has been two years and is very consistent now, occasionally I seem to have a shed where it gets thinner at the temples but it keeps filling back in ( 2 years)
I have been taking Avodort approximately 15 years via prescriptions from Medicall Wellness. Avodart has essentially stopped my hair loss. I began losing my hair at approximately 20 years old. I gradually lost my hair until approximately age 28. Then, I began taking propecia for a few years and eventually began taking advodart. Propecia and advodart basically stopped my hair loss from progressing further. (15 years)
Strong steady results. No more loss at all (2003-2020)
I began taking dutasteride at 22 (now age 38) when I noticed receding hairline and thinning in the back. After a few months the bald spot in the back went away and my hairline stopped receding. After I stopped taking dutasteride for over a year, thinning increased in the temples. After resuming treatment, hair loss seems to have been halted
Age 26 ( now age 29) began thinning, used Finasteride for 2 years with success, began thinning again, used Dutasteride since then. 2-3 months to stop shedding, works best from month 6 to present. Regrowth and hair health has been great (1st 6 months)
Avodart treatment for me has gone very well, it began with a moderated shed but subsided and eventually evolved into the thickening of hair over the next 6 months. Hair loss began slowly over the course of about a year but progressively became worse until i noticed it and began taking avodart which has helped me tremedously (1st 6 months)
Had initial shedding, and still have phases where shed is stronger. Overall hair is thicker than started. Started losing hair around 20, did not realize this was MPB. Started Propecia and Mino around 23 for about a year. Switched to Avodart about 18 month ago, all prescribed through your company. (18 months)
I’ve been on dutasteride for over a decade and when I began my hair loss stopped and has regrown to some degree (10 yrs +)
No side effects and hairloss has stopped (2002-2020)
Have used for years. After use hair stopped falling out and became thicker after a few months (2011-2020)
Experienced thickening when first taking and have maintained over time (2004-2020)
Hair loss has stopeed since taking Avodart. Started when I was 26 and slowly began to recede until I started Avodart which has helped greatly (2012-2020)
I’ve had no shedding in the years I’ve used Avodart, regrowth and thickening has been noticeable. I’ve experienced no sexual side effects (2007-2020)
Shedding stopped a few months after starting Dutasteride. Diffuse gradual shedding starting at age 23. Took Propecia before starting Dutasteride about 15 years ago. Shedding has stopped with some regrowth. (2015-2020)
High 90% retain hair (2016-2020)
Thankfully no shedding, definite improvement of overall thickening, some regrowth. (2016-2020)
Maintained, worked forme, no known side effects (2016-2020)
I have been on Avodart for man years (15+) I use it for maintenance (15+ yrs)
I have been on Avodart for a while so it’s hard to say, but I recall my hair feeling fuller and not falling out as much (18 months)
Seems to be thickening my hair slightly better than Finasteride did. Started to look thicker after about 3 months (1st 6 months)
In my late 20s I began to notice a thinking of my hairline at the temples and began taking Propecia. After taking Propecia for approximately two years with modest results, I switched to Dutesteride, which I have taken for less than one year.
My hair thickness has increased slightly and I have had minor regrowth of hair in the temple region (1st 6 months)
I didn’t experience any side effects, but my hair loss stopped completely. I started noticing my hair loss around when I turned 21. Eventually, I started being prescribed dutasteride around 23, and my hair loss stopped. (2015_2020)
Hair shedding has been reduced. No futher hairline reduction. I’ve noticed increased shedding at around age 35. A slow receding hairline and thinning. When I’m taking Avodart, I notice the shedding stops and my hairline stays steady. (2013-2020)
I think Avodart, in combination with Minoxidil 5% has pretty much saved me from absolute baldness. My other brothers have lost most of their hair and they’re younger than me. My father lost all his top hair by the age of 30. Yes my hair is slightly thinning, but I still see myself in the Class 2 on the Norwood scale, which is quite impressive, giving that I’m 41 now. I started taking Finasteride 1mg at the age of 22, then upgraded to Avodart after reading many studies online that it can block up to 90% of DHT vs. Finasteride’s 70%. Been taking AVODART almost for 7-8 years now. Shedding has been reduced drastically. I’m considering an hair transplant in the near future, just to have that full and thick fox hair that I had when I was 18. My battle with hair loss started back in college over 20 years ago. Never did I think I would have to worry about losing my hair. But looking back I now understand why. My father was bald. My mother’s hair is okay. Not the thickest I’ve seen on a woman, but not bad. My condition wasn’t hair receding from the front as much as hair falling out in general on different parts on my scalp. And it was going at a fast rate at the age of 21; it was like the hair loss switch was turned on. I remember once I was in the elevator and the spotlight was so bright. I looked in the mirror and I saw a little bald spot in my frontal scalp. I got worried and I decided to take action immediately and I placed my first Finasteride 1mg order from India back then. I took it once a day with my morning vitamins. I also educated myself on the the downside effects of taking it, which for this particular medicine was erection problems for men. Luckily I haven’t had any side effects in that regard and I’m quite satisfied with my sex drive. After that I didn t worry about my hair loss for almost 20 years because it worked. I stopped using Minoxidil shortly and just used Finasteride 1mg. Now I’m back to applying Minoxidil 5% once a day in the morning. I’ve integrated it in my regimen and have accustomed myself to use it as part of my grooming routine. Yes it gives my hair a weird color when it dries out, but also some thickness which I kinda like. Now my condition has stabilized. I’m considering a hair transplant in Turkey maybe this year or the next. Maybe 2,000 follicles is all I need to have that full nice hair look that I had when I was 18. Thank you MWC (2009-2020)
Gradual hairline recession, first noticed at 22. Started with finasteride and switched to dutasteride a couple years in. I’m 28 now and very little additional recession has occurred. Probably a class 2 on the Norwood scale(2016-2020)
I started noticing a difference within 6 months of use. My hair has looked “normal” now for the last year and a half (or 2 years), and continues to look even thicker every additional 6 months. It’s starting to look how it was when I was in high school, so it’s definitely worked perfectly for me. At first, I thought the hairloss was sudden, but after looking through pictures in my 20s and early 30s, I suppose it “actually” started in my 20s – I just didn’t notice. In the last few years of taking dutasteride, my hair is looking better than it ever did in my 20s. In the following question, I’m selecting “Class 3” because I had diffused thinning on top, but “right now,” my hair looks perfectly normal.
My response to Avodart/dutasteride continues to be very positive. My hair is as thickness has improved significantly since I began using Avodart/dutasteride and I am not experiencing any side effects or shedding (2009-2020)
Ongoing preservation since I was about 32 (2002-2020)
Been using Avodart for several years. Has completely halted my hairloss, however not much regrowth (2002-2020)
It has worked great and been effective (2013-2020)
Shedding has stopped and hair appears to be fuller (1 1/2 yrs)
Initial shedding at three months. Regrowth at six months (1st 6 months)
I’ve noticed growth on my temples and I have maintained that growth (1st 6 months)
I’ve noticed new hair growth on my crown and a little on my hair line (1st 6 months)
Shed for a few weeks and good regrowth (1st 6 months)
No current issues. Used finasteride for a couple years and switched to dut last august, halted all loss. (1st 6 months)
The hair loss is not “resolved”, but it is mitigated by the use of dutasteride. The progression has slowed considerably. I had been on 1.25mg/day finasteride for almost 30 years, but progression of hair loss seemed to be increasing. Dutasteride has slowed the progression. (1st 6 months)
Started to notice a difference at 6 months of treatment, Hair became thicker especially at the temples where the majority of my recession is, Significant decrease in shedding and scalp itch (1st 6 months)
Hairloss halted after about 2 weeks and imporved with time, some hair regrowth by 3rd month and steadily improving (1st 6 months)
Initially when I started Avodart the shedding I had stopped almost immediately. Within the first 3 to 4 months i noticed i had thickening especially in the crown area. I also had improvements in the front of the hair line which I could not achieve with finasteride. After one year I continue to see slight more thickening and some regrowth. (18months)
Initially when I started Avodart the shedding I had stopped almost immediately. Within the first 3 to 4 months i noticed i had thickening especially in the crown area. I also had improvements in the front of the hair line which I could not achieve with finasteride. After one year I continue to see slight more thickening and some regrowth. (18 months)
I noticed reduced shedding and hair thickening in crown, took 3 or 4 months to start noticing improvements (18 months)
Few months in, and noticed some shedding, then hair started coming in, then started getting thicker, as well as new hair growth (2018-2020)
Still maintaining and still growing/thickening occurs seems to offset any hair that might shed. (2003-2020)
Stopped hair loss, has thickened hair (2003-2020)
Initial shedding, thickening and regrowth at 4-6mos. Been on maintenance dose for at least 10 years (2005-2020)
No futher hair loss for years (2002-2020)
I have noticed my hair is thicker and some regrowth (2008-2020)
Hairline recession and thinning at crown in 20’s. Diffuse thinning in 30’s . Stabilized or slowed diffuse thinning in 40-50’s. Avodart mostly maintains hair. Swtiching to finasteride resulted in resumption of hair loss (2006-2020)
After one year hair loss stopped plus small signs of thickening (2018-2020)
Initial shedding and then regrowth in teh crown and temples. Have been able to maintain the regrowth for a while (2008-2020)
Avodart has allowed me to keep my existing hair with initial thickening (2002-2020)
I’ve been using Avodart for many years, noticed a thickening of existing hair and regrowth around the crown area (2005-2020)
Been taking for years and have maintained hair after initial improvement 3 months in. (2002-2020)
Stopped losing hair (2005-2020)
After a few months, I noticed thickening in my hair. I am very pleased with the results. (006402-003)
I responded well. The thinning hair stopped completely. The existing hair that I had thickened and I experienced some minor regrowth of hair previously lost. (2012-2020)9ve had significant regrowth. I notice the change within the first couple of months of use. No shedding. (18 months)
I have been taking Avodart for several years. It definitely slowed the progression. I have been taking Propecia and then Avodart for close to 20 years now. I have way more hair than I ever would have expected. (2017-2020)
Amazing regrowth of hair (2017-2020)
I started to notice thinning around age 27. Started taking Propecai but it lost effectiveness in my early 30’s Then I started taking Avodart when I was around 35. I started taking Avodart about 10 yeares ago and noticed a dramatic improvement in thickness after several months. . (2009-2020)
I have been using Avodart for a few years now. When I first began using Avodart there was a bit of shedding however, after a couple of weeks my hair stopped falling out and it also began to get thicker. I would say after about 2 months I could tell that my hair had stopped falling out and that my hairline was actually thicker. It has really allowed me to keep the hair that I currently have (2003-2020)
It appears that Avodart has completely halted hair loss and even lead to thickening of hair
Gradual hair loss in my late twenties. Started on Propecia with good results. Underwent 3 hair transplant surgeries. Started using Avodart instead of Propecia for several years now with the thought that Avodart may be more effective.(2011-2020)
Hair has been stable since I started to take Avodart and I have even gained some hair and my own hair is thicker. Overall, ver yhappy with the result (2017-2020)
It only took a few months for me to respond and I had a lot of new regrowth around my hairline. I’ve been on dut. for (I believe) three years now and I think it has helped to stave off the inevitable for me so far, knock on wood. I don’t have much change to report, occasionally I will notice new growth here and there but it has seemingly slowed my hairloss. If I remember correctly, my hairloss (receding hairline) started in my mid to late twenties and very gradually continued from there, until I went on this regiment. (2017-2020)
I’ve had a lot of regrowth, particularly in terms of density when it comes to the top of the scalp. My hairline stopped receding after I got on dutasteride. I have not noticed any further hairloss over the past year and have maintained the hair I have. I’ve been on dutasteride for over 2 years now and am very satisfied. I need to get a 1 year refill. (2 years)
My hair has stopped falling after 3 months of treatment and continuous treatment prevents my hair from falling. My hair started to fall gradually until I started treatment with dutasteride 0.5mg. I have started treatment soon enough to avoid more severe hair loss.(2008-2020)
Thickening of hair during the frist year, then stabilization for the next two years (2018-2020)
I had no shedding, but I have noticed regrowth at the temple and hairline (18 months)
Hair started thickening around 10 months and continues to do so (18 months)
Continued thickening and I have not noticed further recession. I am really happy with my results thus far – I think this medication has been more successful than Propecia was.(18 months)
It is working very well and is growing my hair back (18 months)
After 3 months shedding ceased. After 6 months began noticing thickening ( 18 months)
I noticed positive changes right away, I had positive side effects, my hair grew thicker and stronger and I had no sexual dysfunction or side effects (1st 6 months)
Temporary initial shedding at 1 month, followed by maintenance and thickening of hair. No side effects. (1st 6 months)
It’s been great, shedding much less (1st 6 months)
Noticed significant thickening after 3 months of treatment, along with some regrowth. Continued treatment has maintained this regrowth and stopped previous hairloss (2017-2020)
It started at age 28, which is when I was prescribed both minoxidil and finasteride. This combination helped maintain my hair for about 4 years before I began to notice thinning again. 1 year after that I began dutasteride and have not seen any further thinning.
I have noticed my hair has not been shedding as much, staying thick, and overall working in my favor. My hair loss has been gradual, with some shedding and receding. Since starting dutasteride after switching from propecia, it stopped and has gotten much better. (1 1/2 yrs)
I have been on generic Avodart for 1.5 years now. I noticed thickening at month 9 onward. Avodart is successful for me in hair regrowth and maintenance. (1 1/2 years)
I have been on Avodart for a few years now and I have noticed that my hair has become very thick, even on my hairline. (1 1/2 years)
Stopped sheds and regrew hairs within 6-12 months (1 1/2 Years)
I had shedding the first couple weeks but it felt better within the second month. I had been taking finasteride before and this is definitely stronger. Feels stronger. I have noticed thickening but majority of my problem is a receding hairline which seem to have slowed dramatically. (1st 6 months)
No change initially, then noticed increased shedding around the middle of the second month. Hair remained somewhat sparser/thinner until maybe around the fourth month before thicker growth started coming back. Since then there’s been slow but noticeable improvement that has even received comments from friends and family, without prompting.: Initially noticed very subtle thinning and small bald spot on crown at age 18, which very gradually worsened. Starting minoxidil and finasteride at 25/27yo respectively helped, and further worsening seems to have more or less halted. Started dutasteride one year ago and six months marked the first time the hair loss seemed to actually reverse. Unfortunately some improvement was lost due to a medication gap, but I’m looking forward to seeing what happens this time around. (1st 6 months)
After a slight overall shedding I started to regrow hair on the crown of my head four months into use. The crown is not fully recovered, but my overall hair is thick.(1st 6 months)
Yes to shedding initially, lots actually. Afterwards notable growth, improvement in holding what I have. Overall more effective than standard finasteride. No side effects (1st year)
worked better than Finasteride. Have been using it for close to 2 years with no side effects. Compared to Finasteride, Avodart has a lot less hair loss. (2 yrs)
I’ve been using Dutasteride for 2 years now with stability. I haven’t lost much hair, but also haven’t gained much either. I have thicker hair and haven’t had an itchy hairline since the first few months (2 yrs)
Have noticed my hair not thinning anymore. It took about 3 months. I didn’t see any increased shedding (1 1/2 yrs)
About 3 months into treatment I noticed a lot less shedding. I still lose hair, but at about 20% the rate that I used to. It s helped a lot. (1 1/2 yrs)
Initial shedding after about 2-3 months. Hair has gotten thicker but no regrowth. Recession has seemingly stopped for now (1st 6 months)
Started Avodart about 10 years ago. Took about a year to notice regrowth. Regrowth slowed now but does a good job at maintaining existing hair thickness. (2002-2018)
Regrowth has been well maintained (2006-2020)
I’ve been taking Avodart for 14 years, and it has helped slow down my hair loss a ton! (2006-2020)
It has helped to maintain hair (2006-2020)
Has slowed hair loss (2007-2020)
Started noticing thinning of hair at 17. started minoxidil at age 20 and started taking finasteride at age 22. Noticed a small but of growth while taking fiansteride. Have been taking dutasteride for the past 2 years now with very good results
air thickening, 6 months to a year before I noticed a change. Small bit of initial shedding (2018-2020)
Since starting duasteride a few years ago, I’ve seen remarkable stability and even some regrowth that could not be achieved with finasteride. When I first noticed thinning on my scalp, I opted for finsteride. It worked for about 2 years in preventing futher loss, but after that I began losing hair again. Since I’ve started dutasteride I’ve seen stability and even some regrowth. It has worked very well for me. (2016-2020)
It has taken about a year until I noticed the effects. After the initial shedding I am seeing thicker hair and halt to my receding hairline. (2018-2020)
Responded well, no side effects, noticed thinning has slowed within 3 months of starting treatment (2017-2020)
My hairloss started at age 24 and halted at 30 when I started using dutasteride. Hiarlos stopped after a few months (2004-2020)
Have had mild shedding bouts here and there, and always with decent regrowth after. Maintaining (2006-2020)
Avodart has allowed me to keep most of my hair though out the years. (2013-2020)
Does a better job than Propecia (2012-2020)
Noticed regrowth after the 2nd-3rd month, hairline wasn’t receding and started to fill back in (1st 6 months)
Dutasteride has continued to work excellently.
Hair loss ceased almost immediately after beginning use and hair has become noticeably fuller and thicker over the past year. (1 1/2 yrs)
Incredible hair regrowth, no further hair loss noted. Minor side effect that do not affect quality of life or pose health issues. Hair loss started gradually, began hair loss regimen of topical minoxidil, vitamin supplementation, healthy active lifestyle. I have been taking Dutasteride thanks to medical wellness center and have experienced incredible regrowth and halted hair loss. ( 1 year)
My hair loss has stabilized since starting Dutasteride (1st 6 months)
Started noticing changes in hair density around 3 months into treatment. Hairline seems to be more stable.There was noticeable shedding for the first couple months. (1st 6 months)
It seemed like I basically stopped losing hair as soon as I started Avodart. It seems like I’ve had some thickening in the crown. My hairline is about the same as when I started it, I think, but I’m not losing much hair, if any.
Started to lose hair on top of head first, then hairline started to recede also. Tried Rogaine, which didn’t seem to do much, then Propecia, which may have helped some, but I was still losing hair prior to Avodart. Now at least maintaining with possible thickening on crown.(2017-2020)
Started having thinning of my hair in 1999. I then started with Propecia which did good for a while, and a little over two years later, they started to be less effective and my hair started thinning again. I then started Avodart in 2001 and the thinning of my hair quickly stopped. I then had a thickening of my hair all throughout the top of my head. Now all these years later I have been able to maintain all my gains. (2001-2020)
Since starting dutasteride a few years ago, I’ve seen remarkable stability and even some regrowth that could not be achieved with finasteride. (2016-2020)
I started noticing my hair thinning around my hairline when I was about 18. Had tried Propecia and not sure if it helped much, then heard about Avodart and tried that. Definitely stopped the thinning and probably even re-grew some hair. (2008-2020)
I’ve been using Avodart for more than 10 years ago. I noticed positive results with in 2 months of starting. Six months later there was significant reduction in hair loss but hair loss did not stop completely. I still have small amount of hair loss. But during this period I had considerable regrowth and my hair looks thick. (more than 10 years)
Hair came back better than on finasteride, which I was on for years (1st 6 months)
Great results and some hair gre back (1st 6 months)
Reduction in hair loss in 3 months, gradual regrowth after 5 months ( 1st 6 months) I had initial shedding after 2-3 months and now at month 5 -6 i have noticed a lot of hair thickening up again, especially around my receding hairline.(1st 6 months)
Started noticing thickening of hair and regrowth around 3 months into taking Avodart. Very happy with the results so far. (1st 6 months)
Switched to Advodart after finasteride for 2 years. Hairloss seems to have halted completely. (1st 6 months)
Noticable thickening and regrowth after about 3 months (1st 6 months)
Positive. Some initial shedding of existing hair after first month. Considerable growth of vellus hair almost immediately, including in frontal area that has been completely bald for 5+ years. Some terminal hair growth across the scalp after 5 months. No adverse side effects. First noticed frontal recession around age 22/23, have used minoxidil since then; some slowing of loss. Significant loss on crown and around age 26. Began using topical finasteride at age 29 with some regrowth. Switched to oral finasteride after one year with little results in 9 months.(1st 6 months)
My hair started being mildly thicker around 3 months. I’ve recently noticed that some smaller hairs are growing at the front of my hairline that weren’t there before.(1st 6 months)
My hairline has almost completely returned! The temples are thinner still, but there’s hair growing where there wasnt before. (1st 6 months)
In the 6 months I was using dutasteide I had no side effects and starts to notice my crown filling in around month 5. This is after I no longer experienced results from finasteride. Gradual loss that I didnt begin treating until I was in my early 30s. Began treating with minoxidil foam and then added finasteride a few years later. Finasteride stopped working for me at age 35. (1st 6 months)
Initially, I didn t see any notable progress throughout the first 2-3 mos. However, I first noticed slight improvement toward the latter half of the fifth month. I m not so much looking for improvement as I am maintenance as I m a solid NW2. I first noticed the slightest loss in overall frontal density when I was in junior year of high school. Fast forward to graduation, I found that the gradual loss was continuing at a moderate pace. It was a few months after my epiphany that I made the jump to standard 1mg Finasteride/Propecia. Over the last 6mos. I ve noticed a superiority of dutasteride over finasteride (1st 6 months)
I ‘ve had good results with regrowth, but it took a while (2017-2021)
Avodart has taken 4 months, but it’s stopping a lot of shedding I had. Hair that is left is quite thick and some minor regrowth is conming along. (1st six months)
Minor regrowth in terms of thickness at the crown, but mostly just maintaining what I have. Results were seen after about the third month and have been going steady since. There is some recession at the temples, but overall things look good. The prescription ended a month ago and I have been without the medication since (due to moving, etc), and shedding has increased since then, (1st 6 months)
I have responded well to Dutasteride. I have no side effects and am noticing a nice thickening and increase in volume of my hair. (1st 6 months)
Very positive effects. Stabilized shedding and some regrowth. (2005-2021)
Had initial shedding before any growth happened. Now seems to be doing a great job at maintaining my hair loss. Was about 9 months total before seeing the results. (2016-2021)
Some hair regrowth, reduction in hair thinning. Probably 6-8 weeks after initial dose (2012-2021)
My hair stopped shedding and falling out as much, The growth has been minimal but there are more small hairs at my hairline. I’ve mostly retained. (1 1/2 years)
Hair loss has been halted, slight regrowth has occurred. I previously took finasteride but have noticed better results with dutasteride (2019-2021)
Reduced shedding and improved regrowth over the course of several years of use. (2003_2021)
I’ve been taking dutasteride since 2003. After some initial regrowth in the first year, my hairloss stopped or slowed significantly.
My hairloss started in my early twenties with a receding hairline, and then some thinning in the front. I started taking finasteride at age 23, with no noticeable results after 18 months. I switched to dutasteride at age 25, and had some regrowth and thickening of hair within the first year. I’ve been taking dutasteride since and have mostly maintained my hair. (2003-2021)
I’ve been on dutasteride for a few years and working great. Full head of hair with no other noticeable issue. in college, started noticing lots of hair fall out during shower. Was scared and started doing research. Knew that my father was bald, so started to look into hair loss medication. Dermatologist prescribed me finasteride until I found dutasteride.
Initial shedding and then thickening in crown around 3 months (2018-2021)
: I had initial shedding several years ago when I began treatment. My hairline then regrew, and i noticed several cycles of thickening followed by shedding. Ever since then I have been extremely happy with the results. The tip front of my hair is definitely thinner, with thinner and lighter hair, but there is essentially total coverage. I use rogarme foam, once it dries I can fluff and style my hair with hairspray and nobody has any idea how thin my hair used to be, nor how far back my hairline used to be. (2017-2021)
hair feels and looks to be thickening, some regrowth at hairline
I noticed that my shedding stopped within 1 month of beginning Dutasteride which was not prevented from pervious finasteride treatments (1st 6 months)
Hair is getting darker; still too soon to notice much hair regrowth. I’ve been keeping my hair very short so haven’t noticed any shedding. (1st 6 months)
There was an initial shed that has lasted about three months. Then a lot of baby hairs have sprouted in the frontal region of my head. My crown is perfectly fine though. (1st 6 months)
Initial shedding for 5 months followed by increase in thickness of hair which has been maintained without major changes. (1st 6 months)
After around 3 months there was some regrowth above temples, and receding has stopped. (1st 6 months)
It helped thicken my hair, but I stopped taking it for about 2-3 months and need to get back on because I have experienced regression. It took about 4 months before I saw a noticeable increase in hair density, however my temple recession has increased somewhat.tarted with diffuse thinning from the age of 17-19 throughout the frontal scalp. after 19-20 I experienced accelerated temple and frontal recession. Dutasteride helped significantly with the diffuse hair loss but temple and frontal recession has continued albeit far slower. ( 1st 6 months)
No side effects. Avodart seems to maintain and maybe slightly regrow hair. ( 1 1/2 yrs)
I noticed my hair thickening after the first few months of starting. It has mostly stayed the same after the initial regrowth/thickening. ( 1 1/2 yrs)
Shedding stopped, slow growth First 6 months – 1 year visible change, slow improvements since (1 1/2 yrs)
It stopped my hairloss. Very happy with results (2016-2021)
I started by taking Propecia in my late 20’s and switched to Avodart in my mid 30’s. Taking Propecia and Avodart have essentially stopped my hair loss. I have been a customer of medical wellness for approximately 20 years. (2003-2021)
I’ve been taking Avodart for years; I have maintained most of my hair during this time. My family has a history of Hair loss; my brothers all went bald by their mid 20s. Avodart has allowed me to keep most of my hair through my mid 30s. (2008-2021)
Dutasteride has kept my hair thinning to a minimum. Crown of head is thicker. (2017-2021)
I first began using Avodart 0.5mg daily in the mid 2000s. I did not notice any initial shedding, but after approx 3-4 weeks the shedding I had been experiencing prior to using Avodart had significantly lessened. Gradual thinning which began aged 19 and continued until I used both rogaine/minox and dutasteride in combination. (2006-2021)
I began to notice a receding hairline when I was 26 years old. It got worse gradually until I started taking propecia, and now avodart. Then it has maintained ever since. I have successfully maintained my hairline for the past 2 years. I noticed any hair loss stopped within the first 2 months of taking it. There was no initial shedding and not much thickening/regrowth either. (18 months)
IVE TAKEN AVODART FOR 4 YEARS. IT IS KEEPING MY HAIRLINE FROM RECEDING. I CAN SEE RESULTS WITH MAGNIFICATION. typical male pattern baldness. I have had it diagnosed by a physician and dermatologist. I had no progress or results during the 18 months I took propecia. I have now taken generic Avodart since 2017 and I have having small yet expected results. I added 5% minoxidil one time per day one year ago. I can see small yet expected results using magnification. I have clearly stopped the progression of my hair loss. I have not lost any further ground in the past 2 years. (2017-2021)
I noticed changed within 6 months. Thickening on the crown, reduced loss on the frontal area (2012_2021)
Gradual and noticeable gains to density and some regrowth at the temples (2018-2021)
Been on avodart since 2017 and I think my hair loss fully stabilized and I maintained most of my hair Started losing hair since 18 and moving towards norwood 3 gradually. I knew my faith since both my uncles were norwood 7 at age 30. Started using topical monoxidil for a few years but the efficacy slowly reduced until I felt like I’m losing my hair again. Went on propecia for a year with minimal success and then tried avodart which changed the game for me. Very happy with my current state of my hair since 2017 when I started taking avodart. (2017-2021)
Have been using for 3 years and very satisfied, hair grown back to almost normal levels (3 years)
I’ve been taking Avodart for almost 15 years now and have had amazing response to it and because of the long half-life of it, I only have to take it around once a week to maintain my hair. I’ve grown back almost all of my hair on my head, even around the temples. Started losing my hair when I was 21, thinning all over. Started taking Propecia around 22 years old and it grew back some hair. When I started taking Avodart around 25-26 years old, I saw almost a full regrowth of my hair and an overall thickening. Now I only have to take Avodart once a week to maintain my hair. Have had zero side effects (15 years)
Very good, been using since I was 34 (2006-2021)
Existing hair has been retained and thickned (2008-2021)
General thickening and retaining hair (2002-2021)
Hair thickened, cannot see through to scalp, noticed around 3 months after starting (1st 6 months)
Response has been good. Have been on it for years and it s significantly stopped or slowed the progression of hair loss. (2006-2021)
Significant reduction in rate of hair loss followed by some regrowth in the long term (2003-2021)
Have successfully maintained hair since taking Avodart (2014-2021)
Maintained hair after younger brothers all began losing, occasional shed and regrowth (2016-2021)
Dutasteride has maintained my hairline and slowed my shedding. I’ve responded without side-effects.(2018_2021)
Initial shedding followed by gradual growth and thickening of hair (2005-2021)
gradual, maintaining well now; reversing a bit, now some thickening and growth in areas of most concern Great response ongoing growth; (2003-2021)
Ever since I’ve been taking Avodart I noticed a decrease in shedding and a stable hairline(2013-2021)
I noticed my hair loss at the end of College and decided to treat it rather than lose my hair. I have been taking Finasteride or Dutasteride for 5 years. I experienced initial shedding in the first 1-3 months and then my condition improved. My hair is thick and full with no additional recession. (2018-2021)
Avodart treatment has continued to work great for me; before Avodart I used propecia and I continued losing hair, but as soon as I switched to avodart the hairloss stopped (2013-2021)
It’s working really well. My hair is looking pretty normal right now, and it seems to be getting better and better with time (2016-2021)
I started using Avodart back in my 30’s and it has really done a great job of keeping the hair I have. I originally used Propecia and it did not work but once I made the change to Avodart my hairloss stopped and the hair I had became thicker. It has been a huge boost for my hair I started to notice my hairloss in my early twenties right after college. I went to my Dr and started to use Propecia however, I did not see a change in my hairloss. My hair continued to fall out. When I got into my 30’s I read about Avodart so I started to use Avodart and the results were very positive to see. From my mid 30’s until now my hair has stayed pretty close to the same. (2003-2020)
After two months I noticed the new hair growth stop shedding and the older hairs were able to grow longer. (1 1/2 yrs)
In the time I have taken Avodart, I have maintained my hair and stopped any further balding (2019_2021)
I took it after taking finasteride, and my hair stopped receding (2019-2021)
I switchd from finasteride to Dutasteride and within 3 months I started to notice increased hair growth. My entire hair denisty has increased dramatically. I had an initial shed that lasted the first 2 months, then it went away. I seem to be a hyper responder. My hair loss started at the hairline. moving from a norwood 0 to a norwood 2. I could tell by thinning that i was going to reach a norwood 3 in the years to come. By getting on finasteride and eventually dutasteride it has stopped almost completely. ( 1st 6 months)
First tried minoxidil, but that didn’t seem to help during the 6 months I was on it. Switched to Propecia and hair slowly grew back. After about 6 years on Propecia, hair started thinning again, so I switched to Avodart/Dutasteride. It grew back some of the lost hair and then is able to maintain my hair volumn for the 2 decades that I’d been on it.
I noticed my hairloss slowed/stopped about 5 month into treatment. No initial shedding. Hair started to thicken about 9 month after starting the medication. Right now, after about a decade on it, hair seems to maintain volumn with no additional growth (2007-2021)
Starting using Avodart about 15 years ago. Took about a year to work. Very effective at first. Does well at maintaining current hair now.(2002-2021)

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