Minoxidil Shampoo Refill Form Minoxidil Shampoo REFILL Form Fields marked with an * are required HTML Welcome back. After your initial consultation approval each follow-up consultation, if approved, is only $75 plus processing and includes Minoxidil Shampoo refill prescriptions good for 12 months. Combining topical minoxidil with a systemic 5-alpha reductase inhibitor such as Propecia or Avodart can enhance the effectiveness of both treatments and maximize hair thickening and regrowth. Male pattern hair loss is a life-long condition and you need to continue to use Minoxidil to halt the natural progression of Male pattern baldness and to prevent the new hair regrowth from thinning out. Please fill in all fields and respond to all questions honestly and completely. You must include your Medical Wellness Center Membership Number which was assigned upon approval into the program. (If you don't have this available, you can Email us for your membership number.)consultation. I have read the previous Minoxidil pages and I do NOT have any of the stated contraindications. I understand the WARNINGS and I have read and agree to the Waiver of Liability. Yes No Click here to read the stated contraindications before filling out the medical consultation form: HTML NOT AVAILABLE IN ILLINOIS AND ARKANSAS AND FLORIDA Minoxidil Shampoo prescriptions are compounded by Trinova Health**. If you have any questions regarding pricing or shipping, contact Trinova Health directly at 813-551-1165. There are NO refunds for consultations if the pharmacy cannot ship to your location. HTML The medical information you supply is subject to ALL patient/doctor privilege laws. Divider HTML MEDICAL HISTORY First and Last Name: * Medical Wellness Center Membership Number: Sex Male Female Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) * Age Did you experience any side effects: Yes No If yes, have these symptoms resolved? If not, please describe symptoms: Describe your response to MINOXIDIL treatment: Detail your progress: how long before you started to notice changes, if you had any initial shedding, thickening of hair, regrowth etc. Are you combining Topical Minoxidil treatment with any other treatments for Male Pattern Hair Loss? Yes No If yes, list other treatments: Have there been any changes in your current medical conditions that the consulting Physician should be aware of? Yes No If yes, be sure to also consult you regular primary care physician, symptoms could be unrelated to current treatment and related to some other condition Divider Please list all current medical conditions: Do you take any prescription medication? Yes No If YES, please list all Prescription Medications you are currently taking and the length of time taking each of them: Please list all over-the-counter drugs you take regularly and why. Do you have any known allergies to Medicines? Yes No If Yes, please list any known Allergies to Medicines: Have you had a physical exam in the last two years? Yes No Divider Do you suffer from Male Pattern Hairloss? Yes No Do you have or are you being treated for glaucoma - increased intraoccular eye pressure Yes No Are you allergic to Rogaine? Yes No Are you allergic to steroids, corticosteroids, hydrocortisone? Yes No Are you experiencing SUDDEN hair loss unrelated to male pattern hair loss? Yes No Is your hair loss due to the side effect of medication or chemotherapy or nutritional disease or thyroid disease? Yes No Is your Hair loss due to chemical treatment of your hair - perms? relaxing? coloring? or from hairstyle such as cornrowing? ponytail? Yes No Are you using any other medicines on your scalp? Yes No If yes, please explain: Do you have any skin conditions on your scalp such as eczema, psoriasis, red inflamed painful scalp conditions? Yes No If yes, please explain: Do you smoke? Yes No How much alcoholic beverages do you drink? None Occasionally Moderately Heavily Divider HTML CURRENT MEDICAL CONDITIONS & PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Do you have or have you ever had any of the following conditions? Glaucoma Scalp Eczema Scalp Psoriasis Scalp Skin Disease Coronary Artery Disease High Blood Pressure Thyroid disease gallbladder disease Cirrhosis of Liver Kidney Disease Enlarged Prostate Heart Attack Stroke Depression Liver Disease Hepatitis Prostate problems Elevated PSA Levels Heart disease Diabetes Endocrine Disorders None of the Above Are you currently on Chemotherapy or being treated for cancer? Yes No If yes, please explain: Have you had surgery in the last 3 months? Yes No If yes please explain Do you consider anything in your medical history to be relevant, please give details. If unsure, please ask your regular doctor Divider HTML FAMILY HISTORY Does Male Pattern Hair Loss run in your family? Yes No Do any of your immediate family members have any of the following medical problems? Diabetes High blood pressure Kidney Disease Prostate Cancer Liver Disease Heart disease Gallbladder disease Benign Prostate Enlargement Stroke Arteriosclerosis Cancer Male Baldness None of the Above Are there any other diseases than run in your family? Divider HTML HAIR LOSS HISTORY Do you suffer from Male Pattern Baldness? Yes No Have you been treated before for hair loss? Yes No Check each treatment that you have undergone Rogaine/minoxidil Propecia Avodart Surgical Other If other, please list At what age did you first notice hair thinning? Was your hair loss Sudden not due to Male Pattern Hairloss Gradual Is your hairloss due to the side effect of medication or chemotherapy or nutritional disease or thyroid disease? Yes No Is your hairloss due to chemical treatment of your hair - perms? relaxing? coloring? or from hairstyle such as cornrowing? ponytail? Yes No Please describe your history of hair loss: HTML Please from the illustration description below, choose which Norwood Classification of Hair Loss best describes your present condition: Please select your current Norwood Classification: Class 2: Receding Hairline Class 3: Generalized Frontal Thinning Class 4: Frontal Area & Crown Balding Class 5: Top of Scalp & Crown Balding Class 6: Extensive Hair Loss Class 7: Severe Hair Loss Only rim of hair remains Divider HTML PERSONAL AND PAYMENT INFORMATION HTML In order to review your consultation, you must provide your full name, a Physical Address (We do NOT accept requests to PO Boxes) and complete Phone number. We do NOT accept requests from Illinois or Arkansas or Florida Full Name ADDRESS: City State Zip Code Country Phone * Email * Name of Credit Card Holder Credit Card Type Discover Mastercard Visa Credit Card Number * Expiration Date (MM/YY) * 3 Digit Security Code * BILLING ADDRESS: Billing Zip Code Credit Card Verification Yes No I, AS THE CREDIT CARD HOLDER, VERIFY THAT I AM SUBMITTING THIS ONLINE-CONSULTATION REQUEST FOR A MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION AND I AUTHORIZE THE CHARGES STATED TO BE MADE TO MY CREDIT CARD (I understand that if I later dispute this charge as "unauthorized" I will be subject to criminal prosecution for credit card fraud). If credit card holder name is different than the person submitting consultation, you must verify that you have been given authorization to use this credit card: I VERIFY THAT I HAVE BEEN GIVEN AUTHORIZATION BY CREDIT CARD HOLDER TO USE ABOVE CREDIT CARD.( I understand that if this charge is disputed by credit card holder as unauthorized, I will be subject to penalties of criminal prosecution for credit card fraud.) Divider HTML BY SUBMITTING THIS CONSULTATION FORM, I CERTIFY: I Certify I am a male 18 years of age or older.I have read and agree to Waiver of Liability.I understand the side effects of this medication and adverse effect.I understand that MWC does not prescribe Minoxidil to anyone under age 18.I understand MWC does NOT prescribe Minoxidil Online to Women as Male Pattern Hairloss can be a sign of serious and life-threatening underlying disease and even cancer in women.I understand must NOT use Minoxidil if have scalp conditions or irritations such as scalp eczema or psoriasis or sunburn.I do not have any of the contraindications to therapy.I do not have a current prescription for Minoxidil from another physician and I do NOT have or use any other prescription medications on my scalp.I understand that my credit card will be billed $75.00 (plus S&P $9.50 or $20 for Express Service) for the medical consultation if approved, if not approved there is no charge for the consultation. If approved I understand I am not purchasing medication from Medical Wellness Center but rather the online consultation service. I purchase the medication from the compounding pharmacy , Trinova Health,where the prescription is forwarded and filled. I understand that by submitting this form it's an "electronic signature" of a binding agreement that I agree to pay the $75.00 consultation fee plus S & P if approved and understand that there are no refunds for any circumstances even if I later change my mind and decide not to fill the prescription or use the medication or I am advised not to use this medication by another physician. I understand that whether I choose to fill the prescription or not or whether I change my mind and decide not to take the medication, there are absolutely NO refunds for the online consultation fee. I have answered all the questions truthfully and I understand that by clicking submit I agree to all the terms and conditions including that my credit card will be charged the above stated amount for the consultation if approved. Divider HTML Prescriptions forwarded to Trinova Health compounding pharmacy. Medical Wellness Center only bills you for the consultation service. We do not sell or dispense medication. Your prescription is forwarded to Trinova Health and the pharmacy ships the medication to you. For pricing or whether the pharmacy ships to your location contact Trinova Health: Phone 813-551-1164 or Email - contact@trinovahealth.com Choose Regular or Express Processing: * REGULAR SERVICE: EXPRESS SERVICE: For refill prescriptions you have the option of: Additional comments and instructions: HTML Please confirm whether you are choosing Regular or Express Service: Please check here if you are requesting our EXPRESS Service and processing of your medical evaluation. If you checked yes and you are approved you will be billed a $20 express processing fee HTML **Medical Wellness Center is not affiliated or associated with Trinova Health. Trinova Health is a privately owned pharmacy and is completely independent of Medical Wellness Center. Medical Wellness Center provides customized treatments based on almost 20 years experience treating male pattern hair loss, and they forward all compounded hair loss prescriptions Trinova Health because of the integrity and reliability of this United States based, privately owned, local pharmacy, and that this pharmacy only uses FDA approved ingredients. HTML Click SUBMIT button (secure server) to order Minoxidil Shampoo Refill Consultation For any questions and fastest reply contact us by email at wellnessmd@medicalwellnesscenter.comPhone (United States Only): 617-367-8887 If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.