Why Medical Wellness Center TOPICAL minoxidil is more effective than ORAL low dose minoxidilMedical Wellness center prescribes oral minoxidil for androgenetic alopecia, male pattern hairloss.  In contrast to the oral high blood pressure dose of 10 – 40mg daily, research has shown relative safety of oral minoxidil 2.5mg daily dose for hair loss. Especially in men missing the scalp sulfotransferase enzyme to activate minoxidil, the liver sulfotransferase enzyme activates the minoxidil   Genetic male-pattern hairloss strikes men as early as their late teens to early 20’s.  Consequently, everywhere you see ads for lotions and potions to make your hair grow.  Unfortunately, most of these OTC products don’t work.

In contrast, Medical Wellness Center  successfully has been treating androgenetic male-pattern hair loss for over 30 years. Specifically we prescribe a combination of medication combined with oral  finasteride or dutasteride and minoxidil and topical bimatoprost and 2% nizoral shampoo.   Because male pattern hair loss is a relentlessly progressive condition in which DHT-sensitive hair follicles miniaturize and die, treating male pattern hair loss EARLY is important.

Medical Wellness Center for many years prescribed topical minoxidil formulas.  But , since the publication of an article in the New York times promoting oral minoxidil for pennies a day, everyone is inquiring about oral minoxidil. In addition, based on research most physicians specializing in hair loss and hair transplants are now prescribing low dose oral minoxidil with amazing results.

Research has shown that oral minoxidil may be safe and effective especially in men missing the sulfotransferase enzyme necessary to activate the minoxidil.


Medical Wellness Center uses a multi-modal approach to treating male pattern hair loss.  First we address the main culprit in androgenetic hair loss which is DHT. Specifically we prescribe either oral DHT blockers: either oral finasteride or dutasteride 5 alpha reductase inhibitors that block the conversion of Testosterone to DHT.   DHT miniaturizes and eventually kills genetically sensitive scalp hair follicles.  Therefore, using finasteride or dutasteride  decreases the available DHT and prevents the miniaturization and death of hair follicles.     Minoxidil and other prescriptions increase blood flow to the hair follicles and revive and rescue the already miniaturized hair follicle.    


Below is the multi-modal approach for the treatment and reversal of Male Pattern Hair Loss:

    • Dutasteride or Finasteride:mBoth Avodart (dutasteride) and Propecia (finasteride) are systemic 5-alpha reductase enzyme inhibitors that reduce DHT levels, the primary cause of male pattern baldness. DHT is responsible for the miniaturization and subsequent death of the hair follicles in the balding areas. Therefore,  Minoxidil and Finasteride and Dutasteride work synergistically on the key factors in the development of androgenetic male pattern baldness. Finasteride and Dutasteride decrease levels of DHT responsible for the miniaturization of hair follicles, which slows or stops further hair loss. While Minoxidil works to increase blood flow to the area and enlarges and restores the follicles that have been miniaturized resulting in thickening and regrowth of hair.
    • Minoxidil
      • Avodart (dutasteride) and Propecia (finasteride) are  systemic 5-alpha reductase enzyme inhibitors that reduce DHT responsible for the miniaturization of the hair follicles in the balding areas. Minoxidil works by increasing blood flow and enlarging miniaturized follicles and extending the hair’s growth phase. As a result, Minoxidil enlarges and restores the follices that have been miniaturized.
      • Over-the-counter Minoxidil (Rogaine) contains only 2 – 5% Minoxidil.  One can combine OTC topical minoxidil with low-dose oral Minoxidil to enhance the effectiveness of Avodart/Propecia treatment by stimulating the hair follicle and promotes thicker hair and hair regrowth. 
    • Topical Winlevi (Clascoterone): Winlevi is the NEWEST FDA-approved, potent androgen-receptor blocker.  Winlevi blocks DHT from binding directly at the hair follicle.  Essentially NO side effects and is SAFE and effective. It acts synergistically with Avodart to reverse DHT induced male pattern hair loss.
    • Latisse (Bimatoprost) or Latanoprost (Xalatan):  Bimatoprost (active ingredient in Latisse and Lumigan) , a Prostaglandin-Analog, was found to grow hair as an anecdotal side effect when used to treat glaucoma. The FDA approved the use of Latisse to grow and thicken eyelashes. And the more widespread the use, it was observed to thicken eyebrows as well. Now there has been studies and clinical off-label use of Latisse for male pattern baldness with remarkable results. Allergan, the manufacturer of Latisse, has just completed FDA Phase I Safety studies of Latisse for male pattern hair loss and is now conducting Phase II/III studies. Due to the excellent safety profile and reports of significant scalp hair growth, we are now offering prescriptions for Bimatoprost for male pattern hair loss as an adjunctive therapy to combine with other modalities.  Latanoprost is an affordable, less expensive Prostaglandin-Analog alternative to Bimatoprost (Latisse) for male pattern hair loss.
    • 2% Nizoral (ketoconazole) Prescription Shampoo:  Prescription strength Nizoral Shampoo has been shown in studies to be effective in male pattern hair loss. Nizoral works by inhibiting of the binding of DHT to the hair follicle and helps lower scalp DHT. Furthermore, it also removes sebum deposits than cannot be removed with normal scalp cleansing techniques. These fatty sebum deposits lie on the scalp and appear to clog the hair follicles and may reduce the nutritional supply to the follicle. It can be used alone or along with Avodart and any other topical hair loss treatment

Therefore, combining multiple modalities would optimize and enhance the effectiveness of treatment:

  1. Decrease scalp DHT with Avodart or Propecia/Proscar via inhibition of conversion of testosterone to DHT
    2. Minoxidil -increasing blood supply to restore follicles that have been miniaturized by DHT
    3. 2% Nizoral Shampoo inhibits binding of DHT to the hair follicle receptors.
    4. Latisse (bimatoprost) or latanoprost to promote hair growth.
    5. Topical Winlevi to block DHT at the hair root.